February 2024
Thank you for subscribing to the MyAccount Minute. The purpose of this communication is to help you better engage your customers online. If you have feedback or suggestions for future content, please reply to this email. Check out past editions of the MyAccount Minute to learn more about what's possible with your MyAccount site.

Recent Software Updates

  • Messaging added to Edit Auto Pay screen alerting customers that switch from PAP (NorthStar ACH) auto pay to auto pay managed by MyAccount that the first payment will schedule with the next bill and that they'll need to pay their current balance to avoid missing a payment
FEATURE HIGHLIGHT: Download Usage Data
Customers can download any of their account usage data at any time. To download usage data into a CSV file:

  1. Select Data from the View menu beneath the account information on the dashboard screen
  2. Click the download icon in the upper right corner of the data chart
  3. Choose the Service Type from the available service types in the dropdown menu
  4. Choose meter(s) of interest
  5. Choose data time interval
  6. Choose Start Date and End Date
  7. Select data fields of interest from the Choose Columns list
  8. Reorder the data columns by dragging the column name to a preferred position, if necessary
  9. Click Download

A CSV file is automatically generated.

Download Usage Data is an easy-to-use feature for customers, allowing them to access and analyze their usage data in depth.


Scheduled Auto Pay payment amounts automatically adjust to reflect any payments or credits during the bill cycle, ensuring that customers don't pay more than they owe.

  • Each day, a process automatically runs that reviews outstanding auto pay payments (managed by MyAccount) and compares those payments to the balance on the account

  • If the balance is less than the scheduled payment amount, the payment amount is reduced to the balance amount

  • If the balance goes to $0.00, the scheduled auto pay payment will automatically cancel

MyAccount Notification Types Explained
Email notifications

Customers automatically receive emails for the following notification types:
  • Registration
  • Payment Receipt
  • Failed Scheduled Payment
  • Auto Pay Enrollment
  • Auto Pay Cancellation
  • Expired Credit Card

Customers can opt to receive emails for the following notifications:
  • New Bill
  • Due Date Reminder
  • Past Due Reminder
  • Usage Threshold Alert
  • Water Leak Alert (if configured)
  • Weekly Usage Summary (if configured)
  • Scheduled Payment Reminder
SMS Text Message Notifications
To enroll in text message notifications, customers must add that notifications type in their Alerts screen. Customers can enroll in text messages for these notifications:
  • New Bill
  • Due Date Reminder
  • Past Due Reminder
  • Usage Threshold Alert
  • Water Leak Alert (if configured)
  • Scheduled Payment
Push Notifications
Push notifications are initiated and delivered through the mobile app. Any notification can be received as a push notification as long as customers have Notifications enabled in their device settings for the MyMeter or branded MyAccount mobile app and the Push Notification content is configured in the message template. These notifications will appear on the mobile device home screen.

All notification content can be customized. If you need assistance updating notification templates, contact Beth Carlson.
MyAccount Refresher Training - Virtual Edition

If you missed the in-person training in 2023, here's a chance to brush up on how to get the most out of MyAccount--for your customers and admin users. Note that if you attended the in-person training sessions, the content in the virtual sessions will mostly be the same.

MyAccount Refresher 101 - We'll review how all of the pieces of MyAccount work together, from NorthStar to InfoSend to Energy IP and your payment processor (especially behind the scenes), and explore some of the features that are useful for customers as well as customer service support staff.

MyAccount Refresher Advanced - This session will take a deeper dive into Admin user functionality along with the tools available to make supporting customers easier. We'll also talk about some common issues and how to address them.

Training dates and times:

MyAccount Refresher 101 Training:
Wednesday, February 28 - 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Thursday, March 14 - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

MyAccount Refresher Advanced Training:
Wednesday, March 6 - 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Thursday, March 21 - 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Learn something new from the comfort of your office! Register here.
Have questions and need answers?

Check out the MyAccount FAQs document! It has answers to the most commonly-asked questions about MyAccount from across the WPPI membership.

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