Volume 38 | September 29, 2019
Hi Friends,
In Honor of Breast Awareness Month-
On the Kornelia Stephanie Show
Here’s all the info you need in one place. 
Please like share and comment on youtube and help us spread this information to all the people faced with with Cancer.

The link between consciousness and chronic illness is explored in this thoughtful and timely discussion between hosts Kornelia Stephanie and my cousin Dana Theriault, and their guest, Dr. Maureen Pierce. 
How do you navigate the path from fear to empowered choice when you have a diagnosis of a serious medical condition? Watch the video and check out Dana’s first 5 segments in this series. Anne-Marie Pitre

Check out the "Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Series" Below
Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Part 1
Breast cancer can be a portal to your true power if you let it be a message of love and call to consciousness. It is a true 'call of the wild' because cancer is unpredictable and more about your life than the lump. Beyond intervention, surgery or otherwise, cancer is an invitation to take charge and lead in the treatment and transformation of your life. My life before, then, and after a date with the Doc on Valentine’s Day will never be the same. My hope is that what happened to me never happens to you or your loved ones because it doesn’t have to. #ComplianceIsNotPrevention.
Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Part 2
What do you believe about Women’s Health since the 'information age’? Do you believe that women are claiming more or less personal authority over their own bodies? Has women’s health really benefited with greater access to resources or have women become more disconnected from their bodies and more dependent on outside resources (machines or medical experts) for diagnosis of disease? As a Woman, do you feel you are the expert of your experience or do you rely on the external expertise of others? Tune in to see how YOU CAN “handle” the lumps and bumps of BEing a Woman’ with your very own personal and revolutionary empowerment kit for early detection of breast cancer. 
Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Part 3
Have you thought about what is true for you when it comes to getting a cancer diagnosis? Do you believe that Prevention IS Possible? Does a family history of cancer fuel a future fated with cancer? Is it your belief that if you get cancer once, you will get it again? Is there really such a thing as “cancer free” after cancer? Do screening and treatment methods help or harm the human body? Whether you are a man or a woman, do you feel driven to take inspired action to avoid getting cancer or do you simply do your best to be healthy with a ‘live and let live’ approach? TUNE IN to receive your FREE GIFT see how YOU CAN “handle” your health with affirmative advocacy and a determined mind to take a stand for your one precious life by vibrant design vs. victim default. Meet the Legendary Patient and Lifetime Lady Boss Advocate to see for yourself what is possible with 25+ years of Survivorship! #ConsumerBeware #BeCancerCareAware #HopeIsHealing
Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Part 4
Have you explored the relationship between what is happening in your life and what is happening in your body? Do you agree that dis-ease in your life is directly or indirectly linked to dis-ease in your body? How important is mental health when it comes to health and healing in the physical body? What about our standard of care in modern medicine, should mental health care be a necessary prescription when treating chronic illness or disease? Meet our very special Lady Boss Leader on the front lines in medicine and mental health. Our guest Psychologist has a passion for the practice of health psychology and will educate us on my field of fascination: psychoneuroimmunology. #MentalHealthMatters #MindBody #BiologyOfBeliefs #RelationshipRelevance #EmergingEvidence
Handle The Lump Heal Your Life Part 5
What does mean it to be a “Consumer”? Is consumption limited to the MATTER you put in your mouth when it comes to health, healing, or human potential? What comes to MIND when you think of all you “consume”? You can feed your Body and fuel your whole Being because you can  MAKE YOUR MIND MATTER.
Meet DR. JOE DISPENZA TEAM LEADER, Legacy-making SOULpreneur, and our very own LADY BOSS! In her leadership and mindset mastery as an orthomolecular and functional medicine nutrition expert, our guest can help you with WHAT to consume and HOW to  create  your best body, brain, and version of YOU with Lifestyle and Mind-to-Matter Medecine. #LADYBOSS #LEADERSHIPLEGACY #LOVEANDLIFESTYLEMEDECINE #MINDTOMATTER #HEALTHANDWELLTH

Help increase the ripple effect and invite a friend to enjoy the show with you and, be sure to both go on and LIKE, Share, Subscribe and Comment on Youtube! This kind gesture will help us spread this information to many people and families who are facing Cancer.
Lots of Love ,
My Breast Friend Detection Kit

Get Your ~My Breast Friend
Personal Early Detection Kit.
Early Detection At Your Fingertips.
Come to My Happiness Retreat!
Consider what your life would be like if you felt more positive, creative, centered and engaged with life? During the retreat week, Kornelia will guide you through exercises, techniques, and thought activities designed to bring you into the present moment of emotional freedom and spiritual connection so you can maximize happiness on a daily basis.
Costa Rica April 18th-25th, 2020
Don't Miss Out!
A $500 deposit holds your space. 

Send a check payable to:
Kornelia Stephanie P.O. Box 119
La Conner, Wa 98257


Pay $520 with a credit card