Your Essential Guide to the 2023 Elections!
Get ready to make your voice heard in the 2023 elections! Here’s your essential guide:
1. Catch Up on What You Missed:
Couldn’t attend the 'What is On Your Ballot Forum' on October 4th? Watch the recap on YouTube—> HERE or
Facebook Live —> HERE.
2. Take Action:
Join us in calling BIPOC voters in Virginia every Tuesday from 3-5 pm PT/6-8 pm ET. Details HERE
3. Know Your Candidates:
Explore candidate questionnaires and voter guides from League of Women Voters, Fairfax Healthy Communities, and NAACP Voter Guide.
4. Engage with Candidates:
Attend upcoming candidate forums and discussions. Details HERE
Oct 2nd - Chairman of the Board of Supervisors - Recording
Oct 5th - School Board Member, FCPS School Board, At-Large - Recording
Oct 11th - Director, Soil and Water Conservation Board - Register
Oct 16th - Clerk of the Circuit Court - Register
Oct 24th - Virginia House District 8,9, 10 and Senate District 36 Register
Oct 25th - Virginia House Districts 6 and 13 and Senate Districts 37,39, and 40 Register
5. Important Dates:
Mark your calendar for upcoming events on:
October 21st - Meet and Greet (special focus on state delegates)
October 29th - Souls to the Polls, Mt Vernon Government Center, 1pm-5pm
6. Protect Your Vote:
Find Early Voting Locations List - Link (Center For Common Ground)
Map - Link
Offices on the ballot and candidate lookup - My Active Vote - Link (Center For Common Ground)
Candidate Look Up - (League of Women Voters)
Report problems at the polls - (Center For Common Ground)
Voter Protection Hotline - Voter protection hotline 866-OUR-Vote
Virginia NAACP Election Protection
NAACP Complaint Form - Link
7. Get a Ride to the Polls:
Free rides available from October 20th to November 7th. Call 843-890-2992.
8. Volunteer as an Election Officer:
Serve your community. Apply HERE or HERE
Please let us know if you applied to serve as an election poll watcher/officer - Election Protection Tracking Form -
VA Code allowing nonpartisan organizations to serve as neutral observers at polling places - Link
Are you or someone you know voting by mail? Here is how you can track it to make sure it was received - Track Absentee Ballot Status -
9. Educate Yourself:
Explore the 2023 Voter Education Library, including videos, programs, and toolkits.
Virginia NAACP Election Protection 101 video link | Slides link
Virginia NAACP Let My People Vote! 2023 Voting Rights Virtual Symposium - Program link | Video link | Toolkit link
Sign up for Virginia NAACP Election Updates -
10. Thank You, Partners!
A big shoutout to our partners who make it all possible.
Let’s make a difference together! Your vote matters. Stay engaged, stay informed, and let’s shape our community's future.
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