Brothers and sisters,

I wanted to share a quick update with you in case you were not able to be at the congregational meeting on Sunday. We elected five new elders; Brett Core, Kevin Hake, Andrea Hays, Rob Milligan and David Wallace, five new deacons; Doug Jenkins, Zach McMichael, Teresa Poeppelman, Suzie Stawicki and Anna Tipton, and three members of the nominating committee; Mandy Feisel, Jannette Milligan and Tom Skoulis. We are very thankful for these leaders and their willingness to serve! We are also grateful for the elders and deacons who have finished their active service in these roles; Justine Albert, Angelika McClelland, David Mitchell, Jackie Reed, Steve Schehl. Strong, spiritually mature officers in our congregation are essential to NAPC’s health. 

Second, Ed Reusch presented the 2022 operating budget and the status of the capital campaign. We are very encouraged by where we currently sit. If you would like to know specifics that were shared, let us know and we will be happy to share them. 

Lastly, I announced on Sunday that our final approval from the city to move forward on the building was granted last Friday. Our contractor will begin moving dirt very soon. The building and interior design committees are working with the architect on the final details of the building. We are expecting to have drawings for the building to send out to bid by the first of the year. Once the final bids are received, Session will review and the project will be presented to the congregation for approval of the construction loan. We anticipate having something to present to the congregation before the end of February! In the meantime, continue to pray for God’s hand in this process.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am grateful for your commitment to Christ and his local church here at NAPC. The words of Paul in Philippians 1:3-5 come to mind:

3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Serving together, 
Pastor David
Worship: 6600 E Dublin Granville Road (NAMS) New Albany, OH 43054
Office: 6648 Walnut Street Suite 100, New Albany, OH 43054 | 614.933.9680