National Alliance on Mental Illness
March Newsletter 2024


First Tuesday of the Month

March 5, 2024

6:15pm - 7:30pm

Claremont United Church of Christ
233 Harrison Ave
Claremont Ca, 91711

Location: Sumner Room

Please make sure to social distance

If you are feeling ill, we also have a English Zoom option.

Link to Zoom meeting:


Family Support Group is here to connect you with families and friends who also have a loved one in their life that is suffering from a mental illness. 
We are here to support you!
We are in this together!

NAMI Pomona Valley Te inivitamos a nuestro evento:
Grupo de Apoyo Familiar! 1er martes del mes.

Link for Virtual Spanish

El Grupo de Apoyo familiar esta aquí para connectarte con familias y amistades de personas que sufren de una enfremedad de salud mental. Estamos aqui para apoyarte. 

Juntos se puede!

**Family Support In Person offered in English & Spanish**

Peer Support Groups

Every Friday at 6:30 – 8:00 PM
1st Fridays are in person at Claremont United Church of Christ
(2nd floor, Upper Room) and every Friday after that meets virtually

NAMI California Proudly Supports Proposition 1 on the March 5th Ballot

According to CalMatters, Proposition 1 is:
[a] two-pronged measure [that] would fund a $6.4 billion bond to drastically expand the state’s mental health and substance abuse treatment infrastructure. A majority of the money, $4.4 billion, would be used to build 10,000 in-patient and residential treatment beds across the state. The remainder would fund permanent supportive housing with half set aside for veterans with mental illness or addiction disorders.
The second part of the measure would require counties to change the way they spend existing mental health dollars by directing them to prioritize housing for people who are chronically homeless.
NAMI California is proud to support Proposition 1 and the meaningful investment in our state’s behavioral health system to modernize the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and prioritize funding for individuals living with serious mental illness.

NAMI California lists these six reasons as key in their decision to endorse Proposition 1:

  1. Makes necessary updates to the MHSA, providing funding for services and resources to those living with the most severe mental illness.
  2. Enhances state oversight of counties, guaranteeing they are accountable for investments generated through the bond and that voter approval is required for any future amendments.
  3. Cements critical resources within the legislative framework to ensure the original MHSA intent remains intact, including funding prioritized for outreach and engagement and stigma reduction and prevention.
  4. Increases funding in the Behavioral Health Supports and Services funding bucket, while also funding supportive services such as family engagement and psychoeducation.
  5. Provides additional resources for housing, including both community and acute care settings, which address the unique challenges faced by veterans grappling with behavioral health issues.
  6. Significantly increases treatment beds, providing funding for 11,000 behavioral health beds and 27,000 outpatient beds to meet the needs of those experiencing severe mental illness.

Source: Nami GLAC

NAMI Ask the Expert Presents:

A Fireside Chat With Dr. Marlene Freeman And Dr. Ken Duckworth:
Psychiatric Medications And Considerations For Individuals Across Pregnancy, The Postpartum, And Reproductive Years

Thursday, March 7, 2024, 4:00pm - 5:30pm ET

This will be a live Q&A event with Dr. Marlene Freeman, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Associate Director of the Center for Women's Mental Health at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Freeman and Dr. Ken Duckworth will answer audience questions related to maternal mental health, including the impact of psychiatric medications throughout reproductive years and mental health considerations for individuals during pregnancy and postpartum. We invite you to submit your questions for Dr. Freeman in advance of the webinar by either sending an email to or by including your question when you fill out the webinar registration form. 

!!Volunteers Needed!!

We need new presenters and are looking for other volunteers, who are willing to be trained; positions hopefully will be posted soon.
More details to follow soon on our website.

Additional positions coming, current position open:

*Looking to train facilitators in the mental health first aid training*

*Peer Volunteer Speakers*

*Community Volunteer Tabling at Events*

You may also contact the office for more details.
Phone: (909) 399-0305

Schiophrenia & Decision Making

Schizophrenia is a neuropsychiatric brain disorder that involves delusions (fixed false beliefs), paranoia, hallucinations, and sometimes mood symptoms. These symptoms can cause a person to lose touch with reality and can also heavily affect judgment.
Some people experience “negative” symptoms such as apathy, neglecting personal hygiene, and isolating themselves. Others experience cognitive deficits and trouble with memoryattention, learning, and planning. Persons with schizophrenia often struggle to make complicated decisions, maintain relationships, and participate in meaningful activities, including work, volunteering, or school.
However, despite the effects of schizophrenia, many people are still able to plan and execute some good and informed decisions.

Planning a Trip to Africa
Prior to my first psychotic episode, I experienced several warning signs, including a sharp drop in my grades and isolating myself. I was losing interest in a biochemistry major I had once been passionate about. Nonetheless, a few months prior to my first episode, I planned a trip to a slum in Nairobi, Kenya, to see the world, hoping to make a difference in a needy community.

Planning the trip to Africa was difficult. It involved locating a highly educated Kenyan woman doing humanitarian work in the slum. I kept in touch with her by email, and she explained how I could volunteer after I arrived, what to bring, where we would meet after my plane landed, and other details.

I also needed to apply for a visa, which turned out to be much more complicated than I expected, and in the process, my passport was lost in the mail. I successfully filled out the paperwork for a new passport. I also contacted the church where I grew up in Ohio, asking them to support my trip financially. After I visited them, they donated to cover nearly all expenses.

Source: Psychology Today


City Council meetings cover an array of topics within local Government. With so many ongoing changes we want to make sure NAMI's voice is heard. Its time to stand up and raise our collective voices to help you and your families. When policies and programs are being decided we want to advocate for Mental Health Services, Housing and so much more. Please take the
time to see when your local city may meet and what is on the agenda. If any topics arise we want to make sure we are advocating for ourselves, families and the community at large who may not be able to articulate their needs. Some local City links below.

Fore more information if you want to assist in advocating email

?Need Information?
NAMI Pomona Valley Helpline
Is here for YOU!!
(909) 399-0305

Support Groups

Classes, Support Groups, and General Meetings. In-person or Virtual meetings via the Video conferencing platform Zoom. You can also contact the office for more information.

Connection Support Group Online

Connections Support Via Zoom
Every Friday at 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Family Support Group Online
1st Tuesday of every month at 6:15 – 7:30 PM

If you have any questions please feel free
to call the NAMI Pomona Valley Helpline: (909) 399-0305
Available 9am to 9pm

Save the Date!

Everyone’s favorite event, NAMIWalks Greater LA County Mental Health Fest 2024 takes place

May 4th, 2024

NAMIWalks Greater LA County Mental Health Fest participants, like you, don't just walk the walk. You are the walk.

NAMIWalks Greater LA County Mental Health Fest is about people who think nothing of giving everything - their time, their stories, their heartfelt dedication to the cause: Mental Health for All.

Mark your Calendars its coming!!! MORE INFO Here
Greater Crisis Care Access: The Reality and the Promise of 9-8-8
The number to reach the National Lifeline, access to confidential support
for anyone experiencing a suicide or mental health crisis has now
become much easier.

Call the NAMI Helpline at
Or text "HelpLine" to 62640

NAMI Membership Dues:
Are you Current? Donations and membership are actually tax deductible!

Membership benefits include:

  • Our flagship magazine, The NAMI Advocate
  • Membership with NAMI National, NAMI California, and our Pomona Valley Affiliate
  • Voting privileges 
  • Discounts at the NAMI Store and on registration at the NAMI National Convention
  • Access to all the information and features on the website and more

NAMI National is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful
completion of your donation.

NAMI education classes and training programs are held throughout the year. Class seating is limited and fill quickly. Training programs are offered upon availability. Please fill out this contact form to be notified when registration for classes become available or for training program availability.

Support groups will continue as scheduled and info can be
found on our website. 

An 8 week course for family members and caregivers of individuals afflicted with severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Teachers are trained family members guided by a curriculum prepared and regularly updated by the national offices of NAMI. The course covers research to date on causes of mental illness, plus treatment and recovery programs as well as communication and coping skills.

To register please call 909-258-9864
Kyoni Cummings

Hope Starts with You

NAMI Greater Los Angeles County is proud to announce a new relationship with CalHOPE. Together, they have established the CalHOPE Warmline. 

This new resource is meant for people who are struggling with their mental health or for the loved ones of those with a mental health condition. The Warmline’s CalHOPE Support Specialists provide empathetic and compassionate emotional support and guidance along with access to behavioral care resources. The Warmline is available by phone, email, and Live Chat. Dial 818-208-1801, 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Monday–Friday and 1 p.m.–5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. Email the Warmline at Or visit to start a live chat.

If you Need Help Reach out

Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately.
1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

Other Resources Check the link below

NAMI POMONA VALLEY | P.O. Box 53, Pomona, CA 91711
Helpline (909) 399-0305 | Email: