Greeley, CO — The NBCE is pleased to announce the election of three new members to the NBCE Board of Directors. The vote occurred on Friday, April 24 th during the NBCE Annual Meeting, which was hosted virtually this year due to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. State delegates elected a District IV Director during the meeting. Immediately following the meeting, the Board filled two At-Large seats and elected officers.

The NBCE Board of Directors consists of five District Directors elected by state delegates, two Directors appointed by the FCLB, and four At-Large Directors elected by the Board. District Directors are elected for a three-year term, may run for re-election, and can serve in the position for no more than nine years. At-Large Directors serve two-year terms, may run for re-election, and can serve in the position for no more than eight years.

District IV Director
Jason Jaeger, D.C. of Nevada was elected by state delegates as the District IV Director of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. District IV includes the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah.

Dr. Jaeger graduated from the Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS) in 2000 and presently works in a unified medical, physical therapy, and chiropractic multi-state group. He has previously served as a board member for the Nevada Chiropractic Physicians Regulatory Board, the Nevada Chiropractic Council, as well as the Nevada Chiropractic Association. Currently he serves as the co-chair for the International Chiropractors Associations Applied Sciences Committee. He is a Certified Fellow and Instructor in the technique of Chiropractic Biophysics and is the developer of the Universal Tractioning System. He is a medically published author and lectures on chiropractic around the U.S. and internationally. Dr. Jaeger is licensed to practice chiropractic in Nevada, Idaho, and California, and is proud to bring his experience and knowledge to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

At-Large Directors
Margaret Freihaut, D.C. of Missouri was elected by the Board of Directors as an At-Large Director of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Dr. Freihaut graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1979 and is the owner and director of Fenton Family Chiropractic. She currently serves as President of the Missouri State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and also serves as the chiropractic member of the Acupuncture Advisory Board in Missouri. She participated in Part IV testing as an examiner for more than six years and is entering her third year as Chief Examiner. She has also taken part in the Part III and Part IV test committees held at NBCE headquarters. Dr. Freihaut’s experience as a leader and active participant in the chiropractic profession for the majority of her career will be a valued addition to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Jason Young, D.C. of Oregon was elected by the Board of Directors as an At-Large Director of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

Dr. Young graduated from the University of Western States in 2007 and manages a successful solo practice in Corvallis, Oregon. He has served two three-year terms as a member of the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners, with two years as President, and is also the chiropractor for the Oregon State University Athletic Department. He has served as an examiner for the Part IV exam and has taken part in the Part III and Part IV test committees held at NBCE headquarters. Dr. Young is the second Black chiropractor to serve as a member of the NBCE Board of Directors. As a representative of minority populations serving at the highest levels of leadership within the chiropractic profession, he is passionate about the need to make chiropractic care more available to underserved populations.

Board Officers
Daniel M. Côté, D.C. was re-elected for a one-year term as the President of the NBCE.

Leroy Otto, D.C. was re-elected for a one-year term as Vice President of the NBCE.

Farrel I. Grossman, D.C. was elected for a one-year term as Treasurer of the NBCE.

Michael Fedorczyk , D.C. was re-elected for a one-year term as Secretary of the NBCE.
Headquartered in Greeley, Colorado, the NBCE is the international testing organization for the chiropractic profession, with the mission of ensuring professional competency through excellence in testing. Established in 1963, the NBCE develops, administers, and scores standardized examinations for candidates seeking chiropractic licensure in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and in several international countries.

For more information, please contact Max Russell, Public Relations Coordinator at or 970-356-9100, extension 119.