
May 29, 2024

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Short Takes

Roswell, New Mexico Selected as Site

for 2025 Air Races

Memorial Day Weekend Flying

at a Glance

Pilot Dies in Spitfire Fighter Crash

in England

Legos Inspire the Next Generation of Space Explorers

Women Are Less Than Three Percent of Aviation Maintenance Technicians. Why?

Air Force, Northrop Advance B-21 Testing

Police Investigate Drone Strike Which Damaged German Air Force Eurofighter

FAA Approves Entrol H1000 AATD

Flight Simulator

EASA and FAA to Address eVTOL Certification at

Safety Conference

Joby Lays Plans for Electric Air Taxi Network in

Saudi Arabia

Check Out the May/June 2024 Digital Mentor here.

NAFI Merch

Breeze Into Spring With Some Fresh New Threads

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Industry Member & Supporter of the WINGS Proficiency Program

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that may be of interest to its members.


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 lookout for opportunities to assist our members. Please contact NAFI if you have job listings

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Commit to the Highest Standards

I recently met with a high school age private pilot student and his mother. They were disillusioned with his current flight training and seeking to transfer. As we reviewed the previous 20 hours of training experience, several alarming practices came to light.

The student’s CFI was conducting training without a syllabus, neglecting ground instruction, and the critical briefs and debriefs that frame every flight. Such omissions are troubling enough, but the revelations didn’t stop there.

While reviewing the logbook, I discovered an entry that made my jaw drop. The student mentioned a flight to Martha’s Vineyard during which they did not land. Instead, they grazed the island’s western coast before promptly turning around. The distance: exactly 51 nautical miles from the flight’s point of origin. This raised an immediate red flag.

According to FAR 61.1(b)(vi), “cross-country” time for an airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate includes flights with a straight-line distance of more than 50 nautical miles from the point of departure. An article by Boldmethod summarizes: “For the ATP certificate, you could, in theory, fly a straight line distance of 50 nm away from your point of departure, turn around, fly back, and log cross country time without even landing at a different airport.”

It appears the CFI used the flight to pad his own logbook. The student conducted no preflight planning and received no instruction in the art and science of cross-country flight. Instead, the logbook merely noted “steep turns” as the primary exercise for 1.6 hours. According to the tracklog, they did, in fact, do a single set of steep turns on the way back to the home airport.

Such practices are a disservice to the aviation community. It undermines the student's education and jeopardizes safety by producing inadequately trained pilots. I am reminded of a recent MentorLIVE presentation entitled “Do No Harm” given by colleague and fellow NAFI board member, Robert Meder, where he elegantly stated, “The decisions we make, the skills we teach, and examples we set touch an untold number of lives and affect our clients for a lifetime — for good or bad.”

In the spirit of aviation safety and integrity, let us commit to the highest standard of professional practice, ensuring that every student receives the comprehensive education and training they deserve. The sky, after all, is no place for shortcuts.

George Charles Allen,

NAFI Board Member

Aviation Industry News

Washington Sets Aside $240 Million for Pilot Shortages

Congress is setting aside $240 million to fix pilot shortages, a problem that has dogged the airline industry in recent years and caused delays for travelers trying to get to their destinations. The new money was tucked inside the recent reauthorization of the FAA. It will flow to schools and other groups focused on aviation-related education to allow them lower costs for students and provide more services. The government expects there to be about 16,800 open pilot positions annually in the years ahead. More here.

Aviation Fuel News

Experts Say SAF Supply, Demand Rising

With European Union mandates on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) scheduled to take effect next year, experts at the 2024 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition said demand for the environmentally friendly Jet A alternative is increasing, as is availability in many countries worldwide. The drop-in fuel is made from sustainable feedstocks, including cooking and plant oils, biomass, and agricultural residues. It’s a linchpin for business aviation’s goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 because it can reduce total lifecycle emissions by up to 80 percent. More here.

NAFI Summit 2023 Video Archives

Drone News

First 911 Response Drone Launched

BRINC has unveiled the first ever purpose-built hardware designed for Drone as First Responder (DFR) operations. BRINC’s integrated DFR solution marks a major advancement in drone technology, featuring the cutting-edge Responder drone and Responder Station charging nest. The drones are engineered to reach 911 calls in under 70 seconds, providing critical situational awareness to first responders before they arrive on scene. They are also capable of delivering life-saving medical supplies, reducing manned response times, and addressing low-priority calls without the need to dispatch personnel. As municipalities experience police staffing shortages, BRINC’s DFR solution can resolve approximately 25 percent of calls for service without dispatching officers. More here.

FAA Reauthorization Act Extends UAS Program

The FAA Reauthorization Act 2024 marks a significant milestone in the advancement of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) technology and safety. Among its provisions, the extension of the Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence, FAA’s Center of Excellence for UAS programs, stands out as a crucial initiative driving innovation and collaboration in the UAS industry. More here.

Aviation Environmental News

Report Urges Action to Reduce Contrail Warming Effects

A report from the International Air Transportation Association describes how contrails contribute to global warming and recommends solutions that industry can use to minimize their effects. The report highlights the complexity of contrail science, noting gaps in understanding how contrails form, persist, and impact climate. According to the study, trials with modified flight paths and alternative fuels have shown potential yet limited efficacy due to the variability of atmospheric conditions and the localized nature of where contrails do occur. More here.

Pro Tips for the CFI Checkride, presented by Andrew Dow

Are you an aspiring CFI preparing for your initial checkride? In this video, we've got you covered. Join us as we delve into essential tips and techniques aimed at helping you excel. We'll dissect common pitfalls and errors to avoid and share valuable insights to boost your confidence. Get ready to soar with success.

Andrew Dow is a six-time NAFI Master Flight Instructor, five-time Master Ground Instructor, CFII, MEI, and designated pilot examiner. Watch here.

eMentor's content comes from individual contributors and contains links to published sources outside of NAFI control, and thus does not necessarily mirror the opinions of NAFI, its membership or Board of Directors. eMentor is presented with the understanding that the information it contains comes from many sources for which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher as to accuracy, originality or completeness. It is presented with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in product endorsements or providing instruction. NAFI values your privacy.

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