The GP40 was considered the top of EMD’s four-axle line when it was first introduced in the late 1960s. It appeared fairly similar in style to predecessors such as the GP35 (although there were certain differences) and, barring variations in rooftop vent configuration, was nearly identical to the other models released around the same time, such as the GP38. Standardized features allowed for unprecedented reliability and ease of maintenance, making the GP40 an instant hit with railroads, spurring more variations, such as the GP40-2. Today, many members of the GP40 family remain in service hauling freight and performing yard duties with both class one railroads and short lines. The Bachmann N Scale GP40 locomotives feature realistic, prototypical detail - with or without dynamic brake housings per road name, working LED headlights, separately applied handrails, windows with windshield wiper detail, E-Z Mate® Mark II knuckle couplers, and are equipped with DCC Sound OR or DC/analog operation with compatibility for user-conversion to DCC.