2021 Nevada Afterschool Showcase
First Friday Forum
Our Monday Morning Mingles have turned into First Friday Forums! Join us at 12:30pm on the first Friday of the month for a 30-minute monthly chat with friends and colleagues in the Afterschool and Out-Of-School-Time field.

These monthly events will be opportunities to share your current program highlights and pose questions to other afterschool & OST professionals.

Our next chat will happen this Friday, December 4th. We hope to see you then!
Youth Service America Grant Opportunity
With generous support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, YSA will award Afterschool Grants of up to $500 each to support youth-led service or service-learning in afterschool programs.
Grants are offered on a competitive application basis and open to any afterschool program in the United States that meets the following requirements:
  • Engage at least 50 youth as volunteers in virtual, hybrid, and/or safe in-person service or service-learning projects between December 2020 – May 2021; 
  • Put students' health and safety first by following COVID-related guidelines of federal, state, and local governments;
  • Submit an online impact report by June 30, 2021;
  • Engage a large percentage of youth from underserved communities; and
  • Focus on engaging middle and high-school aged youth.

Activities can take place any time between mid-December and the end of the 2020-2021 school year. We will provide additional planning resources to grantees for MLK Day of Service (January 18, 2021) and/or Global Youth Service Day (April 23-25, 2021); participation in both of these days is optional.
Advocating for Afterschool:
Educating and Empowering Families
The Nevada Afterschool Network will be offering MONTHLY professional development trainings for all afterschool and OST professionals!

Our next training will be December 18th, and will focus on advocacy efforts specific to afterschool.

Learn all about how professionals can educate and encourage families to advocate for afterschool & OST support during the upcoming Nevada Legislative Session! Participants will be able to see the latest resources for keeping up with legislative news and get tips for successful advocacy activities.

Click HERE to view the event flyer.
Mark Your Calendars for the next Professional Development Webinars:

  • Friday, January 22 at 12:00pm
  • Thursday, February 18 at 12:00pm
  • Thursday, March 18 at 12:00pm
  • Thursday, May 20 at 12:00pm
Professional Development
NAN continues to look for ways to support your professional development needs. Please visit our page to find all training opportunities available to afterschool and OST professionals like you!

Access the recording of past webinars here.
Check out our training calendar here.
Mizzen by Mott App
Engaging with youth in a virtual setting can be challenging. Educators need new tools to provide the best experiences for youth, and the Mizzen app has stepped up to the challenge!

Mizzen by Mott inspires, engages and sparks learning in young people. With activities from premier organizations like Jazz at Lincoln Center and powerful management tools, this new app can help you strengthen your afterschool program. Supported by the Mott Foundation, Mizzen is available at no cost to afterschool professionals!
Comprehensive Center Network: Student Engagement in Online Classes
Strategies grounded in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Trauma-Informed (TI) approaches can support educators to cultivate safe and supportive environments that improve students’ ability to engage and learn, even when teaching students remotely. This tip sheet offers four sets of concrete strategies, categorized as the 4C’s, for teachers to engage students in their online classes at the middle and high school levels. These tips are ideas to consider, not a checklist.
Parents asking about COVID and why kids still need afterschool? 
The afterschool field is an essential part of the nationwide community response to the coronavirus pandemic, and programs continue to play a critical role throughout recovery as our states reopen for business.

This four-page handout describes why afterschool and summer learning programs are important and effective; outlines the support we need for reopening; and provides specific calls-to-action by audience.
Million Girls Moonshot Free Toolkit
The Engineering Mindset Toolkit is a collection of resources and tools for all 50 Mott Afterschool States Networks and their partners to access and utilize for the Million Girls Moonshot Initiative.
The resources in the Engineering Mindset Toolkit are not exhaustive. We will continue to add and modify the resources as the Initiative evolves and depending upon the needs of the Networks.

The Million Girls Moonshot focuses on the Engineering Mindset which we believe compliments the STEM mindset, as well as innovation, invention, and entrepreneurial education.

The Nevada Afterschool Network is excited to join the Million Girls Moonshot in this movement and empower the girls in our state. Stay tuned for exciting STEM opportunities for NV girls!