More Life to Live Dementia Guide | |
Hi Patrick,
Caregiving for a loved one with dementia includes a journey of many questions. Having a place to go to ask your questions and get answers from dementia care experts and fellow caregivers is crucial. D-CAN's Dementia Caregiver Support Groups offer an open forum where caregivers can share stories and ask questions in a safe environment facilitated by our care navigators/educators. Caregivers can share as much or as little as they'd like. Support groups are offered once a month and there is no cost to attend. Registration is not needed. If you have never attended a caregiver support group, summer is a great time to start! Learn more about our support groups and why other caregivers recommend them.
Dr. Patrick Zook
Founder & President
P.S. We believe knowledge can change a community, so we are starting with you. Share this issue with others, and let's end the fear of dementia together.
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Six Local Dementia Caregiver Support Groups
Read about the six caregiver support groups we offer. Learn what you can expect, the types of topics that are typically addressed, and what other caregivers have to say about the groups. Plus, the best part is the friendships you gain and the encouragement you receive. There is no need to register, just come.
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June Caregiver Support Groups
We offer Dementia Caregiver Support Groups located in St. Cloud, Becker, Staples, Sauk Centre, Long Prairie, and Wadena. Here are the upcoming dates:
Sauk Centre: June 4th at 10-11 am
St. Cloud: June 18th at 10-11 am
Staples: June 25th at 9-10 am
Wadena: June 25th at 11 am - 12 pm
Long Prairie: June 25th at 2-3 pm
Becker: June 26th at 10-11 am
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Dementia Awareness Training
This training touches on the different types of dementia there are, answers common questions about dementia and behaviors, and provides communication tips and advice.
June 6th, 2-3:30 pm
Long Prairie Healthcare Center
20 9th St. SE, Long Prairie, MN
No RSVP required. Contact Cristina R. with questions at 320-640-6724.
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Brain Health at the Rock the River Expo
We will have a table inside the building, promoting Brain Health at the Rock the River Expo. Stop by to say "Hi" and play a brain game.
Thursday, June 6th, 4:30-7:30 pm
The Clearing
195 River Avenue S, Sauk Rapids, MN
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Dementia Awareness Training
Training that touches on the different types of dementia, answers common questions about dementia and behaviors, and provides communication tips and advice.
June 17th, 2-3:30 pm
Benedictine Cold Spring- Chapel (formally Assumption Community)
715 1st Street North
Cold Spring, MN
Please RSVP to Ashley at 320-348-2322
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Seven Seconds of Dementia: The Importance of Communication
We will discuss how a brain with dementia processes communication, what your body language is saying, and how to have positive interactions and communication with those living with dementia.
June 18th, 1 - 2:30 pm
The Center Brainerd
803 Kingwood St.
Brainerd, MN 56401
Contact Cristina R. at 320-640-6724 with questions. This event is open to the public. No registration is required.
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Longest Day Celebration & Concert
Dementia Friends St. Cloud invites you to their free outdoor concert in support of the Alzheimer's Research event "The Longest Day." Come make a purple ribbon to tie around a tree, flag pole, etc. to bring awareness to your community. Refreshments and resources will be provided. D-CAN will be there, so stop by our table.
June 20th, 5-7 pm
Whitney Senior Center, St. Cloud, MN
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D-CAN Care Navigator/Educator Cristina Rodriguez is now a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer. She received this additional nationally recognized certification in April. We now have two CADDCTs on staff, as Tami Kolbinger received her certification in 2018. They are jointly teaching their first in-person Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care (ADDT) seminar on May 30th. This class is full, but we will have another option available on Thursday, August 15th, virtual only. More info coming soon. | | |
Benton County Dementia Caregiver Support Group
We are currently seeking a location in the rural Benton County area to host a monthly dementia caregiver support group. We are accepting public opinion or suggestions for locations. An ideal location would be easily accessible and willing to host one day a month. Donations of space are appreciated. Contact us with your suggestions.
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Insurance Reminders
We accept the following insurance at our clinic:
Aetna/Allina Health, BlueCross Blue Shield, Cigna, HealthPartners, Humana, Medica, Medicare, Medicaid/MHCP, Most Medicare Advantage Plans, Railroad Medicare, UCare, and United HealthCare. Also, Medicare care is no longer covering a non-negotiable portion of our dementia evaluations. Please call our office for more information.
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Save the Date: Caregivers' Conference
We have secured October 24th for our next Caregivers' Conference. Plan to join us for this 8-hour event designed for caregivers. Watch for more details to come in the months ahead. Curious what the Caregivers' Conference is all about? View last year's event.
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Healthy Recipe: Greek Chicken Bowl
Made with quinoa, fresh cucumber, kalamata olives, and grilled chicken breasts for a well-rounded Mediterranean-inspired meal.
Photo credit:
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Did you know we have a dementia resource directory on our website that shares about local businesses that help caregivers and those living with dementia. Going forward, each month, we will be spotlighting a business in our directory so you can learn more about their services or products. Visit our directory to see a complete list of businesses. You can also register your business in the directory. | |
Salt and Prep simplifies senior activities, making planning easy. Their Senior Activity Learning Terminal (SALT) is filled with prepped senior activities and tools that streamline your planning process. Search their activities by date or category, print, and play! They do the prep work so you don't have to!
Learn more about Salt and Prep.
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Please consider making a donation to D-CAN of any amount today. Your gift helps continue the work of providing comprehensive dementia care in our community.
In addition, we'd like to remind you to check with your employer to see if they have a match program. We encourage Thrivent members to utilize the Action Team funds ($250.00) and their once-a-year Thrivent Choice Dollars. Visit their website for more details. We are also set up with UnitedHealth Group's employee giving match program. Visit their website for more details.
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Have you been impacted by our work? Leave us a Google review, and share your experience with others. We would greatly appreciate it! | |
Have a question you would like answered by our team? Contact us at or call our office at (320) 640-6726. | | | | |