CRGC News Broadcast NB-2023-001
January 24, 2023

Follow this link to a listing of SEER SINQ's that have been finalized during the months of November and December 2022.

Highlights of this listing include:

  • 20220030 informs how to properly code histology for a lung cancer when all you have is "oat cell carcinoma".

  • 20220016 advises how to correctly code histology for a follicular carcinoma, minimally invasive, oncocytic variant of thyroid.

  • 20220008 instructs whether an atypical spindle cell neoplasm, primitive myxoid mesenchymal tumor of infancy (PMMTI) from the soft tissue of the leg is reportable in 2022.

Click here to access the SEER SINQ Website.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me.

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, E-Reporting
Cancer Registry of Greater California