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Livestream @ 9:30 on Facebook

9:30 AM Morning Prayer

10:30 AM Coffee Hour

Click either button to watch the livestream

Visit our virtual worship page for the Sunday Bulletin

Livestream @ 9:30 on YouTube

Our Faith by the Fire crew last week.

Upcoming Events @ St. John's:

See Sunday's Lectionary here.

Office Closed for Labor Day

Monday, 9/2

Parkinson's Support Group

Wednesday, 9/4 @ 1:30 PM

Green Team Meeting

Sunday, 9/8 @ 11 AM

Never Miss an Event Again...

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to all who gave blood at our blood drive, and supported it by helping spread the word. We beat last year's collection and our goal this year and collected 29 units! Each unit can save up to THREE people.

Please Note: Rev. Jill is out of the office until September 12. If you need pastoral assistance during that time, please contact Rev. Terry. Thank you!


"Sacred Scaffolding"

Sunday School This Fall

Our children in our Sunday School will build their faith foundation with "Sacred Scaffolding" this year. One block at a time, kids will build their faith in themselves and their Creator as they learn foundational Gospel stories about who God is. Just as if we were building a structure out of bricks and mortar, Miss Margie will provide scaffolding and our children will design and construct their relationship with Creation with lessons that will cover topics such as Eucharist and the Lord's Prayer.

The kids will start out in Church and leave after the first Collect. Our lessons this year will follow the lectionary – so we’ll be mirroring many of the things happening in “Big Church” with a focus on fun, learning, and building a faith that is vibrant, resilient, and personal. We’ll help our children learn some of the rituals and structure of Church, with crafts and activities that encourage questions and an appreciation of the Divine in the everyday. Register your child (age 3 - 5th grade) here or on Kick Off Sunday, September 15. Construction starts on September 22.  We can’t wait to see the kids again and get started!

Fall Compline Schedule

- September 12, 6:30 pm - October 10, 6:30 pm - November 14, 6:30 pm

You are invited to join us for Compline (Nighttime Prayer) this Fall in the sanctuary. We will pray using the New Zealand Book of Common Prayer for September and November. In October we'll use the Taize Service of Compline. Compline is a wonderful way to conclude your day.

What is the Bible?

This Fall, Rev Jill and Rev Terry will lead an adult forum on the Bible: what is it? who wrote it? what is included - and what was left out?

Sunday mornings at 9:15 beginning October 6th.

Anointing/Healing Prayer Team Workshop

September 22 @ 11 AM

There will be a 45 minute workshop for those interested in joining the anointing/healing prayer team September 22. We will meet in the Baton Room following the 10 am service, around 11. If you feel called to this ministry or are just interested in what this is all about, please join us. Prayer is such an essential ministry for the gathered people of God. Please consider joining us. Questions? Please speak with Rev Terry.

Anointing/healing prayer will be offered again starting September 15. It will be offered during Holy Communion in the Sacristy.


Kick-off Sunday, September 15

New Sunday Worship Schedule!

8:00 Rite I

9:00 Coffee Hour

10:00 Rite II with Choir and Sunday School

Welcome back to St. John’s after a summer full of your favorite activities.

We return to two worship services, our contemplative Rite I service at 8:00 AM (note the new time!!) and our contemporary worship service at 10:00 AM with Choir and Sunday School (which meets during worship); coffee hour will be in-between worship services. There will also be a blessing of the backpacks so be sure to bring your school/work bag along.

To KICK-OFF a new year at St. John’s we’ll have a


following our 10:00 worship on Sunday, Sept 15.

Signup here to bring food.

 Sign up here to bring food

Name tags are coming back!

In the spirit of being an inviting congregation, we are bringing back name tags soon and hope you will wear yours so visitors (and members) will know who we are.

Please click here to contact the office if:

  • you have a previous St. John's name tag you would like to use
  • you have a preference for how your name is listed on your name tag (a nickname, etc.)
  • you are unable to use a magnetic name tag (i.e. due to having a pacemaker, etc.)


Road Clean-Up: Oct. 12 @ 10 AM

The Green Team is proud to announce another event to show our care for our Earth and community. We will be conducting our first road clean-up, taking place Saturday October 12 at 10am, through PennDOT's Adopt-A-Highway Program. We will supply reflective vests, trash bags, and caution road signs as we collect trash along a one mile stretch of Concord Road, starting at around Il Granio and heading toward Smithbridge Road. All we need is YOU! Please consider donating one hour of your time to show the love to our community and our neighbors.  Please reach out to Bob and Linda Fertig, or Glenn Wikel for more information and to sign up.

QPR Suicide Prevention Training Sunday, September 29 @ 11:30 AM

Question. Persuade. Refer.

3 steps anyone can learn to help

prevent suicide.

Saint John’s is hosting a QPR training open to the community. These trainings are just as important as knowing CPR. You never know when you might need it. Anyone of high school age and older can attend. Learn more here.

Please share with others - open to teens & older.

Signup for the training here.

Parkinson's Support Group

1st Wednesday of the Month

Next one is

September 4 @ 1:30 PM to 3 PM

More info here.

Submit Prayer Request
Pastoral Care Needs

For Your Calendars

St. John's Episcopal Church

Usual Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 AM - 1 PM


The Rev. Jill LaRoche Wikel, Rector

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