Volume 181 | July 20 - 24, 2020
City to Host Free Food Distribution Event
Saturday, July 25
In a partnership with Al Rahma Food Bank, the City of Moreno Valley will host a drive-thru food distribution event at City Hall on Sat., July 25, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., or until supplies last . Moreno Valley City Hall is located at 14177 Frederick St.
Each vehicle will receive one box of food and several boxes of facial tissue.
"Everyone needs a little help now and then," said Mayor Gutierrez. "This is an example of our community coming together to help our neighbors in need."

Visit www.moval.org/food for more food resource information.
Use "Pet Search" to Find Lost or New Pets
Whether you're searching for a lost pet or are trying to adopt a new one, the place to start is with Moreno Valley Animal Shelter's online "Pet Search" function, which shows photos of pets currently being cared for at the shelter.

Due to coronavirus restrictions, Animal Shelter services are available by appointment only by calling 951-413-3790.
FREE Coursera Online Learning Accounts
Moreno Valley Public Library invites residents seeking new or better employment opportunities to register for a FREE Coursera online learning account through Coursera for Workforce Recovery, a program for those developing their skills and knowledge to re-enter the workforce.
Registered users will have until December 31, 2020, to access free online courses, chosen from more than 3,000 options on the Coursera learning platform, such as Business English, Data Analytics/Business Analysis, Computer Programming, Contact Tracing, Digital Literacy, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) exam preparation, Entrepreneurship, Language Learning, Marketing, IT Support, Personal Development, Software or App Development, Project Management, Web Design, and many more.
Residents may register for a free Coursera account by emailing citylibrary@moval-library.org .
Do the Right Thing for the Community:
Please Complete the Census
The federal Census is conducted just once every 10 years, and it determines how much federal funding communities receive for vital public services including public safety, schools, and social programs. So it's very important for MoVal to get an accurate count in the 2020 Census. To help make that happen, the City has created a special Census web page to provide information in English and Spanish, including in the form of videos featuring Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez.
 Important note: T he Census does NOT include a citizenship question and, by federal law, the U.S. Census Bureau must keep all personally identifiable information strictly confidential and may not share it with any other government agency, law enforcement, immigration officials or landlords.
Moreno Valley Welcomes Beginning of
Kaiser Permanente Expansion
Kaiser Permanente is just beginning a 20-year expansion of its facility on Iris Ave. Watch this brief video to learn why that's good news for MoVal , in terms of both residents' health and the health of our local economy.