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Robert J. Collier Trophy Nomination Period Open Through January 31, 2018

The Collier Trophy

The nomination period for the Collier Trophy is now open through January 31, 2018.  The trophy is "... awarded annually, for the greatest achievement in aeronautics or astronautics in America, with respect to improving the performance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use during the preceding year."

New nomination guidelines are now in effect.  Please read the  updated guidelines before submitting a nomination as incomplete nominations will not be accepted.  For questions, please contact

Aerospace Leaders Honored at NAA Fall Awards Dinner

NAA hosted its Annual Fall Awards Dinner on November 29, 2017 in Arlington Virginia.  

The evening kicked off with a special presentation by the National Aviation Hall of Fame's (NAHF) Executive Board Member Dr. Kathy Hughes and Executive Director Amy Spowart, who revealed the NAHF Class of 2018 Inductees for the first time.

The NAHF Class of 2018 is a diverse group representing a broad range of enduring contributions to both the advancement of flight and the manned exploration of space:

Colonel Walter Cunningham, USMCR (Ret) is a decorated Korean War veteran, fighter pilot, physicist, Apollo 7 Lunar Module Pilot and SKYLAB Chief.

General John R. (Jack) Dailey, USMC (Ret) is a decorated Vietnam veteran, Former Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Staff, Former Deputy Administrator of NASA and the acting Director of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

(The late)  William H. (Bill) Dana was a 40 year veteran of NASA, test pilot and aeronautical engineer. He was also the project pilot for the X-15 and pilot astronaut for the X-20, among several other aircraft.

General Ronald R. Fogleman, USAF (Ret) is a United States Air Force Academy graduate, decorated Vietnam veteran (logging 80 missions as a Misty), Command Pilot and Parachutist, 15th Chief of Staff of the Air Force and author of the Air Force Core Values.

The NAHF Class of 2018 Inductees will be enshrined later this year at the Annual Enshrinement Dinner & Ceremony.  For more information, please click here .

Next, Rol Murrow, Founder of the Air Care Alliance, presented the Public Benefit Flying Awards.  

NAA and the Air Care Alliance created the Public Benefit Flying Awards to recognize the significant contributions to the Nation of volunteer-based Public Benefit Flying and the outstanding work of the individuals and organizations engaged in this humanitarian activity.  The four award recipients of the Public Benefit Flying Awards were:

Distinguished Volunteer Pilot: John Billings for generously donating his time, the use of his aircraft, and fuel costs to fly 380 patient flights in 12 years on behalf of Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic.

Distinguished Volunteer: Maj. Aaron Jones, Capt. Eric Johnson, and SSgt Johnnie Blount for their dedication and commitment to planning the Legacy Flight Academy's "Eyes Above the Horizon" event in 2017.

Outstanding Achievement in the Advancement of Public Benefit Flying: Civil Air Patrol for its exemplary organization in support of public benefit flying thought its "shadow escort" flights for the Air National Guard's 174th Attack Wing.

Teamwork Award In the Fall of 2017, several national disasters, including hurricanes and wildfires, devastated enormous  areas of South Texas, Florida and the Gulf region, the islands of the
Caribbean, and Northern California.  Within days and over the succeeding weeks, hundreds of volunteers from public benefit flying and other groups created a large relief effort providing rescue and critical aid to communities large and small throughout the affected regions.

For more information about the 2017 Public Benefit Flying Award recipients, please click here.

Following the Public Benefit of Flying Awards, NAA Board Member and former President of the Ninety-Nines, Pat Prentiss presented the Katharine Wright Trophy.

The Katharine Wright Trophy is awarded annually to an individual "... who has contributed to the success of others, or made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art, sport, and science of aviation and space flight over an extended period of time."

The 2017 Katharine Wright Trophy was awarded to Maj. Chrystina Jones for her commitment to encouraging women across the globe to pursue and succeed in aviation careers.

Unfortunately, Maj. Jones was unable to attend the Fall Awards Dinner.  General Stephen Wilson, Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, accepted the award on her behalf.

For more information about the 2017 Katharine Wright Trophy, please click here.

Next, NAA's Director of Contest & Records, Art Greenfield presented the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) Aeromodelling Gold Medal.

The Aeromodelling Gold Medal was established by FAI in 1987 and is awarded annually "... to an aeromodeller of an FAI Member of outstanding merit in organization activities."

The 2017 medal was awarded to Bob Brown for his outstanding contributions to FAI Aeromodelling World events and his eminent services to the FAI Aeromodelling Commission.

For more information, please click here.

The next award presented was the Frank G. Brewer Trophy.  The Brewer Trophy is awarded annually "... to an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization for significant contributions of enduring value to aerospace education in the United States."

Bob Brown, past President of the Academy of Model Aeronautics, which received  the 2010 Brewer Trophy, helped to present the award to Dr. John Anderson Jr.  Dr. Anderson was awarded the Brewer Trophy for his sustained international leadership in aerospace engineering education demonstrated by his authorship of an array of widely-read undergraduate and graduate textbooks with clear, engaging, and superior technical content and historical context.

For more information about the 2017 Brewer Trophy, please click here.

The Distinguished Statesman of Aviation Award was established in 1954 to honor outstanding Americans, who, by their efforts over a period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics and have reflected credit upon America and themselves.

NAA added six remarkable individuals to our list of Statesman at the Fall Awards Dinner:

Stephen Alterman for dedicating 42 years to advancing the interests of the all-cargo air carrier industry through his commitment to policymaking and remarkable foresight of the industry.

Ali Bahrami for his leadership, commitment, and collaborative work throughout his career, which has helped to advance the safety of global civil aviation by validating new commercial aircraft systems and promoting international cooperation on aviation safety issues.

Maj. Gen. Charles Bolden for his exemplary leadership, vision, and dedication to promoting the importance of human flight, discovery, and understanding of our planet, all of which advance the quality of life around the globe.

Jeff Hamiel for devoting over 40 years of service at the Metropolitan Airports Commission, where he navigated a complex and difficult terrain at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport and six general aviation airports.

Jack Pelton for his extensive and renowned career in aviation, which includes serving as the current Chairman and CEO of the Experimental Aircraft Association and past Chairman and CEO of Cessna Aircraft Co.

Phil Woodruff for his significant contributions to aviation throughout his career as Director of Education for the Federal Aviation Administration, where his leadership strengthened partnerships among government, industry, and education.

For more information about the 2017 Distinguished Statesman of Aviation, please click here.

The last award presentation of the evening was the Mackay Trophy.  The Mackay Trophy was established by NAA in 1912 and is awarded "... for the most meritorious U.S. Air Force flight in the previous year; also for gallantry, intrepidity, initiative, resourcefulness, and achievement of outstanding results in combat or non-combat conditions."

General Stephen Wilson, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Air Force and Lieutenant General Stephen Wood presented the trophy to the Crew of Spooky 43 Flight.

As outlined in the United States Air Force nomination, the crew of SPOOKY 43 distinguished itself while participating in sustained aerial flight as an AC-130U Gunship Aircrew, 4th Expeditionary Special Operations Squadron, Combined Joint Special Operations Air Component - Afghanistan, in support of Operation FREEDOM's SENTINEL. 

On November 2, 2016, the crew of SPOOKY 43 was tasked to provide close air support and armed reconnaissance for a 55-man combined American and Afghan special operations team conducting a raid to interdict insurgent command and control nodes, senior leadership, and their networks. After the crew of SPOOKY 43 arrived overhead, the combined American and Afghan special operations force (also referred to as "friendlies") was caught in a deadly ambush by a large insurgent force. The friendlies were engaged by small arms, heavy machine gun, and grenade fire from multiple defensive fighting positions. The crew of SPOOKY 43 provided close air support to the friendly ground force with the 25, 40, and 105-millimeter guns, to allow the them the freedom to maneuver and provide care for casualties. In order to protect the ground team from enemy personnel, the crew of SPOOKY 43 expertly employed the 105-millimeter gun at an unprecedented 12 meters from the friendly personnel. Due to the outstanding airmanship and bravery under extremely challenging circumstances, SPOOKY 43 destroyed 10 defensive fighting positions, 27 enemy insurgents, and three enemy technical vehicles, saving the lives of 50 combined American and Afghan special operations forces personnel who would have otherwise perished in the enemy ambush. The professional ability and outstanding aerial accomplishments of the crew of SPOOKY 43 reflect credit upon themselves and the United States Air Force.

For more information on the 2016 Mackay Trophy, please click here.

Congratulations to all of the recipients and honorees who accepted their awards at the Fall Awards Dinner!

General J.R. "Jack" Dailey Honored at 2017 Wright Memorial Dinner

The Aero Club of Washington hosted the Annual Wright Memorial Dinner on Friday, December 15th in Washington D.C. where General J.R. "Jack" Dailey, USMC (Ret.), Director of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, was award the NAA Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy.

Established by NAA in 1948 to honor the memory of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the trophy is awarded annually to a living American for "...significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States." One of the most important, historic, and visible aerospace awards in the world, the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy reflects a timeline of the most innovative inventors, explorers, industrialists, and public servants in aeronautics and astronautics.

General Dailey was recognized for "his courageous and dedicated service to the country and his commitment to sharing the history and technology of aviation and space flight with present and future generations."

NAA Chairman, Jim Albaugh and NAA President & CEO, Greg Principato, presented Dailey with the prestigious trophy.  " The life and career of General John R. Dailey adds to the historic legacy of the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy," remarked Principato.  "His career contains so many elements; any one of which would be worthy of this award.  As many of those on the selection committee noted, he is the epitome of public service."

NAA Chairman, Jim Albaugh (left) and NAA President & CEO, Greg Principato (right), present General J.R. Dailey (center) with the 2017 Wright Trophy.

2018 Luncheon Series

"Aviation State of the Union" Luncheon

Richard Aboulafia, Vice President Analysis, Teal Group, speaks to NAA members and guests at the January Luncheon.

NAA hosted its first luncheon of the new year on January 23, 2018 in Washington D.C.  Guest speaker Richard Aboulafia, Vice President of Analysis, Teal Group, presented his analysis for 2017 and forecast for 2018 and beyond to approximately 100 attendees.

To download a copy of the presentation, please   click here.

NAA gratefully acknowledges the support of our 
2018 Luncheon Sponsors:  

Aerojet Rocketdyne, GE Aviation, Gulfstream, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Rolls-Royce North America, UTC/Pratt & Whitney, 
and Aurora Flight Sciences.

President's Message
Greg Principato, 
President & CEO, NAA

As I write this in the immediate aftermath of the holiday season, I find myself spending some time looking back.  Not just on the many wonderful family moments we were fortunate enough to spend before, during and after Christmas, but also at how NAA ended 2017.  The major event, of course, is the Wright Memorial Dinner, at which our Wright Brothers Trophy was presented to Gen. John R. Dailey, currently Director of the National Air & Space Museum.  As I told the crowd at the dinner, the people who originally conceived the award really focused on recognition of "public service" of exceptional importance and value to aviation.  Jack is the very epitome of this ideal.  I have been to well over a dozen Wright Dinners over the years, and have rarely experienced the kind of genuine affection that was present in that room a month ago.  Each year, I have the ability to stand before the assembled luminaries to talk about the award and the recipient.  The respect and admiration with which people view Jack was quite evident from all the faces I could see from the podium.
Just two weeks prior, we held our Fall Awards Dinner. At that dinner the true variety of aviation disciplines covered and promoted by NAA comes into focus.  I told the people at the dinner it reminded me of the old ABC Wide World of Sports intro:  "bringing you the constant variety of sport," they used to say.  Except we substitute aviation for sport.  (You younger readers may have to Google this.)
We honored people who made their contributions in many ways, as an astronaut, an airport director, as aviation association presidents, corporate CEOs, members of the military, people who flew others in need, as government leaders, as educators and as people who excelled in air sports.  Many are well described by more than one of those categories.  That dinner might be my favorite event of the year precisely because it covers the entire breadth of aviation excellence.  A real highlight was when Gen. Stephen Wilson, Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force, presented the Mackay Trophy to an exceptional group of Air Force aviators.  What an inspiration those young people are.  Another highlight was the Aviation Hall of Fame announcing their 2018 class; a first at an NAA event.  I hope we can find more ways to work with them in the future.
But as much as I like to look back, and I do enjoy history, I think it is more important to look forward.  We will be selecting our next Collier Trophy recipient soon; the nomination period ends January 31.  We of course have other awards, the Stinson and Katharine Wright will be selected soon, followed later in the year by the rest of our awards.  We will continue to certify records, and continue to find ways to promote aviation.
One such way is through education.  Our plans are not yet fully formed, but I will be looking for ways to get NAA more involved in the promotion of aviation education, and in getting more young people interested in aviation.  I am particularly interested in finding ways to work with our affiliate members and Aero Clubs on this.  If you are reading this and have some thoughts, please send them my way:

Air Sport Organization News
U.S. Parachute Association Unites Collegiate Skydivers!

The U.S. Parachute Association once again brought together collegiate skydivers from around the country at the 2017 National Collegiate Parachuting Championships, the world's longest-running collegiate skydiving competition. The Florida Skydiving Center in Lake Wales hosted 82 collegiate skydivers from across the U.S. over the New Year's holiday for a week of fierce but friendly competition.
The collegiate championships includes skydiving competitions both in freefall and under canopy. The freefall events include teams of two, four and six skydivers racing against the clock to complete pre-determined formations while falling in excess of 120 mph. The canopy events challenge skydivers to steer their parachutes to land as close as possible to a target on the ground.
Traditionally, the military academies-the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York-dominate the championships, and this year was no exception. Skydivers from the two academies brought home all the gold medals. Skydivers from many other schools also competed, including Fort Lewis College, Georgia Tech, Iowa State, Kansas State University, Northeastern University, University of Connecticut, University of Georgia, University of Massachusetts Amherst and the U.S. Naval Academy.
This year, a team from the U.S. Military Academy also set a new national record in the 6-way formation skydiving event by completing the six-person formation in a mere 9.16 seconds after exiting the airplane!
Despite the stiff competition, the National Collegiate Parachuting Championships is best known for the camaraderie it generates among fellow collegiate skydivers. The event includes skydivers of all experience levels-those with less than 100 jumps to those with close to 1,000-from collegiate skydiving clubs of all sizes as they come together to have fun in the sky and on the ground.

A team from the U.S. Military Academy flies to a gold medal and a national record in the 6-way event at the National Collegiate Parachuting Championships. Photo by USPA/Laszlo Andacs.

Aero Club News

Atlanta Aero Club to Host Luncheon with Guest Speaker Rich Hanson

Join the Atlanta Aero Club for their upcoming luncheon on Thursday, February 1st featuring guest speaker Rich Hanson, President & CEO of the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

The luncheon will be held at the Capital City Club in Atlanta, GA with a networking hour from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and the luncheon to follow.

Rich Hanson currently serves as the President and CEO of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) headquartered in Muncie, IN. He previously served as AMA's Government and Regulatory Affairs Director from May 2008, until taking office as president in January 2017, and prior to that served on the AMA Executive Council for 15 years as a member of the Academy's board of directors. 

Rich is a life-long modeler and has years of experience in all aspects of aeromodeling and unmanned aircraft. He is an AMA Fellow, an inductee to AMA's Model Aviation Hall of Fame and was recently awarded the Paul Tissandier Diploma by the Federation Aeronautic Internationale (FAI) for his contributions to model aviation and the aeromodeling community.  

The Academy of Model Aeronautics is the world's largest aeromodeling organization. Founded in 1936, the AMA has grown to more than 180,000 members with nearly 2,400 chartered clubs located in all 50 states, the US territories and at US military installations around the world. The AMA has the dedicated mission of furthering, supporting, and advocating on behalf of model aviation and represents and supports a diverse community of aeromodeling enthusiasts. AMA's nationwide community-based programming provides an established safety structure for all forms of model aviation including the recreational, educational and purposeful use of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS).

For more information or register for the luncheon, please click here.


Winter 2018


In This Issue
NAA News
2018 Luncheon Series
President's Message
Air Sport News
Aero Club News
Call for Nominations
Records Claimed
Contact NAA
Upcoming Events 
Summer Awards Ceremony

May 16, 2018
Lockheed Martin Fighter Demonstration Center
Arlington, Virginia

Honoring the Most Memorable Aviation Records of 2017 and Other Notable Record Achievements

Collier Trophy Dinner

June 14, 2018
Location TBD
Call for Nominations
Nomination Period Open Through 
March 31, 2018

Nomination Period Open Though 
April 30, 2018
Welcome New Members
Corporate Member:

Show Your Support for NAA
  Order NAA merchandise

Membership Plaques
Baseball Caps
Polo Shirts
Leather Jackets
Duffle Bags
Cooler Bags
Stadium Blankets

For Record Holders:
National Certificate of Record
World Deplome de Record
Record Holder Pen

Records Claimed
September 1, 2017 - 
November 30, 2017
FAI Smaller   


Duration #125(d):  
32 min 9 sec
Brett D. Sanborn
Class F1D, Extensible Motor, Indoor
Lakehurst, NJ

Speed Over a 3 km Course:  531.64 mph*
Steven Hinton
Class C-1.e, Group I 
(Internal Combustion)
North American P-51 Mustang
1 Rolls-Royce 1650
May, ID
Speed Over a Recognized Course:
Amman, Jordan to Dubai, UAE:  351.36 mph*
Julian B. MacQueen & Travis P. Holland
Class C-1.e, Group III (Jet)
Honda Aircraft Company 
2 GE Honda HF120
Honolulu, HI to Oakland, CA:  166.05 mph*
Shaesta Waiz
Class C-1.d, Group I 
(Internal Combustion)
Beechcraft Bonanza A36
1 Continental IO-550
Khabarovsk, Russia to Anchorage, AK:  310 mph
Julian B. MacQueen & Travis P. Holland
Class C-1.e, Group III (Jet)
Honda Aircraft Company 
2 GE Honda HF120
Newark, NJ to Tokyo, Japan:  533.57 mph*
Mark S. Assaid, 
Eric L. Henman & Ivo Maia
Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G650ER
2 Rolls-Royce BR725
Tokyo, Japan to Newark, NJ:  620.29 mph*
Mark S. Assaid, 
Eric L. Henman & Ivo Maia
Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G650ER
2 Rolls-Royce BR725
Paris, France to  Moscow, Russia:  569.50 mph*
Mark S. Assaid, 
Eric L. Henman & Ivo Maia
Class C-1.l, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G650ER
2 Rolls-Royce BR725
Farmingdale, NY to 
Paris, France:  620.92 mph*
Mark S. Assaid, 
Eric L. Henman & Ivo Maia
Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G650ER
2 Rolls-Royce BR725
Moscow, Russia to Las Vegas, NV:  580.54 mph*
Mark S. Assaid, Eric L. Henman & Ivo Maia
Class C-1.m, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G650ER
2 Rolls-Royce BR725
Farnborough, UK to 
Las Vegas, NV:  505.94 mph*
Brian D. Dickerson, Anthony J. Briotta & J
ames T. Hicks
Class C-1.l, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream GVII-G500
2 Pratt & Whitney Canada PW814GA
Seattle, WA to  Washington, DC:  231.17 mph*
Field P. Morey & 
Conrad L. Teitell
Class C-1.c, Group I
 (Internal Combustion)
Cessna T240
1 Continental TSIO-550
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to Johannesburg, South Africa:  493 mph
Raphael Vasconcelos & Scott Amidon
Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)
Gulfstream G280
2 Honeywell HTF7250G
Speed Over a Commercial Airline Route:
Philadelphia, PA to  Athens, Greece:  544.30 mph*
Paris Michaels
Class C-1., Group
American Airlines 
Airbus A330
2 Pratt & Whitney PW4168


Absolute Altitude:  52,165 feet
Gain of Height:  41,798 feet
James M. Payne & 
Morgan Sandercock
Class DO, General
Perlan 2
El Calafate, Argentina

Speed Over a Triangular Course of 300 km:  108 mph
Keith Essex
Class D15, General
Schleicher ASW 27
Omarama, New Zealand


Large Formation Sequential:  219 skydivers, 2 formations
Class G-2, Performance, General
Eloy, AZ
Largest Formation, Night:  
64 skydivers
Class G-2, Performance, General
Eloy, AZ

Except where noted by an asterisk (*), information is preliminary and subject to approval.
NAA Staff Directory
Greg Principato

President & CEO

Art Greenfield
Contest & Records
Stephanie Berry
Awards, Events & Member Services

Natasha Clark


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