CRGC News Broadcast NB-2021-014
August 12, 2021
Hematopoietic Manual & Database Updated

The Hematopoietic Manual and Database have been updated and are posted on the SEER website. The updated manual and database can be found at: Hematopoietic Project - SEER Registrars (

A list of changes can be found at: Revision History for the Hematopoietic Project - SEER Registrars ( Changes can also be found in the manual.

Note: this manual and the corresponding database are to be used for coding cases diagnosed January 1, 2010 and forward. The changes made do not require registrars to recode old cases.

If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the content of this CRGC News Broadcast please contact me.

Mignon Dryden, CTR
Director, E-Reporting
Cancer Registry of Greater California