2021 Annual Campaign Begins
Dear Members,
The kick-off letter for our 2021 Annual Campaign is on its way to you! Please take a few minutes to step into our ReJEWvenation Spa and review your “spa” menu options! Thank you in advance for considering a generous donation to NCJW GLB & WOC.  

If you haven’t yet renewed your membership, there is still time! Click here.
Songs for Change:
A Night of Broadway with NCJW
Thursday, November 18, 5 pm, Zoom
Join NCJW for a night of song, spirit, and inspiration as we come together to enjoy performances from Broadway favorites and celebrate the joy and power of change making. Performing arts such as theater and song have the ability to both entertain and move us. At the end of this long year, without in-person gatherings as a community, and after theaters were closed for safety, we welcome a selection of Broadway’s brightest stars from WickedWaitressThe Lion King, Hairspray, The Band’s Visit, and more for a joyful and entertaining benefit concert that will inspire us to make change with a lasting impact.

Tickets are pay what you wish, with a suggested donation of $54. Get yours today – click here!
Celebrate with Your NCJW Friends
at the Post Chanukah Party!
Sunday, December 12, 2 - 3:30 pm, Zoom
In lieu of our annual Chanukah brunch, let's zoom together for a virtual post-Chanukah Celebration! We encourage you to come dressed festively in blue and white.

Our program: 
  • Fun virtual icebreaker games!
  • Share your Chanukah memories and cherished Chanukah items (have the item nearby to show us)!  How did you celebrate Chanukah this year in contrast to previous years?
  • Come ready to tell us about a good book or movie you've enjoyed in the last six months!
  • We’ll end with great music from our own Pattie Davidson and her husband Marc, professional musicians in the band Second Wind!
In the last several years we've had a voluntary toy donation opportunity at our NCJW in-person Chanukah party. If you’d like to help make the December holidays a little brighter for one of the 400+ abused or neglected children that For The Child serves, consider ordering safely online from one of their holiday toy registry “wish lists” (see below) and send to For The Child, 4565 California Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807.

Amazon has many teen gifts that they need, and Walmart and Target have items for younger children. Please mark "No Weekend Delivery" in the comment section of the order, and then send an email to For The Child at mchavez@forthechild.org so that they know your order is coming and they can thank you.

For more information, email info@ncjwlongbeach.org or call (657) 235-2511.
Support JFCS Families during the Holidays!
As the NCJW liaison to JFCS, I am excited to chair the agency's Adopt-A-Family program again this year. As the holiday season approaches, there is a greater need than ever to reach out to families that could use an outstretched hand.

If you would like to adopt a family or treat a person to a traditional Thanksgiving meal, click on this link, fill out the form, and hit "submit."

Thank you,
Judy Leff, board member
Communications Survey Still Open
If you haven’t answered our quick survey, we’d still be happy to hear from you. Click on the survey link here and fill it out so we can learn what information you find useful in our communications. Help us be the best we can be! 

Here's an Idea for Your Chanukah List:
Two Great Gifts!
Our beautiful one-of-a-kind "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" pieces of fusion glass art jewelry are still available! Pins and pendants are $36 (with silver) and $50 (with gold). Purchases can be made via our local NCJW website.

Or, give the gift of membership to National Council of Jewish Women GLB & WOC. Cost is $36, one-third off the regular membership rate! Information available here.
Mark Your Calendars ... Save the Date!
Thursday, December 2: Board meeting, 7 pm. RSVP for Zoom link; all members welcome!

Thursday, January 6, 2022: Board meeting, 7 pm. RSVP for Zoom link; all members welcome!

Saturday, January 8, 2022: Kindergarten Festival. 8:30 am to 12 pm, Dooley Elementary School. Contact communityservice@gmail.com for more info.

Saturday, January 13, 2022: Hugpack Packing. 6 - 7:30 pm., Alpert JCC. See our website, ncjwlongbeach.org/hugpacks.

Monday, January 24, 2022: Annual Book Review, joint program with Hadassah, luncheon at The Grand. Author Lucy Adlington will speak about her book The Dressmakers of Auschwitz. More info on our website soon.


Like us and follow us on social media and help us share NCJW events and advocacy programs with others! In addition, you can check out our recently posted Domestic Violence panel presentation along with many other previously recorded presentations posted on both Youtube and our website.

Email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org, call (657) 235-2511, or send mail to NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County, 6216 E. Pacific Coast Highway, #239, Long Beach, CA 90803. Please add this contact information to your contacts list.