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The E-Pistle of Thursday

October 19th, 2023

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A Weekly Reflection from the Rev. George Stevens, Interim Dean

Dear Friends-


Shortly after I emailed you on Tuesday with resources for prayer, giving and advocacy opportunities in the Holy Land, I learned that the Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, was hit by rocket fire. Since then, Palestinian and Israeli officials have traded blame and regional tensions continue to increase. Wherever the blame lies for the hospital bombing, the resulting death and injury is unconscionable. 


Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum, has called for prayer and for the warring parties on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to bring an end to the violence. I urge you to join with


As this conflict continues to unfold, I commend to you the Episcopal News Service, which offers regular updates about ways to respond, in prayer, giving and advocacy, to the needs in the Holy Land. I also commend to you Episcopal Relief and Development which offers monetary support utilizing relationships in the Holy Land. Links to both sites are embedded in this message.

Additional the cathedral will be hosting time for silent prayer and meditation for all those processing and grieving the loss of innocent lives lost. Please see the announcement below for additional information.




The Rev. George R. Stevens

Time of Silent Prayer To Be Held on Monday, October 23rd

During this troubling time with the outbreak of violence in the Holy Land, the Cathedral would like to offer a space for silent prayer and meditation for community members to process, grieve, and pray for victims who have lost their lives as a result of the conflict.

The Nave will be open from 6:00-7:30PM on Monday, October 23rd. Candles will be available to light in remembrance of lives which have been lost. We ask that anyone entering this space respectfully observe silence.

Community Announcements

The Cathedral In Final Preparation to

Host Diocesan Convocation Service This Saturday

The cathedral community is delighted to host the service of Holy Eucharist for the Diocesan Convocation this Saturday. We offer our thanks to all of the ministries and volunteers who have given their time and expertise in planning efforts. Thank you!

Minutes from the Lesser Chapter 

To read the most recent minutes of the Lesser Chapter meeting held on October 11th, please click here.

To view all past minutes of the Lesser Chapter and Finance Committee meetings, please visit the Vestry Page of our website here.

Thanking The Rev. Anne Fowler, Assisting Clergy

& Claire Hammen, Former Junior Warden

This Sunday, October 22nd, the cathedral community will recognize the ministry of The Rev. Anne C. Fowler at the cathedral during the interim period in clergy leadership. The Rev. Fowler will be transitioning away from her role as assisting clergy at the cathedral and returning as a parishioner. Furthermore, the cathedral community will recognize the work of former junior warden, Claire Hammen, for her numerous years of dedicated leadership.

Luke’s Garden Meeting to Be Held this Sunday, October 22nd

Luke’s Garden LGBTQIA+ group will be meeting this Sunday, October 22nd at noon in the Lower Hall. This meeting will consist of planning for next steps for the upcoming year. With any questions please contact Orion Williams

Holiday Fair Update

The Cathedral’s 2023 Holiday Fair will be held on Saturday, November 11 in conjunction with Portland’s annual State Street Stroll. We have recruited 16 volunteers to date to help make the Fair a success. So far, we have people to help organize and operate these tables: Hand-Made Gifts, Vintage Linens, Nativity and Winter Home items, Live Music, Jewelry, Attic Treasures, Jams and Jellies, Toys & Games, and Hot Beverages and Baked Goods. 

We urgently need:

-A coordinating team

-Volunteers who are flexible to assist where most needed on November 11

-Donations of items to help support the Fair in the categories listed above.

Please email Senior Warden Sam Allen to volunteer your time/expertise: smallen@mit.edu

We will be set up to receive donated items for the fair beginning Monday, October 16. There will be labeled bins in the lower portico for donations.

Please note that we will not be accepting donations of books and furniture.

Thank you to the Stewardship Materials Assembly Team

The office & members of the Stewardship Team would like to offer thanks to the dedicated group of volunteers who helped to assemble materials for our stewardship mailing last week.

Thank you for the time of joy, fellowship, and prayer as we began our 2024 Stewardship Season.

Choral Evensong on November 5th

Join the Cathedral choir under the direction of Canon for Liturgy and Music, Christian M. Clough, for a service of choral evensong November 5th at 4PM in the Cathedral Nave.

Musical Selections Include

PRECES & RESPONSES in D, Herbert Sumsion

PSALMS 8 & 84, Anglican Chants Andrew Seivewright (Ps. 8), and Lionel Pike (Ps. 84)


ANTHEM: Lay me low, Shaker song arr. Grayston Ives

OFFICE HYMN: “Give thanks for life”, Sine nomine

St. Elizabeth's Pantry Coat Drive

As we gear up for colder temperatures, St. Elizabeth’s is launching its annual coat and boot drive. Many of our neighbors come from warmer climates and don’t have the necessary clothing for fall and winter in Maine. 

Large and Extra-Large sized coats for both men and women are most needed, but coats and boots of all sizes are welcome. Items should be in clean, good condition.

Monetary donations may also be made for the purchase of new coats and boots for our neighbors.

Financial contributions can be mailed to: St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center PO Box 4036 Portland, ME 04101 or visit here.

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry -

Looking for Housing for a Volunteer

Bernardo is a loyal volunteer at the Pantry and needs a 1 bedroom or studio apartment, or a room in a house to rent.  He speaks very good English and is an asylum seeker from Angola where he taught physics and math. 

He is also a petroleum engineer.  General Assistance will pay his rent (about $1,200/month) until he gets his work permit and a job. 

He is responsible, hard working, and happy to help out with yard work or chores around the house if applicable. 

Please contact Anne Jacobs for more information.

Hold the Date! PPEAT Coffee Hour

On November 12 the PPEAT committee is hosting coffee hour after the service where we’ll hear from State Representative Christopher Kessler, one of the four members of the State Legislature who serve on the Maine Climate Council. Please plan to come listen to Chris who will share with us the work of the Council and how we as individuals and St. Luke’s overall can also contribute to efforts to reduce Maine’s emissions by 45% by 2030.

Seeking Input for the Sunday 5:15 pm Service

We are seeking input from parishioners interested in restarting the Sunday 5:15 pm service in the chapel.

A working group is forming to explore how we might form this service, possibly using lay leadership.

One option is to launch a time limited series of 5:15 services starting in the Sundays following Epiphany, and reassess whether continuing into the new year is feasible.

We are hoping this group will consider options, ask questions and explore ideas together on how to proceed. If you have thoughts or are interested in joining in, please contact Tim Wilkins.

St. Luke's Food Pantry in Need of Contributions

The Food Pantry welcomes your contributions of oil, flour, and dried beans!

These continue to be the most wanted items and and the most difficult for us to keep in stock.

Donations can be dropped off at any service or at the Cathedral's rear entrance. Thank you! Both neighbors and volunteers are grateful for your support!

With any questions please contact Mary Brighthaupt.

Visit Hannaford over the Bridge

and Support Our Food Pantry in November

During November, St. Luke's Food Pantry will receive $1 from every $2.50 reusable Fight Hunger Bag sold during the month of November at the Hannaford on 50 Cottage Road in South Portland.


Plus, our pantry will receive $0.25 from every Hannaford Snack Pals Plate sold there.

Environmental Action Tip from St. Luke’s Public Policy & Environmental Action Team (PPEAT)

The Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development provides a theological rationale for why creation care is a global mission imperative. It also outlines some bold commitments in tackling the environmental crisis, including just financing, community resilience building, advocacy, biodiversity restoration and promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Visit here for more information.

Opportunity for morning meditation in Emmanuel Chapel

St. Luke’s Parish Administrator Avery Levesque-Schott invites you to join him in Emmanuel Chapel from 7:00AM-8:00AM on Tuesday & Thursday mornings for a time of silent sitting and walking meditation.

A brief reading will be offered with accompanying active listening dyads. Coffee, tea, and pastries will be available in the Upper Hall following the conclusion of the meditation. 

…and especially tenors! Contribute to CSL’s music ministry:

The choir could really use a couple more tenor voices (and others are still welcome, too)! If you fit the bill (or aren’t sure), please drop in on a choir rehearsal (Thursday 7PM or Sunday 8:45AM) and check it out!

Play an instrument or sing? We invite you to share your musical talents with our worshiping community in our praise of God. Or, do you know someone with talents to share? For more information or to discuss your interests, please contact Christian Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music.

Last Week's Service

Click the attached links to view last week's Bulletin.

To view the livestream of last Sunday's service, click  here.

Listen  or watch the sermon preached by the Rev. George Stevens by clicking the corresponding links.

To View past services visit our Youtube Page or visit the archive page on our website to read past bulletins, sermons, and newsletters.

Events in the Wider Community

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Shambaugh, Former Dean of the Cathedral, Extends an Invitation to His Installment at

St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton, NY

Portland Shakespeare Company

St. Luke's is thrilled to welcome the Portland Shakespeare Company to Emmanuel chapel for their performances of The Lion in Winter.

Tickets are available here.

St. Elizabeth's Pantry to Host Benefit Concert on November 18th

at Trinity Episcopal Church in Portland

Portland Conservatory of Music "Bus Recital"

Featuring St. Luke's Parishioner Chester Bishop

Ongoing Opportunities &

Community Resources

Help the Cathedral With Recycling

As Portland does not pick-up recycling for businesses we are looking for volunteers to take home the paper we gather in blue bins and add them to parishioner's recycling bins at their homes (We do however recycle cardboard and compost both of which have been a very successful campaigns). 

If you would like to help please contact Sarah Braik or Tim Wilkins. Thanks for your help.

Access Your Realm Profile

The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.

Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion. 

When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.

To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.

Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.

We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!

Join the Young and The Restless

We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.

Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet each Tuesday at Maine Beer Company in Freeport, 6-8 PM for Trivia.

Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however trivia is a wonderful opportunity to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.

Join Luke's Garden


Luke's Garden is the cathedral's LGBTQIA+ group which meets every 2nd Sunday of the month following coffee hour.

All are welcome!

For additional information contact Orion Williams

The Kneeler Guild and

Prayer Shawl Knitters



The Upper Hall.

For additional information contact Jeri Edgar 207-303-8447 or Nancy MaWhinney 207-775-7500

Everyone is welcome, whether you are curious or want to begin. Kneeler kits cost $75, which include directions, yarn, needles & canvas. Novices are welcome; we will teach you as needed. Prayer Shawls: 26-29” by 60”; select your yarn & needles. Coffee & Tea available.

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry

Click on the Episcopal Maine Logo above to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.




Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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