Cathedral Bulletin | March 26, 2021
Scroll down for: Livestream liturgies during Holy Week; Musical prayer tonight; things you might have missed; coming events
Livestream Palm Sunday Masses
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
Sunday, March 28, 2021

MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages


MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
Registration for Holy Week Liturgies
Click on a date/time to register. Most services are already full; those marked with * will also be livestreamed (details below). We are sorry that due to Covid-19 guidelines we cannot accommodate all who wish to attend. Keep an eye out for an email coming soon with registration for Easter Sunday Masses.

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion | March 27 - 28, 2021

Wednesday of Holy Week | March 31, 2021

Holy Thursday | April 1, 2021

Good Friday | April 2, 2021

We have put many precautions in place to make sure that the celebration of Mass during Covid-19 is both safe and comfortable. This is not business as usual! The following are important instructions for those who wish to take part. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • Registration is required in order to limit the numbers at each service, and registered persons will be checked in as they arrive.
  • Masks/face coverings must be worn throughout the Mass except when receiving Holy Communion. Your mask needs to cover both your nose and your mouth at all times.
  • On arriving at the Cathedral, you will be greeted by staff who will check you in and show you your place for the Mass.
  • You will NOT be able to choose your own place to sit, nor will you be able to move about the Cathedral once you have been seated. Household groups will be seated together.
Registration for Easter Masses
Keep an eye out for a separate email inviting you to register for Easter Masses. We can only accommodate 200 persons in the Cathedral for each Mass. We regret we will not be able to accommodate all who wish to attend.

Saturday, April 3, 2021: The Great Easter Vigil
8:30pm MASS
please note that this liturgy typically lasts about three hours

Sunday April 4, 2021

8:00am MASS
10:00am MASS
12 Noon MASS
5:30pm MASS

4:00pm Solemn Vespers of Easter
Livestream liturgies during Holy Week
Holy Thursday | April 1, 2021

Good Friday | April 2, 2021

Holy Saturday | April 3, 2021

Easter Sunday | April 4, 2021

Liturgies marked with * are livestreamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages; all others are livestreamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages. More information and orders of celebration are coming soon!
Musical Prayer tonight at 6:30pm
Friday, March 26, 2021 at 6:30pm
Victoria Parker, violin

Chrism Mass
Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 3:30pm
In case you missed it!
You are welcome, and you are loved
There are a couple of things that are very much on our minds these days, and I want to say the briefest word about them before the blessing. The racially based attacks on our Asian and Asian American sisters and brothers in recent days are not only appalling, they are the very antithesis of everything we stand for both as Christians and as Americans. We need to speak up for them and to do everything we can to defend and support them in the midst of the violence and hatred they are experiencing. And to you, our parishioners who are Asian American, I am here to say that you belong, you are respected, and you are loved.

Also, in my homily I made mention of the recent statement from the Vatican regarding the blessing of same sex unions. The language employed in the statement was, in my opinion and in the opinion of many - including some very prominent bishops and archbishops – unfortunate, to say the least. It was tone deaf and hurtful. I know many of our gay and lesbian parishioners felt crushed by it, and they are not the only ones who found it very disturbing.

The issue here is not the church’s teaching. We are all well acquainted with that. The issue is that, even though there was an effort in the statement to affirm our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters and remind them that they are loved, some of the language that was used negated that effort and left many of them with the feeling that they are not welcome in the Church. I am here to say that they are. You are. You are welcome and you are loved.

Father Ryan
Praying the Stations of the Cross
Pray the Stations of the Cross!
Father Ryan reads meditations by Paul Claudel. Featuring the art of Joan Brand Landkamer. Joseph Adam, organ and Emily Amesquita, cantor
Healing Mondays begin April 5
Spiritual Exercises begin April 12
Registration and information, Rosanne Michaels
Poem of the Week
The 50th episode! Scott Webster reads R. S. Thomas' "The Coming" and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary
This Sunday's bulletin
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104