Hello Bookmakers,

Our weather has changed again. We can always count on the seasons – the days are shorter, the air is cooler, and the leaves have started to change to beautiful fall colors.

Our Guild is proposing to make some changes as well. The Education Committee along with the Board are working together to streamline our 2024 program meetings. Proposed changes include having in-person as well as Zoom meetings and changing our agenda to include lectures, demonstrations, and presentations. We will present more details to you in the near future and ask for your input. We value your opinions so please let us know your thoughts.

Another big change is the Annual Meeting slated for November 2023, will be moved to January 2024. Please note this change on your calendar.

Please take note of some of our fall activities: Program Meeting on September 17, Oralee Nudson will be teaching a Jewelry Box class on October 7, November First Friday event will be held at the new 1504 Gillam Way venue and will feature our Hornbook Project - a beautiful catalog will be available for this exhibit. Also our Coptic special interest group has been meeting - check the calendar for fall dates.

I invite you to read the newsletter, check the website or come visit during open studio on Wednesdays from 12 – 2pm to stay informed about our Guild activities.

Corlis Taylor
NBG President

September Program Meeting 
Pamphlet Stitch as Floating Device

with Margo Klass
Sunday September 17, 1-3pm
On Zoom Only

Zoom link will be sent on Friday prior to meeting

Join us for the last program meeting in our “Mighty Pamphlet Stitch” series of activities. 
This time we will focus on using the pamphlet stitch as a means of layering one element of a 
book structure onto another. We’ll start with a simple accordion fold and look at various ways 
of adding - or “floating” - another layer in front of it, effectively increasing the possibilities of a book’s sculptural form and content. The model we will construct during the meeting is a first step to exploring how you might use this device in a project of your own.

Materials - please pre-cut:
Base: Canson or equivalent: 3 x 18”
Floating element: Shin Inbe or equivalent: 1.5 x 19”

Tools and other materials:
Cutting mat
Bone folder and scoring tool
X-Acto knife
Graduated metal edges
Rulers (2” wide and 3.5” wide)
Fine line pencil
Piece of foam core for piercing
Waxed linen, needle
Small needle-nose pliers (optional)
Double stick tape or MacTac

Information about preparing materials and gathering tools is included in the attached document here.
Lois Henderson, Contemporary Hornbook

Save the date!
NBG First Friday Event
November 3, 5-8pm

1504 Gillam Way
(near Mary Siah Recreation Center)

Mark your calendars now for First Friday in November! On November 3rd we will celebrate
completion of the Hornbook Project with a display of many hornbooks in the collection. In
addition, the newly published catalog of the Hornbook Collection will be unveiled. The catalog
will be available for purchase while artists who participated in the project will receive their
complimentary copies.

Another highlight of the event will be a display of handcrafted book and related bookmaking
items - all for sale and in time for holiday giving! Members are invited to sell items at this event.

Mark your calendars now!
2023 Challenge Themes

September/October - Architecture
November/December - Winter

The NBG Challenge is an opportunity for guild members to find inspiration through interpretation of the theme in whatever way speaks to them. Once finished, email pictures of your artist book to Ashley to be added to the NBG website. To view previous book challenge entries, visit the NBG website by clicking the button below. NBG member Magdeleine Ferru's lovely July/August "Wood" themed book is shown below.
NBG Workshop
Make a Jewelry Box 
with Oralee Nudson

Saturday October 7, 10am-4pm

Members $120, Guests $145
Materials fee: $15
Location: NBG Studio

10 Spots Available, RSVP Required

Learn how to make a custom jewelry box for your precious heirloom or metalworking masterpiece! In class we will make a 2" x 2" box featuring a hidden magnetic closure to both display and store your treasure. Bring your favorite durable/decorative paper or choose from a variety of options in class.

If you have them, please bring the following tools.
Otherwise, most tools can be borrowed from the NBG Studio.

X-acto knife and extra blades
Box cutter knife and extra blades
2" quilting ruler
Metal edges for precision cutting
Bone folder
Small water jar for glue brush
Rectangular steel bars for gluing box walls (~1 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2")

Financial assistance is available for NBG workshop or membership fees.
Apply by completing and returning the Marilyn Askelin Memorial Workshop Financial Assistance Form at least one week prior to class.
NBG Workshop
Coptic Binding II
with Margo Klass

Friday October 13, 6-8:30pm
Saturday October 14, 10am-4pm 

Members $125, Guests $150
Materials fee: $20

Wait List Only

Working with a pre-determined size and using pre-cut cover boards, this class will focus on preparing book boards for Coptic binding: making a piercing jig and drilling template, piercing and drilling holes, creating a title-plate inset, covering the boards with book cloth, and adding paste-downs. We will bind the book using an advanced, more intricate board attachment. 

*Participants will be expected to bring to class a pre-cut and folded text block with minimum of 8 sections, guards, end papers (fly-leaves and paste downs), and book cloth of their choice. Papers should be selected according to the intended use of the finished book (writing, sketching, painting, etc.). Limited to 10 participants.

Pre-requisite: basic knowledge of Coptic sewing. 

For more information email Margo.
A DIY Paper Storage Idea
By Rebecca Morse

Being relative newcomers to book arts, we’ve usually purchased paper to get us through each project. But with more structures in our tool chest we needed to get past simple portfolios and find a way to organize and store papers. We ruled out map cabinets due to their weight and the space needed. We’re sharing a simple solution in the event any of you are in a similar situation.

We purchased a 4 level pvc sweater drying rack from Amazon and placed it atop our washer/dryer. To do this you’ll need side by side units as the sweater dryer is a bit wider than one unit. We placed a 1/2 inch piece of foam core on the units to level the legs. We also attached an L bracket to the wall in back of the dryer to stabilize the 30” depth load. We cut 1/4 inch foam core for each level of the sweater dryer to hold the paper. Finally, we purchased 3/4 inch rubber leg tips from the new Ace Hardware on Airport Road for the bottom of the sweater rack. We found this easy to make and we’re enjoying using it.

NBG Open Studio &
Boreal Book Arts Showcase Hours
Wednesdays, 12-2pm

NBG Meeting
Coptic Binders
Thursday, September 7, 4-6pm

NBG Program Meeting
Pamphlet Stitch as Floating Device
Sunday, September 17, 1-3pm

NBG Meeting
Coptic Binders
Thursday, October 5, 4-6pm

NBG Workshop
Make a Jewelry Box
Saturday, October 7, 10am-4pm

NBG Workshop
Coptic Binding II
Friday, October 13, 6-8:30pm &
Saturday, October 14, 10am-4pm

NBG First Friday
November 3, 5-8pm
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!