Welcome to Sunday School!


The Sunday School newsletter has a new format - designed to have all the information you need each month.

We'll include Bible story information, singing in worship dates, song links, as well as events and program opportunities at Mount Olivet!


Nursery care is available at both campuses during all worship services for children ages 6 weeks to 3 years.

Our trained nursery staff will provide a safe and fun environment for your child(ren) while you worship.

The nursery rooms at both campuses are located adjacent to the fellowship halls, below the sanctuaries.


Each Sunday School class will have the opportunity to sing as a choir in worship! The schedule is linked below, along with dates Sunday School is in session and on breaks.


September 8

September 15

September 22

September 29


Psalm 139: 1-14

1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

Children's Creed

Genesis 1:1-25

Big Idea

Welcome! You belong here!

God Loves You and We Get to Love Others

Together we can have faith.

God creates all kinds of amazing things!

Question of the day

What's something you love about being at church? Is there someone you know that might love it, too?

What's one way you can share love with others?

How do others help you have faith?

What is your favorite thing that God made in this world?

4th Grade Bible Class & Presentation

On Sunday, September 29, at the West Campus and Sunday, October 6, at the Mpls Campus, we invite all 4th graders and their families to attend an informational class and Bible presentation.

Bible presentations will be at 11am and located in the Rehearsal Hall.

Register Here for the 4th Grade Bible Presentation

If you have any questions, please reply to this email.
