Praises, Prayers & Updates
THANK YOU Arbor Vista Nursery
Next time you drive by the Home and School for Boys, we hope you will take a few minutes to enjoy the landscaping in front of and on the side of the building. Arbor Vista Nursery did a wonderful job for us!
THANK YOU Brooklife Church
Once again, we had a successful work day as your people came alongside of us to accomplish many tasks; we are blessed!
THANK YOU United Way
You went above and beyond this year to make sure that the organizations you support in Walworth County are able to continue to provide so many services in spite of Covid 19, providing the largest donations ever at one time! Your creativity in capturing a representative from over 40 organizations, while socially distancing and wearing masks, was brilliant!

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday,
ONLY, 9 to 3
or by appointment: 262.275.6466

Dear Friends:

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." ~ John 14:27

It has certainly been an extraordinary Summer as we go forth enjoying God's beauty all around us, while facing the reality of how Covid 19 is affecting our lives. I pray you are all able to cling to the truth from John 14:27 above as you navigate the myraid of never-ending changes in our lives!

At Agape House, because we provide a boarding school service, we are able to continue to open up our home and school for the teens as we have done in the past, while respecting the guidelines for a healthy, safe environment to all who come through our doors. Please continue to pray for a hedge of protection around the ministry and all who are participating.

Blessings . . .


Praise God For:
~ the ongoing work that has been done by so many willing hands and the work that is still taking place to prepare all of our buildings for the doors to open in a few weeks! It takes many hands! If you have time to help with painting, cleaning, landscaping or other odds and ends, please contact us at 262.275.6466, whether it's a couple of hours, a half of day or more.

~ the work that God is doing in the lives of the teens over the summer months. We have continued to offer counseling services, and have seen some wonderful progress.

~ His ongoing provision, in so many ways, of all that we need to keep this ministry open!

Please Pray For:
~ God to direct the steps and open doors wide for those teens/families whom He desires to be part of our program beginning in September.

~ our new school staff, Elaine and Stacy, as they prepare to begin the new school year, for their willing hearts to be ready to stand firm on who they are in Christ to serve Him through this ministry.

~ Positions in Girls' Home to be filled: If you know anyone that has a heart for God and for teens and feels called into the home mission field, please spread the word that we are looking for a live-in full-time house staff for the girls' home. They would live on site but have their own separate apartment with one other staff member. We are also looking for a part-time RA for every other Friday one week, and on the opposite week, for every other Saturday and Sunday (12 hour days and Sunday they would go to church with girls at Lakeland Church). Contact Pam directly at 262.745.1882.

~ our teens in the program to desire to know Jesus and accept Him into their heart, if they have not already done so, so that they might know the true freedom of walking out their days on this earth in His peace.

~ healing and good health for all; we know that so many are struggling with a variety of issues, emotionally and physically.
We have a new donor platform that we are utilizing now, through Stewardship Technology. We hope you will find this to be a very user-friendly means of making your donations, as it has more options for you to specify how you would like to see your donation used at Agape House. One of our projects we hope to get done this summer is our Parking Lot; it's in desperate need of being safer!
When you shop here, please go to, and select Agape House as a charity; we will receive a portion of your total spent as a donation from Amazon.
Just go to 'Accounts & Lists', then to 'AmazonSmile Charity Lists; and search for Agape House Inc. with this heart logo. Thank you!
Click this link to see more updates about Agape House: Facebook