May 2024


Message From The Principal:

Dear Mead Learning Options Families,

I hope this message finds you well and in good health.  It’s hard to believe it’s already May.  This year has flown by!  If you’ve been a part of our programs over the past few years, you know that the end of the year is a busy time.  This is a time of year for our students to show off all that they have learned this year.  From culminating projects to graduation, we are excited to celebrate all of our Mead Learning Options students’ growth and achievements!  

As we turn the page to our final 6 weeks of school, I encourage each of you to seize the opportunities that the end of the school year presents, to engage wholeheartedly in all that our school has to offer, and to continue embracing the joy of learning and growth. Whether it's participating in upcoming events, volunteering your time, or supporting your child's educational journey, your involvement makes a difference.

I wish you a May filled with boundless possibilities, memorable moments, and endless opportunities for discovery. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.

Warm Regards,

Mr. Edwards

Principal, Mead Learning Options

Make sure to click "View Entire Message" at the bottom of this newsletter if your email provider has clipped it!

Click Here for our Website!





MLO Staff Appreciation Week!

May 20-24th

Please write thank you notes to your favorite teachers & staff members! Drop them in the bucket in the front office by May 17th.

Parents, please consider signing up to bring something here: 

MLO Field Day is June 12th!!

Join us in celebrating the start of summer 10am-noon at Holmberg Park.

All MLO families and staff are welcome.

RSVP Here:

Spring Library Forecast- IT’S RAINING BOOKS!

May is a busy month in the library! 

We will be celebrating Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. 

As always there will be books and activities for all ages to help you celebrate these special days. 

LIBRARY RETURNS for the 23/24 School Year

Library and curriculum items may be returned to the Mead Learning Options

 library or to the cart in the building entryway.


DONE with your library and curriculum items?  

Return them to the library between May 13th and June 12th. These items do NOT need to be labeled with your family name. 

NOT DONE with your library and curriculum items?

Want to continue to use these items for the summer?

Return these items to the library between May 13th and June 7th. Clearly label them with your family name and “RETURN FOR SUMMER.” These items will be processed and returned to you as soon as possible. You will receive an email when they are ready for pickup and they will be available on a separate cart in the PLC building entryway. 

Have Questions about your student’s account or general library questions?

Call Cynthia Villines in the library at 509-465-7750 or email at

The Library will close June 13th for the summer- there will be no checkouts after this date.

Please come see us before then to check out books for summer reading.

Library Hours: M-F 9:15 am - 3:15 am (closed 11:30 am -12:15 pm daily for lunch)

Counselor Section

Get ready for an exciting opportunity! The application for Summer Academy 2024 will be available online on May 1, 2024. The NEWTech Summer Academy is tentatively scheduled for June 17th to July 12th. Students who will be in grades 9-12 for the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to attend. Classes are exploratory and run from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm daily. Students will receive a 0.5 elective credit. Don't miss out on this chance to explore new interests and earn credits!

Hey Sophomores and above! Did you know there are summer Running Start opportunities available? You can earn up to 10 credits in an 8-week course. Registration for classes starts in late May. If you have any questions, reach out to Alyssa St Clair at Don't miss out on this chance to get ahead in your education!


Upcoming Dates:

  • May 13th-17th Onsite- Smarter-Balanced Assessment -
  • Friday, May 17th - WCAS (Science) is required for all 11th graders; onsite only
  • May 31st at Noon - AVANT language test for all students who are fluent in another language. Earn high school credits! Offered onsite only. 
  • Monday June 3rd and Wednesday, June 5th altered schedule for onsite classes
  • Wednesday, June 7th - Summer Session Orientation at 2:45 pm offered (in-person or online)
  • Thursday, June 6th - Graduation at 6 pm Mt. Spokane High School


Purchase NINJA NATION Tickets Here!


May 20-31 FMP honors Bonnie Gellatly by supporting the Childhood Cancer Coalition with a SNACK DRIVE! Sponsored by the Five Mile Prairie Parent Council. Bring packaged snacks to the 100 hall or the office.

May 31- AAA at 9am-

FMP wants to celebrate your achievements this year during AAA.

If you’d like to perform or include a display, please complete this form.

If you are interested in volunteering or providing a breakfast treat, please sign-up here.

Purchase Tickets Here!

Five Mile Elementary

Important Dates

May 6th and May 8th - MAP Testing 

MAP Testing will be held on Monday, May 6th for Monday students and Wednesday, May 8th for Wednesday students. All students grades 1st through 6th will complete the Reading and Math MAP. Please make sure to send your child with their charged chromebook and earbuds or headphones for younger students. We would also recommend sending your child with an additional snack and water bottle. We look forward to sharing your child's progress with you. Thank you for helping ensure your child comes to school well rested for testing. 

May 13th - May 17th - SBA Testing 

No Regular Classes - Students in grades third through sixth will be participating in SBA Testing. Students in grades K - 2nd will be contacted by their teacher for contact this week. Please make sure you have signed your child up for testing. 

May 20th and May 22nd - Chromebooks Returned 

Please plan on returning all chromebooks and chargers to your child’s teacher or to the main office on Monday, May 20th for Monday students and Wednesday, May 22nd for Wednesday students. 

May 27th - Memorial Day - No School for Monday Students

May 29th - Last day of School for Wednesday Students

June 3rd - Last day of School for Monday Students 

*An email containing more information about Curriculum Ordering and end of the year activities will be sent out in May.

Five Mile Middle

Important Dates 

May 7th and May 9th - MAP Testing 

*Regular Scheduled Day. 

May 13 - May 17 - SBA Testing 

*No Regular Scheduled Classes All Week. Please make sure that you have signed up for testing. 

May 21st - May Advisory Questionnaire Due 

*All Middle Schoolers will need to complete their advisory questionnaire at home by May 21st. If it is not complete, your student will be required to stay after school to complete it! Students, please turn in all signed Art and Fitness logs into your advisor on this day. 

May 31st- Last Day of Academic Enrichment

June 4th- Turn in Chromebooks 

*All students should expect to turn in their chromebooks and chargers into the office or to their advisor by the end of the day on June 4th. 

June 6th- Last Day of In- Person School - Half Day 

*Middle School Awards and Activities. Please plan on attending as we recognize students for their hard work and accomplishments throughout the year. We will end the day with fun activities. 


Five Mile High School

  • Wednesday, May 8th - May Advisory (altered schedule) 
  • Smarter-Balanced Assessment - May 13th-17th
  • No regular FMHS on-site classes for this week due to our test schedule.  
  • 9th graders should expect to check Google Classroom for assignments and coursework, and must contact their Advisor that week
  • 10th and 11th graders - who have not yet passed the four sections of the SBA - must attend
  • Friday, May 17th - WCAS (Science) is required for all 11th graders
  • May 31st at Noon - AVANT language test for all students who are fluent in another language. Earn high school credits!
  • Friday, May 31st- Last Day of Academic Enrichment
  • Monday, June 3rd and Wednesday, June 5th are two very important school days that will be instructional and many teachers are giving finals on Wednesday; families, please prioritize attendance!
  • Monday, June 3rd - June Advisory (altered schedule)
  • Wednesday, June 5th - Awards Ceremony and FMHS finals

Summer Session Orientation on Wednesday, June 7th at 2:45 pm

  • Thursday, June 6th - Graduation at 6 pm Mt. Spokane High School
  • Friday, June 7th - last FMHS day


Calendar at a Glance

Starting April 30 - No Homework Help, No Early Arrival, No Afterschool Study Club through the end of the year. 

May 1 - WCAS (Science Assessment), All 5th and 8th grades 9-11am, at Dart-Lo 

May 2 - SBA Math (3rd-8th grades)

May 7/9 - SBA ELA (3rd-8th grades)

May 14 - Parent Council Meeting, 2:30-3:15

May 21/23 - MAP Testing (K-8)

May 28 - Science Olympiad, Fitness Testing, and Family Day

May 30 - Last Day of school on the Dart-Lo campus / Clean Up Work Party

June 4 - Field Trip Mt. Spokane (works for alternate contact this week- details to come)

June 11 - Parent Council Meeting, 2:30-3:15

Science Olympiad - Volunteers Needed

We are looking for a few volunteers to help during Family Day at the Science Olympiad. If you are interested in learning more email Miss Erin at

Outdoor Schools Professional Development

Outdoor Schools Washington offered a free professional development opportunity for staff the week of April 23rd. MOS staff learned even more about how to plan and deliver high quality outdoor education.

Upcoming Events:

Get Your Tickets Now!