APRIL 2023
Hello Bookmakers,

As I write this note it is the end of March. As the saying goes “March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a lamb”. I saw several people today wearing shorts! I am not ready to wear shorts but I am ready to start the book challenge for March and April – the theme for this challenge is "Fiber". Think about how you might use fiber in book making whether it is fabric or yarn or another type of fiber. I look forward to seeing what you create.

Two new items for our Guild – first, a big thank you to Trista Crass who has volunteered to create a new social media presence for NBG. So, look for us on Instagram and Facebook soon. Second, NBG will have a new opportunity to sell and introduce the public to bookmaking and our Guild with an exhibition at Two Street Gallery in October of 2024. We will share more information as our exhibition committee works out the details. It is never too early to think about what you might create for this show.

Upcoming classes and events in April include: Intro to letter Press, Coptic Binding I, NBG board meeting on April 16 and the Newsletter deadline is April 20. And, as always Open Studio is every Wednesday from noon until 2:00. Please look for details in the newsletter along with photos from classes in March.

Corlis Taylor
NBG President
2023 Challenge Themes

March/April - Fiber
May/June - Jewelry
July/August - Wood
September/October - Architecture
November/December - Winter

The NBG Challenge is an opportunity for guild members to find inspiration through interpretation of the theme in whatever way speaks to them. Once finished, email pictures of your artist book to Ashley to be added to the NBG website. To view previous book challenge entries, click the button below.
Northwoods Book Arts Guild Workshops
Saturday, April 29  10am - 4pm 
Members $90 Guests $110
Materials fee: $25

Wait List Only

Using basic precut materials, participants will create a Coptic-bound model book using a simple board attachment and Keith Smith’s 2-Needle Coptic Sewing I pattern. Folding the multi-sectioned text block, adding guards, piercing the holes, and drilling the cover boards will be covered, but emphasis will be on sewing the book. Special attention will be given to the subtleties of learning this binding: rhythm, tension, and regularity of motion. This class is designed for motivated participants who want to include Coptic binding in their regular practice; they may be new to Coptic binding, or need a review. No pre-requisite necessary.

Friday, May 5 6-8:30pm
Saturday, May 6 10am - 4pm 
Members $125 Guests $150
Materials fee: $20

Wait List Only

Working with a pre-determined size and using pre-cut cover boards, this class will focus on preparing book boards for Coptic binding: making a piercing jig and drilling template, piercing and drilling holes, creating a title-plate inset, covering the boards with book cloth, and adding paste-downs. We will bind the book using an advanced, more intricate board attachment. 
*Participants will be expected to bring to class a pre-cut and folded text block with minimum of 8 sections, guards, end papers (fly-leaves and paste downs), and book cloth of their choice. Papers should be selected according to the intended use of the finished book (writing, sketching, painting, etc.).
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Coptic sewing. 
Northwoods Book Arts Guild
2nd Annual
("tiny book” - a book that measures no more than 3 inches in any direction)
A drop-in social gathering of friends, old and new!

Saturday, May 13
1-4pm drop in anytime
*New Location: 1504 Gillam Way, near Mary Siah Recreation Center

$5 suggested donation
no RSVP required
Celebrate our love of bookmaking
Create a book of Dingbats (see photo), pre-printed in the NBG Letterpress Shop
Make other Tiny Books - materials, diagrams, and guidance provided
Bring tools, materials to share (optional)
Display of Tiny Books made by NBG members (bring yours!)

Art-o-Mat Project Update

NBG Members met in March and continued making great strides towards our goal of producing 100 original Jacob's Ladder structures for the Art-o-Mat project. We sanded, wrapped covers, and cut foam boards using one of three new NBG Cutting Dies purchased from Custom Shape Pros.

If you have an interest in working with colors, patterned fine paper, cutting durable Zanders Elephant Hide paper, or assembling a Jacob's Ladder, stay tuned for our next Art-o-Mat work session coming soon.

"Artie" the Art-o-Mat machine has moved to 1504 Gillam Way in preparation for the April 7th First Friday event featuring original work created by Lathrop High School art students. Support local burgeoning artists by stopping by this Friday evening and admiring their effort!

Regarding the photo above, a second new cutting die will cut our hexagon shaped boxes for future NBG Alaskan Concertina Garlands. Materials are on hand but we need a volunteer to lead the effort! We have well developed plans for two prototypes, Boreal Botanicals (pochoir painting) and Alaskan Concertina Garlands, and need an NBG Member to:

  • Develop or recruit others to develop the Art-o-Mat boxes and placard designs
  • Coordinate meetings for learning techniques and producing art work

If you find fulfillment in seeing great ideas come to fruition and are interested in taking lead for either or both of these prototype ideas, please click the button below. Thank you in advance!
UAF Summer Sessions
Bookmaking: The Expanding Gallery Box 
Friday, June 2 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4 10am - 4pm
Margo Klass, Instructor 

This 3-dimensional book structure requires the artist to imagine how the book will be experienced in the hands of its viewer - from unlatching the cover, opening the box, unfolding the hinged panels outward in all directions, and discovering at its center the object in a recessed compartment. Each step requires the viewer’s active participation.

Registration & information:

Fairbanks Arts Association
6th Annual Spring Juried Exhibition
Theme: "FOOD"
with Guest Juror Alanna Derocchi
April 7 - 29

First Friday Opening Reception
April 7, 5-7pm

Stop by the Bear Gallery at Pioneer Park during the month of April to view mouth watering art themed under artistic interpretation of "Food". All work on exhibit is created by artists residing in the Interior of Alaska, Doyon Region. Visiting the exhibit on an empty stomach is ill advised!

NBG Hosts a Class
for Osher Life Long Learning

During spring break an energetic group of OLLI learners gathered in the NBG studio for a class taught over two days by volunteer instructor Margo Klass. While creating a small “Pocket Book,” participants learned basic bookmaking skills, including folding, scoring, making multi-fold pockets, and sewing a pamphlet stitch. Participants brought in their own photographs and other images to embellish their books, making each unique and personal. 

While Guild members have taught OLLI classes in the past, this was the first time an OLLI-sponsored class took place in the NBG studio. It offered an opportunity for participants to see and learn about many aspects of the Guild’s work in education, exhibition, and outreach. A highlight of the class was a tour of the Letterpress Shop. Many thanks to OLLI for this opportunity!

NBG Open Studio &
Boreal Book Arts Showcase Hours
Wednesdays, 12-2pm

Horn Book Project
Consultation sessions at Open Studio
Wednesdays, 12-2pm

NBG Workshop
Coptic Binding I
April 29, 10am-4pm

NBG Workshop
Coptic Binding II
May 5, 6-8:30pm &
May 6, 10am-4pm

NBG 2nd Annual Tiny Book Party
Saturday, May 13, 1-4pm
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!