May 17, 2024

This week, we begin a new series, "The Good Life." In a world full of distractions and conflicting messages about what constitutes a fulfilling life, this series offers a biblical perspective on true abundance and contentment. Through four key themes—good boundaries, good investments, good marriage and good neighbor—we learn how living in alignment with God's principles leads to a life of purpose, joy and significance – The Good Life.

On Sunday we dive into the importance of guarding our hearts and minds, and protecting our spiritual and emotional well-being by choosing the narrow way of obedience. We must choose to see the boundaries God has set for us as an invitation to the best way to live. By aligning our boundaries with God's truth, we can

freely walk the path of obedience, which leads to the good life.

Chris Morgan, High School Coordinator, will be preaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Michael Turner, Executive Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.

For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.

Backpack Food Drive

This Sunday is the day for you to drop off all food donations in the Missions Center on your way into church. If you can't be with us on Sunday, you can drop the food items off Monday-Thursday, May 20-23 in the collection containers on the patio of the Missions Ministry Offices (brick house located beside the ball field). Thank you in advance for your generosity to this very important ministry for kids in our community.


Online Communion

Our next date for Holy Communion is June 2. If you are unable to be present physically but want to participate, we will mail the elements to you for this date. To register for this, click here.

Vacation Bible School

We are so excited about our theme this year, Scuba - Diving into Friendship with God! Registration is open. We need many more crew guides to walk alongside our children. We have 1400 kids registered for VBS and currently have 194 adult crew guides signed up and 160 more are needed for the morning and afternoon sessions June 10-13. Would you prayerfully consider serving as a crew guide that will lead them through the different stations that they will take part in throughout their time with us? Register to volunteer at

Camp Apex for Students

Mt. Horeb Students invite you to join us for Camp Apex, where our faith can reach new heights! Nestled in a beautiful outdoor setting only 45 minutes away from Lexington, our camp offers worship, teaching, outdoor activities (kayaking, fishing, archery, swimming, hiking) and friendly competition.

Students will stay in beautiful brand-new cabins overlooking the breathtaking 50-acre Mission Lake. Make plans to have your child join us for an unforgettable week. Our mission? To guide students on a journey toward the apex of their faith. 

Middle School Camp: July 7-10 (FULL)

High School Camp: July 10-13

Click here for more information and to register.

Staff News

We are excited to announce a new addition to our pastoral staff. Since October, we have been searching for our next Pastor of

Adult Discipleship and, starting in July, Pastor Rachel Carosiello will be appointed by the GMC to join our staff in that capacity. Rachel has been in full-time pastoral ministry for eight years now, having served churches in both Tennessee and South Carolina. Originally from Kingsport, Tennessee, Rachel graduated from Emory & Henry College with a Bachelor of Arts in religion and a minor in music as well as from Duke Divinity School with a Master of Divinity degree. At Duke, Rachel met her husband, Gryff, who is also a pastor in the Global Methodist Church, and they have an almost-three-year-old son, Theo. In her free time, Rachel is constantly reading some sort of fiction book and playing outside with Gryff and Theo. She is excited to be joining the team at Mt. Horeb and can’t wait to get started! She will begin her ministry with us on July 1.

With Bryce’s recent decision to follow God’s call and pursue other ministry opportunities, we are also in conversation with GMC leadership about receiving a second new appointment in the position of Pastor of Evangelism. We have been assured that there are some great people available and we hope to be able to announce who our new Pastor of Evangelism will be in the next two to three weeks

Online Bulletin

If you can't be here on Sunday morning, stay connected through our online bulletin. You can see our weekly financial report as well as a list of needs to pray over. Click here to view our weekly bulletin.

Update on General Conference

Many people in our congregation have expressed concern and curiosity about the historic United Methodist General Conference that recently made the news in Charlotte, NC. Those of us who have family and friends who remain in The UMC have asked questions about the changes that were made and the impact of the decisions of the General Conference. Click here for a summary of the General Conference.


Thanks to the proactive, faithful leadership of Mt. Horeb which anticipated the dramatic changes recently made in Charlotte, we are no longer a part of The UMC. Instead, we are grateful to God that we have found a home in the newly formed Global Methodist Church. At the same time, we continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who remain in The UMC