
August 2023

Bob Simpson, President, Multifamily Impact Council



It’s hard to believe, but we’re at that time when we start planning for next year. I’m sure you’re already working on your organization’s 2024 strategy, as we certainly are at the Multifamily Impact Council. 


I wanted to use this month’s newsletter to share some insight into our strategic planning and let you know what you can expect from us in the coming year. And since August is as good a time as any, we’ll make this an annual thing going forward. 


But first, a quick look back. 


The Multifamily Impact Council was established in May of 2022 with a singular focus to support the growth of multifamily impact investing by establishing an industry framework of impact principles and reporting metrics to ease the flow of impact capital into our sector and sharing best practices, research and training materials to help organizations improve the lives of the people who live in their properties, reduce their environmental impact, and deliver returns to their investors.  


We have made progress towards these goals in the 15 months since our inception. Version 1.0 of the Multifamily Impact Framework was released in May and has been downloaded by over 200 organizations. Our membership continues to grow and now consists of 54 owner/operators, lenders, investors, and service providers. We continue to build awareness around multifamily impact investing via speaking engagements, bi-monthly Impact Collaborative calls, and this newsletter, which is nearing 2,000 subscribers.  


I hope you will find the following insight into our strategic planning helpful, brief, and focused towards action. As an old rancher friend of mine once told me, “You can make a fancy plan to do something, but then you have to do it. So, stop talking and do it.” 


Thanks for reading, 

Bob Simpson 


Multifamily Impact Council 

Multifamily Impact Council Updates

The Multifamily Impact Council was established in May of 2022 with a narrow focus on establishing an industry framework of principles and reporting metrics to help increase the flow of impact capital into the multifamily housing sector. 

In the 15 months since our inception, we have expanded our membership to 54 organizations, increased awareness of multifamily impact investing via speaking engagements over a dozen industry conferences and events, and grown the subscriber base for our monthly newsletter to nearly 2,000 multifamily professionals. And we are extremely proud that over 200 organizations have downloaded version 1.0 of our Multifamily Impact Framework™. 


As we look ahead to the next 15 months, here is an update on what you can expect as we move forward.

Multifamily Impact Framework™ 

Version 1.1 of the Multifamily Impact Framework will be released on Sep. 18. This version represents our final update for 2023. It includes 20 specific reporting metrics and guidance for organizations to incorporate and adopt the framework into their impact strategies. 


A link to download the framework will be available on our website. We'll also share it with our newsletter subscribers via email and LinkedIn.   


Once Version 1.1 is released, we will focus on helping organizations adopt the framework and put it to work. Adopting the framework will be free and not exclusive to MIC members. More information on how organizations can get involved and participate in our informational and training sessions will also be shared on Sep. 18.   

The MIC Resource Library 

The Resource Library now includes nearly 100 research papers, best practices, and helpful tools to support the growth of impact investing in the multifamily sector.   


Over the summer, we've added new resources from MIC members and other leaders across the sector, including Avanath, Community Preservation Partners, Enterprise Community Partners, Esusu, Fannie Mae, the Federal Communications Commission, Fitwel, Freddie Mac, HUD, Institutional Limited Partners Association, Jonathan Rose Companies, National Multifamily Housing Council, Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation, Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future, Veritas, and more. 


We are always looking to enhance the resource library, and if you have some resources to share, please let us know. You can also stay up to date on additions to the library by following us on LinkedIn.  

Council Membership 

To ensure that our membership is more inclusive, we have revised our annual membership fees to broaden our membership base further. If you are interested in joining us, please send us a note, and we can share more details.


Here are just a few benefits that your organization receives by joining the Council: 


  • Opportunities to provide feedback on future enhancements to the Impact Framework. 
  • High-level consultations with MIC staff on impact investment-related issues and initiatives. 
  • Marketing opportunities via the MIC newsletter, social media feeds, and Impact Collaborative forums. 
  • Royalty-free, non-exclusive use of the MIC logo. 


We would also like to extend a warm MIC welcome to four new members who joined us this month: Blue Eyed Capital, Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation, and Vistria Group. We appreciate the trust that you have shown in us and look forward to benefitting from your leadership and expertise as we move forward!

Our Website 

Since launching the Council in early 2022, we've built our website to provide you and our industry with more information. Notable additions include the Resource Library, Multifamily Impact Framework™, and the News & Media page. 

As our organization continues to expand its reach, we are upgrading our website to make it easier for you and other leaders in the growing multifamily impact sector to access the information and resources you need. These updates will include links to the public impact reports of our members, training and educational resources to support the adoption of the Impact Framework, and more. 

Follow the Multifamily Impact Council on LinkedIn for organizational updates, industry news, and new member announcements.

Industry News and Updates

Submit your organization's news and announcements for inclusion in our monthly newsletter by emailing nick_barron@multifamilyimpactcouncil.org.

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