April 2020
Your monthly news & updates
UWEP COVID-19 Recovery Fund
Receives $50,000 Grant
United Way of the Eastern Panhandle has received a $50,000 grant to the UWEP COVID-19 Recovery Fund from the P&G Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation, with a recommendation from Procter & Gamble Tabler Station Site. The funding will support recovery efforts for individuals and families experiencing hardship as a result of coronavirus and related closures.
United Way of the Eastern Panhandle created the UWEP COVID-19 Recovery Fund to provide flexible resources to agencies in our region working with those who have been disproportionately impacted by the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund is designed to expand local capacity to address all aspects of the outbreak as efficiently as possible. 
All donations to the Recovery Fund will quickly be disbursed to local nonprofits to assist area residents with food, emergency shelter, transportation, medical supplies, utility and housing bills, childcare, and mental health services. There are no administrative fees assessed to the Recovery Fund. One hundred percent of all donations will go to support those in need.  Organizations in Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan counties that directly support local residents and families who are most affected by the health, economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to apply for grants through the fund. 
Funds will also be directed to 2-1-1 and the Regional Resource Connection (RRC). 2-1-1 is a local information and referral helpline that connects people to essential health and human services. The Regional Resource Connection is a partnership between the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Telamon, and United Way of the Eastern Panhandle. The RRC  links people to social and community services and coordinates efforts to provide households with assistance when state or federal aid is not available or insufficient.  
“We have seen an increase in the number of calls from individuals and families in the community seeking assistance through 211 and the RRC,” said Penny Porter, CEO of United Way of the Eastern Panhandle. “We also know many of our nonprofit partners are responding to the immediate needs of the pandemic directly, and in doing so are having to exhaust financial resources that may have already been limited. This Recovery Fund will help our community respond to those needs, and we are so thankful for Procter & Gamble’s support in this effort. Their generosity will provide support for our Eastern Panhandle families at a critical time.”

"Procter & Gamble remains committed to providing resources to those who need it most through our philanthropic support", commented Keith Busby, Human Resources Leader at Procter & Gamble Tabler Station Site. "This donation represents our focus on meeting the needs of our community during this uncertain time.”
Procter & Gamble was named United Way of the Eastern Panhandle's Gold Award Winner in 2018 and 2019 and continues to demonstrate their commitment to give back to the residents of the Eastern Panhandle through payroll deductions, special events, and community volunteering. 

Agencies interested in applying for funding should visit uwayep.org/covid19fund to complete the application.
Anyone interested in making a donation to the Recovery Fund can donate now at  uwayep.org/covid-19 , text COVID19UWEP to 41444, or mail a contribution to United Way of the Eastern Panhandle at 24 District Way, Suite 201, Martinsburg, WV 25404.

Those mailing donations should address them to the attention of the UWEP COVID-19 Recovery Fund. 100% of all donated funds will go directly to COVID-19 response and relief efforts.
For the Frontline
Nurses. Doctors. Grocery store employees. Delivery drivers. Warehouse workers. First responders. Truck drivers. Sanitation workers. There are so many people who are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 outbreak. They continue to help keep our community safe and running. To honor and celebrate their ongoing sacrifice, let’s say thank you!

Join United Way of the Eastern Panhandle on May 5 as we rally the entire community to say thank you to the essential workers who have tirelessly and bravely continued to do their jobs. Our effort will be one part of a bigger day of giving and unity called #GivingTuesdayNow .  

Every year people come together on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving for #GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement. As an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, we are joining nonprofits and individual people around the world in a special #GivingTuesdayNow event.

There are many ways to say thank you. Collectively we can show frontline workers how much our community appreciates them. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Donate a meal
Everyone loves a free meal. If you are thinking about donating a meal, be sure to coordinate with the location so your delivery can be done efficiently and safely. Meal donations can be a great way to thank hospital workers as well as the staff at your doctor’s office, EMTs, police officers, firefighters and grocery clerks.

Make a sign for your window or front yard
Make someone’s commute to work brighter by posting a sign in your window or front yard telling frontline workers how much they mean to our community. This is a great project for kids!

Share a message on social media
As we all keep our physical distance, connecting online has become even more important. Using social media is a great way to thank frontline workers. You can tag people you know or send a general message using the hashtags #FrontlineLove, #FrontlineHeroes, #COVIDHeroes or #InThisTogether. On May 5, you can also reshare posts from our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn channels.

Email Congress 
Show frontline workers you appreciate their work by helping them get the support they need. During this time of uncertainty and economic crisis, many people, including those still working, need a boost to make ends meet. Vital services like 211, the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, and SNAP can provide relief for frontline workers – and others – in need. You can ask your representative to increase funding for these services. Get started here .

Stay at home
The most important thing you can do to thank frontline workers is to stay home. When we all stay home, we limit the spread of COVID-19. So limit outings to essential trips to the grocery store, medical appointments, picking up prescriptions, walking pets and helping the vulnerable. When outside, use social distancing to stay at least six feet away from others.

Even though we are apart, we can still be United. Let’s show frontline workers that we are in this together.

Take 5 to Give 5 Statewide Giving Day
United Way of the Eastern Panhandle, Philanthropy WV, Toyota and West Virginia American Water are coming together for #GivingTuesdayNow a day of giving on May 5, 2020 in response to the unprecedented need created by COVID-19.

Between now and 5/5, we are asking our community to Take 5 to Give 5 take five minutes to give $500, $50, or $5 to help us at United Way of the Eastern Panhandle support community members during this time of crisis.

Any act of kindness matters. Up to $0.50 for every $1 raised will be matched by sponsors like Toyota. Will you help us Take 5 Further with your own commitment to our community’s resilience?

Please visit uwayep.org/COVID-19 to donate today.