Lymphatic Forum 2021 Online - May 31 to June 4
Vasculata 2021 in Boston, MA
Dates to be determined
Help support our trainee scholarships
Any profits from the sale of these NAVBO items will help fund additional scholarships for students in the Advancing Young Voices Through Diversity and Inclusion Program. Thank you for your support!
Double layered mask
Coffee mug featuring the NAVBO Online logo
Canvas tote
Fanny pack 
Fun NAVBO sticker!
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Help Support NAVBO
Vascular Biology Publications Alert Now Available by Subscription The NAVBO Vascular Biology Publications Alert will now be available to non-members for a $55 a year subscription. If you would like to receive this alert, but are not a member, please contact Danielle at
Partner Network Advantage on the NAVBO Job Board
Why post your job on NAVBO's career center rather than going directly to the larger job networks?
Pricing on the mass job boards can vary, but to get a job noticed you typically have to sponsor it for $5 - $10 per day, which can add up quickly especially since you also pay for each click the job gets. When you add it all together, you could be spending up to $45 per day on your job posting. But, when posting a job on NAVBO's career center, you simply pay a flat fee! The Premium package includes our Exclusive Extended Partner Network - which means the jobs are broadcast to sites like ZipRecruiter and Jobs2Careers and more for a flat fee.
With special member pricing, you can post a job for as low as $300 with this Partner Network. You never pay for each click, just the flat fee on the NAVBO career center. In addition, the Premium package includes a 60-day job posting making it a great value. The Premium packages also offer features like having your company's logo featured on the career center homepage, having your job appear first in search results, and more.
Your data privacy and security are important to NAVBO. To that end, we have updated our privacy policy to reflect recent privacy and security regulation implementations and changes. Please review our policy as time permits so you have a complete understanding of the data we have, why we have it, and how we use it.
Part of the updates relate directly to the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into place May 25. The GDPR seeks to improve the transparency of data usage and give end users more control over their own data. We believe these changes are important and will be compliant with the GDPR regulations.
Contact NAVBO if you have any questions or to change your communication preferences.
Please note, you can unsubscribe to this newsletter at anytime by clicking on the SafeUnsubscribe in the footer.
Join us today, December 3 at 1:00pmEST, for a webinar featuring Luisa Iruela-Arispe of Northwestern University. Her presentation is titled "Reflecting on the power of cell-cell interactions with a Notch-centric focus."
For more details and to register, go to:
We then look forward to starting the New Year with a webinar by Jason Fish of the University of Toronto on January 7, 2021. Dr. Fish's presentation is titled, "Somatic oncogenic mutations in the endothelium drive vascular malformations."
For more details and to register, go to:
 Great opportunities continue with a webinar by Karen Hirschi, University of Virginia. Her presentation, titled "Regulation of Endothelial Cell Specialization" will take place on
February 18, 2021.
For more details and to register, go to:
On March 4, we will welcome Guillermo Oliver of Northwestern University. His presentation is titled, "Lymphatics in organ growth and repair." |
Honoring Stephen Schwartz
Special Tribute by Michael Gimbrone
At the recent online NAVBO Town Hall (membership business meeting) on November 17, Dr. Michael Gimbrone gave a heartfelt tribute to the late Dr. Stephen Schwartz, who we lost in March of this year. Dr. Gimbrone's account of Steve's life touches on not only Steve's brilliance as a scientist, but their long-time friendship. Watch the tribute.
More tributes to Steve can be found on our web site at
NAVBO has established a new award named for Dr. Schwartz, that will appropriately recognize outstanding mentorship. Details will be online soon.
IVBM 2020 Poster Awardees
Congratulations to IVBM2020 Award Recipients
Riccardo Ballaro, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Colette Bichsel, formerly of Boston Children's Hospital
Deborah Chin, University of Southern California
Jaesung Peter Choi, Centenary Institute
Woosoung Choi, GIST
Jesus M. Gomez Salinero, Weill Cornell Medicine
Xiaowu Gu, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Karina Kinghorn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kyung Ha Ku, University of Toronto
Michael McCoy, Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Tvisha Misra, Hospital for Sick Children, PGCRL
James M. Murphy, University of South Alabama
Kazuhide S Okuda, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Qanber Raza, University of Illinois at Chicago
Irene Santiago Tierno, University of California, Los Angeles
Lisandra Vila Ellis, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Meet the NAVBO Twitter Team
NAVBO Twitter Team
Our team tweets and retweets as @vascularbiology helping to keep NAVBO's presence on Twitter (and in some cases, FaceBook, Instagram and LinkedIn) active and relevant. We appreciate all they do for NAVBO - especially promoting our meetings and webinars. Yay Team!
Please help them out by following NAVBO on Twitter - @vascularbiology and by retweeting NAVBO tweets.
Meet the team:
Click on the image to follow them
Request for Session Proposals

Organize and Moderate an Online Session
This is an opportunity to organize and moderate a session for NAVBO's New Online Symposia Series. We are seeking proposals from current regular members.
Our online meeting formats have proven to be very successful both before and during the pandemic; we believe that they will continue to be successful!
For several years we have sought session proposals for inclusion in the annual meeting. However, this limited us to choosing only one or two proposals for presentation. By moving this function to a bimonthly online forum, we will broaden the scope of the audience, provide opportunities to more members and provide the much requested free time to the annual meeting attendees.
We are asking our current regular members* to propose a 1.5 hour session with three speakers in a field that is relevant to the vascular biology community. Proposals will be reviewed and selected by a committee.
We believe that this will be a great way to cover the broad scope of material within the vascular biology field.
Submit your proposal today at: (if the pdf doesn't open automatically, click the download icon within your browser, then choose Open with Adobe Acrobat)
* Current regular members: independent investigators whose membership is up to date.
A new day for international education?
As the end of the Trump administration approaches, educators with a focus on international students are guardedly optimistic that a change in policy prioities at the very top will yield a more hospitable climate for those seeking a higher education experience in the US. Alongside this optimism, notes Elizabeth Redden in Inside Higher Ed, lies the concern that the serious damage done to America's reputation as a prime destination for international scholars will not be easy to reverse. Educators and international student advisors have contended with travel bans, executive orders, and obstructive regulatory actions. While President-elect Biden is expected to upend via executive order the ban that restricts travel from Muslim-majority countries, the fate of Trump's proposal to limit the duration of student visas remans uncertain. The rule would allow closer oversight of compliance with immigration laws, but is opposed by higher education groups owing to its burdensome new requirements on students and its incompatibility with academic program expectations. |
Welcome to our New Members:
Manu Beerens, Brigham and Women's Hospital/HMS
Katherine Yanez, Kent State University
Harvard Medical School Seminars in Vascular Biology
Organized by several NAVBO members (Peter Libby, Michael Gimbrone, Masanori Aikawa, Guillermo Garcia-Cardena, and Patricia D'Amore), this seminar series offers weekly talks on Thursdays at 4:30 PM (ET). Here's what's coming up:
December 3
University of Virginia Health System
"B Lymphocyte-Mediated Protective Immunity in Atherosclerosis"
UC San Diego School of Medicine
"The Oxidation Hypothesis of Atherosclerosis Revisited: A Pivotal Role of OxPL in Atherosclerosis, NASH and Inflammation"
December 17
Catherine "Lynn" Hedrick, PhD
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
Talk Title Pending
Recent Publications by NAVBO Members
The angiocrine Rspondin3 instructs interstitial macrophage transition via metabolic-epigenetic reprogramming and resolves inflammatory injury Nature Immunology Macrophages demonstrate remarkable plasticity that is essential for host defense and tissue repair. The tissue niche imprints macrophage identity, phenotype and function. The role of vascular endothelial signals in tailoring the phenotype and function of tissue macrophages remains unknown. Read more
NIH Center for Scientific Review mulls the future of reviewer confabs
How will study sections meet in the future? As Bruce Reed, Deputy Director of the CSR, notes in the Nov. 13 'Review Matters' blog, nearly all chartered review committee meetings were held in-person...until last March. Currently, the vast majority of all CSR review meetings are conducted via Zoom. Info from NIH reviewers, SROs, and other data sources show no sign that switching to Zoom was problematic review quality-wise. Still, reviewers and SROs tend to prefer in-person meetings for more individualized reasons. Looking forward, will meeting format affect scientists' willingness to participate as reviewers? To address this question, the CSR and the Office of Extramural Research plan to gather additional data from the February and March 2021 review meetings. Check out the details of their analyses thus far and share your ideas for how to improve Zoom review meetings. Please send your ideas to the CSR's Kristin Kramer, or add a comment on the blog linked above.
Enduring health inequities leave a legacy of distrust
A "...legacy of mistrust by people of color in health institutions, health professionals, researchers, and health policy-makers in the United States has existed for decades," writes former commissioner of Public Health for the District of Columbia Reed Tuckson in Science. This "disease of distrust" has had serious flare-ups in the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the reality that health inequity is widespread. Reed posits that establishment of trust in the medical community will be needed to remedy these inequities. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under President Obama, holds out hope that the incoming administration will pursue a more evidence-based approach to national health crises. For some communities, this will mean a restoration of trust; for others, especially those historically poorly served, it will mean building trust from the ground up. "We no longer have the luxury of staying in our laboratories," says Holdren. "We have to interact with broader society in ways that communicate what we're doing, why we're doing it, and why it matters." Striking a blow against manuscript review as a precursor to publication
Beginning in July, 2021, the UK non-profit scientific communications platform eLife will focus its editorial activities on producing public reviews to be posted alongside preprints, thus reserving editorial review for manuscripts already available to the reading public. This "publish, then review" model of information disclosure springs from the recognition that nearly 70% of papers under review at eLife were already available on the preprint services bioRxiv, medRxiv or arXiv. In modifying their practices, eLife will be swimming against a current of authors who still are judged based on journal citations, the currency of their career advancement. Nevertheless, the journal states that their long-term goal is " move science away from the use of journal titles as the primary measure of the quality of research." Further, eLife aims to introduce more informative evaluation metrics to appear alongside articles either published in the journal or reviewed as preprints. In this model, review evolves to an ongoing process of curation. |
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Special Research Topics
What do we know about COVID-19 implications for cardiovascular disease?
The coronavirus epidemic causes major cardiovascular complications. Underlying mechanisms, however, remain incompletely understood. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine invite you to submit your article on this topic. We consider all types of manuscripts: fundamental basic science reports, translational or clinical studies, review articles and methodology papers.
We have already published 17 articles. More submissions are currently under review. Due to the popularity and the emerging nature of this topic, we decided to extend the deadline to December 31, 2020. All articles submitted before this deadline will be published free of charge. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to publish your original study or review article in FCVM (Impact Factor 3.915).
Dear friends and colleagues,
Jun Zhang, PhD (Associate Professor, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso), is organizing a special issue entitled "Advancements in Cerebral Cavernous Malformations" in journal Vessel Plus (VP, ISSN 2574-1209).
This special issue aims to bring readers the up-to-date view of advancements in the scientific and technology innovations, translational and basic-science studies, and clinical trials of cerebral cavernous malformations. For more details about this special issue and the "Author Instructions", please visit the website at
Are you interested in contributing an article before February 15, 2021? If yes, please contact Jun Zhang (, the Guest Editor for this special issue, or Mavis Wei (, the Managing Editor of VP. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact us.
VP is an online open access journal which was launched on March 31, 2017 by OAE Publishing Inc. It waives the Article Processing Charge (APC) for all publications since launched. Thus, your manuscripts will be published totally free of charge once officially accepted after quick and rigorous peer-review. Meanwhile, all manuscripts published in VP will be immediately available online for free downloading and reading. Further, if the work is funded by NIH, we can deposit it in PubMed on your behalf.
Thank you for considering this invitation.
Dear friends and colleagues,
This special issue aims to provide readers with an up-to-date advancement in lesser-known genes, proteins and signaling pathways in vascular biology. Manuscripts related to concepts from these genes and proteins and their associated signaling pathways that connect into the well-established vascular ligand-receptor signaling systems are welcome. For more details about this special issue and the "Author Instructions", please visit the website at Are you interested in contributing an article before December 31, 2020? If yes, please contact Ramani Ramchandran (, the Guest Editor for this special issue, or Mavis Wei (, the Managing Editor of VP. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact us. VP is an online open access journal which was launched on March 31, 2017 by OAE Publishing Inc. It waives the Article Processing Charge (APC) for all publications since launched. Thus, your manuscripts will be published totally free of charge once officially accepted after quick and rigorous peer-review. Meanwhile, all manuscripts published in VP will be immediately available online for free downloading and reading. Further, if the work is funded by NIH, we can deposit it in PubMed on your behalf. Thank you for considering this invitation.