Q: How does a Secondary User get added?
A: A registered user may add a Secondary User from their User Profile screen.
Q: How does a Secondary User gain access to MyAccount?
A: A message is sent to the Secondary User's email address entered by the registered user. The message instructs the Secondary User to log into MyAccount using their email address and the password sent in a separate message.
Q: What can a Secondary User do?
A: Permissions are granted by the primary user, and include access to usage data and/or billing history for specific accounts. It does NOT include access to see account numbers, view bills or view the registered user's wallet items.
Q: How are Secondary Users indicated in MyAccount?
A: In the search results screen, Secondary Users are indicated with with an asterisk (*); Secondary Users will also be displayed on the primary user's User Profile screen.
Q: What is the purpose of the Secondary User feature?
A: Secondary User access is intended to provide high level access to another user needing to see usage or transaction history for an account.
Q: How can an additional user gain access to view and pay bills?
A: Any user needing to view and pay bills should register as a full user with their unique email address. Multiple users can be registered for access to a single account or groups of accounts under the same user number.