MAY 2019, Issue 1

Are you ready for our season opening race in just 7 weeks at Rose City / Welland on June 22 and 23rd?

It's a spectacular venue, so if you haven't secured your spot on the start line, we encourage you to read "Why Race the Rose City Triathlon?", in this newsletter, to help you decide.

For those of your already registered, we've got important news about bike course changes for Rose City / Welland. You'll also want to check out our Event Ambassadors for this year, a story behind an athlete's Barrelman Finisher's picture, and our new partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Toronto.

Enjoy this edition of the Newsletter & Happy Training!
Series News
Why Race the Rose City Triathlon?
If you are looking to do your first triathlon, or want to start the year off with a nice flat and fast course, then the Rose City Triathlon is for you. Here are 5 key features that make this race one of the best in the province:
1. The Rose City Triathlon features a swim in the calm Welland Canal at the world class Welland International Flatwater Centre, built to host all the rowing events for the 2015 Pan American Games.

2. If you are looking to put your head down and break some PB’s on the bike, look no further than the Rose City Triathlon as it consistently ranks as the flattest and fastest bike course on the MultiSport Canada Triathlon Series circuit. With only approximately 81ft. of elevation for the Long Course race and 6ft for the Sprint Triathlon, this race boasts potential for your fastest bike splits on the circuit.

3. The Rose City Triathlon is a great way to kick off the 2019 season as it features a race distance for everyone. The Saturday consists of the Long Course Triathlon for those looking to jump up a distance, or just enjoy the longer courses, while the Sunday features a Give-it-a-Try race as well as a Sprint Duathlon & Sprint Triathlon for those looking to complete their first triathlon, or just enjoy the shorter courses.

4. Looking to compete on the world stage for triathlon? The Rose City Triathlon also offers up 1 ITU World Championships spot for the winner of each age group for each gender in the Sprint Triathlon distance.

5. Last, but not least, the Rose City Triathlon will be handing out prize money for the top three men and women in the Long Course Triathlon.

Don’t hesitate to check out the Rose City Triathlon &  < REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE >
Welland Bike Course Changes
The Forks Road bridge in Dain City has been permanently closed and is set to be demolished. As a result, both the Rose City Triathlon and the Barrelman Niagara Falls bike courses have received modifications for 2019.  < READ ABOUT THE CHANGES >
Ambassadors News
Event Ambassadors at Welland
New in 2019, event ambassadors focus on supporting an individual event from the series. Our ambassadors are keen to help share the fun and healthy sport with as many folks as possible. Look for them at our events and please feel free to ask your questions or simply to say hello. < VIEW OUR EVENT AMBASSADORS FOR WELLAND >
My Barrelman Finisher's Picture
Barrelman Niagara Falls Ambassador, William McAnirlin, tells us the story behind his 2018 race finish. < READ MY 2018 BARRELMAN FINISHER PICTURE >
Partner News
Alzheimer Society of Toronto - Official charity partner for the 2019 MultiSport Canada Toronto Island Triathlon.   
The Alzheimer Society of Toronto is proud to be the official charity partner for the 2019 MultiSport Canada Toronto Island Triathlon. All funds raised will help support programs and services that we provide to the 46,000 people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in our community as well as their caregivers and loved ones. Anyone who fundraises $150 or more will receive an official Alzheimer Society of Toronto branded buff. Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 and we need your help to make that happen.

Check out to register to fundraise today! Feel free to contact Holly Groeneveld, Special Events Coordinator at 416-640-6315 with any questions you may have.
Presenting Sponsor
Series Sponsors
MultiSport Canada | (705) 797-4951 | (705) 730-7567