Happy New Year! 

Throughout 2018 the Moses Taylor Foundation team is focusing on listening and learning—understanding the impact of our work, helping our grantees hear from the people they serve, and applying lessons learned to improve our future work. We look forward to sharing what we and our partners are learning throughout the year.

In the spirit of listening and learning, I'm excited to kick off
Coffee & Conversations.
There are a handful of nonprofits I hear from all the time. They tell me about new initiatives, emerging needs, and upcoming projects. They ask my opinion about new programs or evaluation plans. They seek my help in engaging other funders. I value these relationships, and many of our most successful grants come from the strength of these partnerships.
While I know every organization may not have the time or the development staff to engage funders in this way, I know others simply haven’t had the opportunity. So I’m launching Coffee & Conversations to provide dedicated time to connect with you one-on-one.
Come to introduce your organization. Come with a new grant idea. Come to update me on your work. Come to ask general questions about foundations and proposal writing. Come for the coffee. Conversations will be informal and based on your interests.
Sign up for Coffee & Conversations beginning Friday, January 19.

I hope to see you soon! 
Any questions, please contact:

Jeff Smith | Program Officer
Moses Taylor Foundation
Phone: (570) 207-3731 x306