CRGC News Broadcast
July 30, 2015
NCI SEER Announces An Extension for SEER Training Assessment



More time to get free CEUs! 


The deadline for the SEER 2015 Assessment of Building Blocks for Stage has been extended to August 31!  We realize that summer is time for vacations and want to ensure everyone has a chance to participate and earn free CEUs.

Participants will earn 5 CEUs for review and assignment of staging data elements to a set of 10 cases with an option of earning an additional 5 CEUs for a second set of 10 cases.


Since this is not a test for accuracy, individual study results will remain confidential and not released to NCI-SEER staff or registry managers. Study results will be de-identified before analysis.


Please log into your account on the SEER Reliability Study software (

Please email for technical questions and Annie Noone ( for study related questions.


Your participation is important for helping us assess the training needs for the transition to TNM staging and therefore, while participation is voluntary, we strongly encourage you to participate in this study.

If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me .   

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, Education and Training 
Cancer Registry of Greater California