July 2024 Newsletter

Moving Mountains!

Baby Bottle Campaign Update

We had a great response to the campaign this year! We have raised $9,449.00!! We are so close to reaching our goal of $10,000, thanks to you!

We still have some bottles to collect so if you, your church or business has not turned in your bottles, please bring them by the PRC!

We are open Monday thru Thursday from 10:00 am - 5pm.

Church results will be released in our next newsletter!

A special thank you to the businesses who displayed a baby bottle and collected funds for us! Silvan Wellness, Mavericks, Grand Pain Specialist, Trail Riders Motel, Mary's Mountain Cookies, My Cabin Mexican Restaurant, Fitch Ranch, Java Lava Café, Kopy Kat, Holly Wood Computer Company, Honey Candy, Simple Coffee, Grand Mountain Trading Company, High Country Motor, Bowerbird's Den.

Our top three fundraisers are:

1st place Mavericks - $55.07

2nd place Grand Pain Specialist - $47.94

3rd place Trail Riders Motel - $31.23

Mavericks also wins the most creative collection of funds. They used their baby bottle as a "swear jar" for their bar. Every swear word cost a dollar, and they swore enough to fund a lifesaving ultrasound!

Thank you all for your support and fundraising! You make a difference and positively impact our community!

Walk For Life 2024

You are invited to join us at our 6th Annual Walk For Life!

Please share this email with your friends, family, church, and community! Print off our flyers here and spread them around the county!

Sign up here to participate and donate!

Email us at office@prcgrand.com to become an event sponsor!

Check out the prizes for individual fundraising this year!

Director's Corner

Tammy Gildenzoph, PhD

PRC Executive Director

Working Together to Move Mountains!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.- Phil 4:13

Years ago I was waiting at a red light. There, from my vantage point, I could see the intersection ahead and to my horror I saw a child’s head roll underneath a car! I could tell by the dazed look of those wandering near the car they could not see where the child was. I jumped out of my car and ran to the scene.

As I raced to the intersection, I ran to the other side of the car not knowing what I would find. There I saw a three-year-old boy wedged under the car. I knew I had to lift the car off the child to move him to safety. I remembered stories I had heard of superhuman strength in times of need, so I bent down and whispered, “Lord help me move this” as I began lifting the car. To my surprise it was as light as a feather and went right up! I heard voices and glanced to my left and to my right and saw that I was not alone, several bystanders had come forward and helped me lift the car!

I was then able to pull the child out and began CPR. I yelled to the bystanders to call 911 and asked someone to come help the mother who had gone into shock. As help arrived the little boy began breathing on his own. He and his mother were transported to the hospital via ambulance. She was able to be with him up until he breathed his last breath a few hours later. Tragically, his injuries were too severe for him to survive.

When I reflect on this experience many lessons come to my mind, but one that stands out to me is how God used a group of strangers to move a mountain that day.

At PRC, we often encounter tragic situations where "a car needs to be lifted" so we can pull someone to a safe place. We recently met a young pregnant mother who came to us out of desperation for support. The father of the baby is refusing to support her during this pregnancy. This has left her in a vulnerable situation as she has no insurance, transportation, or financial stability. Through the collaboration of several PRC volunteers, our medical team and a local church we have been able to get her started with free prenatal care and groceries. There are still some financial needs that need to be met for extended lab work. We are praying for a mountain to be moved to save this baby!

Upcoming Special Dates



PRC Closed

PRC will be closed in honor of the 4th of July. Enjoy your holiday!



Castle Rock Women's Health Clinic

Please contact 720-432-6580 for an appointment!

Services provided include prenatal care up to 20 weeks, postpartum care up to 3 months, well woman exams, full spectrum STI testing and treatment, hormone testing and consultations, support for Endometriosis and PCOS, fertility awareness consultations, and girls sports physicals.


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Love and Logic

It is not too late to come! Call our office for details 970-887-3617.

Dana Stoddard is offering the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® training course beginning June 5th at PRC!

Recommended donation per couple or attendee is $10 to cover the cost of materials. A potluck will take place from 5:30-6:00 pm, and training will begin at 6 pm. Please call 970-887-3617 to register!

The Parenting the Love and Logic Way® curriculum was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster W. Cline, M.D., of the love and Logic Institute, Inc., in Golden, CO.

Dana is an Independent Facilitator of the Parenting the Love and Logic Way® curriculum.

This website and email are not associated with, or sponsored by, the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® is a registered trademark of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc. Love and Logic® was founded by Jim Faye and Foster W. Cline, M.D., with continued creative and operational direction by Charles Fay, Ph.D. It is based on the experience of a combined total of over 100 years working with and raising kids, and on the psychologically sound Love and Logic® philosophy for parenting and teaching. For more information, please go to www.loveand logic.com or call 800-338-4065

Did you know?

While we continue to wait for updates in the litigation process in the Bella Health and Castle Rock Women’s Health care cases (click here for updates), the supreme court has made a ruling on the use of mail order abortion drugs.


The U.S Supreme Court has ruled that pro-life physicians challenging the FDA’s removal of safety standards for the abortion drug mifepristone do not have standing, preserving access to the drug absent adequate medical oversight.

The Court’s released its unanimous ruling Thursday in the combined cases of FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine and Danco Laboratories LLC v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.

The decision centers on the plaintiffs’ standing rather than the merits of their argument because the federal government had changed its position on conscience protections, conceding that doctors do have federal conscience protections even in emergency situations. The government’s recognition of conscience for doctors nullified the pro-life doctors’ standing in the case.

While the ruling is a disappointment for pro-life supporters because of safety issues with chemical abortion drugs, the affirmation of conscience protections is a noteworthy positive outcome. And further, with three states having intervened in the matter in district court it is expected that litigation will continue with a different argument of standing than in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine.

Read more here....

A thank you to our grantors!

A special thank you to The Town of Fraser for funding 2 months of our expanded medical services! What a blessing!

Thank you to The Town of Winter Park for funding our Bright Course educational program for the 2024 year!

Thank you to ROSH Fund for funding one month of our operational expenses!

Thank you to Grand Foundation for funding one year of free childbirth education classes!

And last, but certainly not least, thank you to Adolph Coors Foundation for granting us funds for operational expenses and building repairs!

PRC Services

Expanded Medical Services


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