Sign up today for our fun (and educational, shhh!) summer programs:
strategies to assist in every step of the writing process, including pre-writing, researching, drafting, revising, and editing.
Build confidence in math skills including: basic math (grades 3-8), pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and calculus.
A great way to have your child engage in summer reading!
Prepare for a successful start to the school year and beyond by tackling the most annoying, yet critical, parts of gearing up for school, including back-to-school shopping!
A group program to develop problem-solving and executive functioning skills through fun, hands-on challenges.
A group program involving real-life practice of executive functioning skills by planning a trip to a DC area landmark, museum, or sporting event.
Prepare to apply to college by focusing on setting priorities and goals; making and revising plans; and initiating, executing, and completing the different tasks in the application process
Going to college is an exciting new chapter, one that is fast-paced and requires a new level of independence. This program helps focus on the key areas that tend to get overlooked while preparing to head off to college.
Kristin Backert
With over 7 billion humans walking on this Earth, it's no surprise that each one of them has a unique way of learning and processing information. Some people learn best by listening to an oral lecture, while others grasp information when it's presented in image form. But for some people, sitting still and being asked to retain information while remaining static can be difficult. These tactile or kinesthetic learners thrive when they are able to directly interact with the material they need to learn. By using their bodies, tactile learners absorb information in a hands-on way.
Given that tactile learners need to use their bodies to comprehend material, students who identify with this learning style should utilize studying methods accordingly.
Interactive approaches that encourage them to physically move around allow them to learn information in an efficient manner. Some studying methods that these students can use include:
- Create handwritten flashcards. This strategy enables tactile learners to keep their hands busy while they review information.
- Perform a physical activity while studying. Throwing a ball around or shuffling a deck of cards while reciting or listening to the targeted information can help these learners better store the material into memory.
- Schedule breaks into study time. Short, consistent breaks help these students relieve excess energy and process the information they just reviewed.
While it may sound challenging for tactile learners to use the above mentioned methods in school, where their teachers may perceive their actions as distracting, there are still ways that tactile learners can keep their bodies moving in the classroom.
For example, as a teacher recites information, these learners can:
- Play with a fidget toy. These small toys can help a tactile learner move around without interrupting his teacher's lecture.
- Draw diagrams to help them focus on their teacher's words. Diagrams offer tactile learners a fun way to record information while keeping their hands and brains busy.
- Speak to the teacher about their learning style. If a teacher knows that she has tactile learners in her classroom, she can ensure that they have a seat where they can move around without distracting their classmates and be sure to call on them to help pass out physical materials.
Not sure what your child's learning style is? Check out Education Planner's
helpful summary
of the difference between auditory, visual, and tactile learners. You might discover that your child's learning style differs from class to class, or you may find that your child's style is consistent across the board.
No matter what, it's important that you and your child actively utilize the right means to help him stay focused both in school and at home so that he can reach his full potential. It's also crucial to not force a particular mode of learning on your child.
While you might learn best by looking at an image and storing that image into memory, this method may not work for your child. Help him discover a way of studying that is compatible with his learning style so that he will embrace studying and not view it as a burden.
Whether you're a student or in the workforce, recognizing your learning style is crucial for success. Once you understand whether you're a visual, auditory, or tactile learner, you can devise methods that are best suited to your preference that can help you retain important information.