Lutheran Church of the Covenant
NOVEMBER 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the November monthly news highlighting what God is up to at LCOC! You are invited to share this news with new neighbors and others who may be interested in hearing what God is doing through the people and ministry of LCOC. Also invite others to come and be a part of these various ministry opportunities!

GATHER          GROW         GIVE         GO
Pastor Darcy 
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future,  so that they may take hold of the life that really is life." 
                                                               - 1 Timothy 6:18-19
What is the life that really is life?  How do we live that life when our schedules, our relationships, our debts, and our responsibilities are busy, complicated and messy?  How do we keep centered in Christ, be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, and live simply with the cultural expectations?

In November, we continue our four-week stewardship emphasis called Live Simply. During worship and education, we will learn how to become more generous givers and faithful stewards as we explore what it means to:
 * live simply as we follow Jesus;
 * live simply as we explore the truth about our consumer culture;
 * live simply with the support of our church family; and
 * live simply and generously by living with and sharing enough.

I invite you to be a part of this series and the other upcoming opportunities at LCOC that are offered to help us grow as committed disciples of Christ and to live the life that is really life!

I give thanks for YOU and the blessing that you are to LCOC and beyond!

Pastor Darcy



Council President
Sharing in God's Mission 
at Lutheran Church of the Covenant
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ ,
          We are so blessed to have so many wonderful opportunities to fellowship with one another and with many community members.  The Oktoberfest, which was not only lots of fun, but also raised over $2600.00 for Rise Against Hunger and for our young people going to the National Youth Gathering in Houston next summer.  Hospitality was at its best on Saturday afternoon, October 28th, when we welcomed around 70 of our neighbors to our Fall Festival.  How exciting to take a great bus trip with other fellow Lutherans to the National Cathedral on the 29th to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.  Worshipping at that magnificent church was a beautiful and spiritual experience for the over 2,000 people in attendance.  Martin Luther would have been proud!  We will be celebrating All Saints Day on Sunday, November 5th where we will remember our loved ones who have passed away this past year.  LCOC's 49th Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, November 12th and we look forward to a Harvest Brunch on the 19th between services.  Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of all that God is doing and calling us to do at our church and out in the community.  There are so many possibilities to serve out Lord and our neighbor as a member of Lutheran Church of the Covenant so come and see. 
Please know that I will continue to pray for all of you, and I ask that you pray daily for all your brothers and sisters here at LCOC and that we are carrying out God's will for us in this place, in the community, and in the world.  I ask that if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc. that you feel free to talk to me (in person, by phone (703-670-8365), or through email ).  But more than anything, I ask that we all remember never to limit what God can do through us in carrying out our mutual missions!  
May God bless you all as you are a blessing to me and many others.
Jo Ann Rudy

to worship God and fellowship with the community
  • November 5th - All Saints Sunday -   Please sign-up on the bulletin board or email the office with the name of your loved ones who have passed away since November 1, 2016.  A bell will toll for each name read during the services.
  • November 12th -  There will be only one service at 10:00 AM  followed by lunch of pizza and salad at 11:15.  The Congregational Meeting will immediately follow.
  • November 19th - Instead of an evening service, LCOC will celebrate Thanksgiving during the morning worship services and with the Harvest Brunch in between the services.  
  • November 26 - Christ The King Sunday -  Choir will sing at both 8:30 and 11:00 services.
  • December 2  -   9:30AM -  Gather at the church to decorate for Advent and Christmas Season.  All are invited to help decorate - many hands make the work light and fun!

" God's Work, Our Hands" Day
Hot Dog Bar Luncheon
We will be hosting the Pizza/Salad Lunch for the Annual Meeting at 11:00 am on Sunday, November 12th. Please come to enjoy some food and support our church.
Reminder: Education will start at 9 am and Worship at 10 am , followed by the lunch on this Sunday. 

On November 19th between services we are having a Harvest Brunch. Let's come together and be thankful for our blessings as we celebrate Thanksgiving together. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Entrance Hall. 

Coming in December:
Our Advent Teas on December 3 German,10 Scandinavian & 17 Melting Pot,
with a Christmas Eve Dinner on Sunday, December 24.

Tricia, Ray & Cindi

Prayer Breakfast
Men's Prayer Breakfast   

Our next meeting is November 11th
at 7:30 am  in the DFH. 

LCOC Prayer Garden
Community Prayer Group
The LCOC community prayer group meets the second Saturday of each month from 7:30 am to 9 am in the Work Room. We share prayers of concern and numerous praises along with a strong cup of coffee. We offer this time to the community and congregation to join us for prayer, openly or privately. We will meet again on November 11th at 7:30 am.

Matt. 21:13 - my house will be called a house of prayer,.....

in our relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study, and service

Adult Education

Join us, the coffee is ready!

Nov 5      Live Simply with the support of our church family 
Nov 12    Live Simply and generously by living with and sharing enough
Nov 19    Congregation Harvest Brunch
Nov 26    Thanksgiving Weekend - NO EDUCATION


Wednesday Bible Study :

Not able to attend in person?  
You can now "dial in" and join the conversation.  
641.715.3580 code 333-631

Story Time VBS 2017


LCOC Child and Youth Education
November 2017

High School, Confirmation, and Children's class levels completed the Apostles' Creed study at the same time as the adults in late October. 

The six students in the High School class will continue on with the Live Simply series as the adults are also doing until the Advent period.  They are planning to attend Chrysalis in Front Royal the first weekend in December. 

In October the three Confirmation students picked up where they left off last year with the Colaborate Lutheran Confirmation series and thus far have had classes on Martin Luther, the Reformation (on Reformation Sunday when a number attended the special service at the National Cathedral), and the Adiophora- or what matters most in our faith as Christians. During and after the holiday period  Confirmation will be digging deeply into the New Testament and plans for both Shekinah and an additional class retreat during the spring.   

The teaching team remains Kristi S, Mike R, Jon S, Stacey R, Diane D, and Wilbur S.  We still seek adults who have knowledge, skill, or faith to share with any of the youth levels on a one or more time basis. 

We would love for all children and youth to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am for Sunday School. 
Wilbur S.

Prayer Opportunities

              Prayer List Ministry                 

Prayer Chain Ministry: 
Please send an email to 
or call the Prayer Chain Lead at 571-210-1979      
Free Ceaseless Prayer App:   

 Youth Group

As we prepare for the Youth Gathering in Houston next summer, we look 
for your participation in our fundraising efforts. We would like all the 
youth to be able to come and experience this amazing event.

Proceeds to support the Youth Group to the Youth Gathering:
  • Opportunity Baskets  November, & December
  • Annual Congregational Meeting on November 12th to Youth Gathering


Folks, Please pardon our dust as we replace the Columns at the front entrance. The existing wooden columns were deteriorating and are being replaced by a more durable water resistant product that should last a very long time. Also, this month we will install WiFi for the LFH and classrooms to use.  This should be a big help to those with mobile devices as the cell signal is very weak in the lower spaces. Feel free to call me @ 2022708038 with any property concerns. Thanks
Mark Gimmi

of our resources, time, and talents in response to God's extravagant generosity towards us

Stop Hunger Now 2017
Even with all the busyness of the fall season-school events and many other things vying for our time and attention, the generous folks at LCOC just keep on using the gifts God has blesses them with and reaching out and giving. The many bags and boxes of everyday staples and holiday meal fixings that will impact many families in the community when filtered through ACTS and Neabsco Elementary illustrate the continued working of the Spirit in our congregation. Thanks to all of you who participated!  
When this newsletter goes to print we will be giving thanks for the opportunity to reach out to the community and show gracious hospitality at the Fall Festival. Once again, a great example of God's Work/Our Hands being done at LCOC with help from so many people helping with all aspects from the planning, set-up and fulfillment of games, crafts, food, and just plain fun for kids of all ages. Great job all!
We will be ramping up for the Un-Trim-A-Tree ministry now. LCOC will be receiving information on 25 children whose holiday will be brighter with our help. Please enlist the help of your network and give as the Spirit leads so that we can help bring some big smiles to these wonderful children.  
Thanks to the great work of a Thrivent Action Team and all those who helped in so many ways, we just enjoyed a fabulous Oktoberfest with all the trimmings (including the chicken dance) to help jump start the funds needed for our young people to attend the Youth Gathering and for the materials needed to pack 30,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger. Once again, invite friends and neighbors to such events so they can be part of the blessing. More events to benefit these ministries still to come so stay tuned!

Thank you also for your generosity in your financial commitment and consider using the Vanco option which can be accessed online at:

  VANCO Giving Link     

Please consider becoming a Thrivent member as well and if you already are a member and use Thrivent products, make use of the Action Team funds that are available to help fund LCOC's ministry projects. This seed money really makes a difference and helps us increase the scope of our service projects. 

Enjoy the bounty of the fall season and this inspirational thought:  Autumn- "The season for enjoying the fullness of life-partaking of the harvest, sharing the harvest with others, and reinvesting and saving portions of the harvest for yet another season of growth." - Denis Waitley

Enjoy the beautiful fall changes and consider this message from Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
In love and peace,
Patti Beattie   
 "Oktoberfest at LCOC" 
          We continue to thank and praise God for another successful Oktoberfest at LCOC on Saturday, October 21st.  Over 100 people enjoyed an evening of delicious German-inspired food (grilled bratwurst, sauerkraut, German potato salad, drinks and desserts).  The Oktoberfest attendees also experienced lots of fun as they participated in the Cake Walk, Package Game, and Chicken Dance.  We had great door prizes and raffle items (all donated by members of LCOC and/or community businesses).  Through this event, we raised over $2600.00 for Rise Against Hunger and for our youth going to the National Youth Gathering in Houston next summer. Thanks to Thrivent Financial; our great LCOC Action Team (Coy and Gudrun Adams, Mark and Heather Gimmi, Ralph Morse, Phil Overholt, Venus Valdez, Brian Richard, Susie Rush, Wilbur Snyder, Ray and Cindi Sutton, Pastor Darcy, and Roger and Jo Ann Rudy); all those who provided German potato salad, door prizes, raffle prizes and who helped with setting up and cleaning up, or who assisted in any way to make this a memorable and spectacular event!  

Amazon Smile:
Amazon members can help support LCOC while you shop! Click on the link below and pick Lutheran Church of the Covenant as your favorite organization and start shopping! We will receive a percentage of the sale.

Good shop:
Support Lutheran Church of the Covenant when you search the Web at or shop online with 

forth to serve others and share the story of God's love for all
IWALK for ACTS 2017

Thank you to the 19 people who joined us at the IWalk for ACTS event this year. We raised 
$1200 for ACTS.

New Members
Are you interested in learning more about the ministry of LCOC and/or to become a part of the LCOC family?  Please contact  Darla Ferris or

Community Fall Festival 
          Thanks to Thrivent Financial for helping us, through two action  teams with seed money, to reach out to our neighbors in Cloverdale and beyond.  On Saturday, October 28, we welcomed around 70 adults and children to our parking lot at LCOC where we provided games, crafts, food, and fun as we celebrated fall and Halloween, and as we continue to live generously.  Our guests who came stayed the entire time and were all so very grateful.  Thanks to the team members who made and delivered invitations, secured and/or made signs for the event, helped set up, decorated, helped shop for the food and other items, grilled the hot dogs, served the food and drinks, assisted the children in playing games or doing crafts, and who helped to clean up.  Thanks to one of our local McDonald's who donated 100 hamburgers, apple slices, and prizes for our event.  We are also grateful for the beautiful angel and the Hamburglar who shared in our afternoon.   Special thanks for our LCOC brothers and sisters in Christ and Action Team Members (Mark Gimmi, Roger Rudy, Mel and DeLoris Bellinger, Tricia and Jon Schilder, Lorelei Ditton, Wilbur Snyder, Debbie Hamilton, Phil Overholt, Patti Beattie, Darla Ferris, Doug Strack, Pastor Darcy, and Jo Ann Rudy) who gave of their time, talent, and most importantly, their Christian love to make this such a special time for all who attended.   

Treasurers Report
This month at a glance
Happy Birthday to you!
                3    Karen B.
                   Tom M.
              10    Jennifer H.
              11    Joseph M.
              12    Kyle S.
              13    Hunter W.
               14    Marcie C.
              15     Tyler P.
              16    Dave J.
              20    Monica W.
              22    Hunter S.
Happy Anniversary

Jon & Tricia S.
November 9, 1985

Ray & Cindi S.
November 26, 1993
Baptism Anniversaries
Joshua O. 
Lucas S.
Bailey Z.
Homebound Members
Ruth J.
Jean J.
Mary S.
Virginia S.
Members in the Military
Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.

Please remember to keep our service members and their families in your prayers as they serve our country. If you have someone to add to this list, please contact the office.

Fall Festival & National Cathedral

Flower Calendar
The altar flowers for this month are given to the glory of God and contributed by:

November 5
Roger & JoAnn R. in memory of Freda R.

Les & Karen B. in celebration of their birthdays

November 12
Dave & Jean Z. in honor of USMC birthday

Liela O. in memory of her parents

November 19
Tilli S. in memory of Mother and 
Husband's birthdays

Diane D. in celebration of Aunt Susan's birthday

November 26
Roger & JoAnn R. in honor of Carroll R.

Ray & Cindi S. in celebration 
of their 24th anniversary
Kids Page
We are fortunate to be able to use our gifts that God has provided us through a variety of ways.   When we choose to give our time, energy and talents to serve others, we are taking part in God's work to share the love of Christ and give God glory.  With God working in us and through us, we can make a difference!

OTLWB Book Club

The Book Club selection for our  meeting on Wednesday, November 15th
at 11:00 am in WR 

The Ninth Hour  
by Alice McDermott 

December Pick:
The Elegance of the Hedgehog 
by Muriel Barbery

If you would like more information, 
please see Sandy S. or Diane D.
Project Mend-A-House  

Click to read:

Would you like to participate in the next project? 
contact Ralph M.

In Nature at LCOC

Dear LCOC Family Member ~
If you've never spent time in any of the outside sanctuaries surrounding our church, you are missing an opportunity to feel God's awesome peace and His presence.  Allow me to take you on a walk through some of the gardens as the beauty of fall surrounds us.  As we begin our walk, the sun is shining and there is a chill in the air.  Here's some of what we experienced:
  • The Gum and Maple Trees are really showing off their brilliant colors as they continue to hang on to their leaves a little longer than usual.  
  • We pause to watch a black squirrel (yes A BLACK SQUIRREL) scurrying to find acorns to store away for winter. 
  • There is evidence that the Eager Beavers have been working in the landscape as the pond area and the woods are looking great.   
  • We feel sure that these great workers have been cleaning the meditation gardens as well!
  • The Burning Bushes are slowly, but surely turning their beautiful red.
  • Many of the perennial and annual gardens around the church have already been put to bed for the winter.  
  • The Heavenly Bamboo are producing their gorgeous berries and looking fantastic. 
  • Newly planted pansies and some lovely mums flank the entrance to the inner sanctuary.
  • Sadly, our fun hummingbirds have left and the feeder has been stored away. 
  • Since the weather has turned colder, we are certain that the Monarchs and other butterflies, that we saw just last week, have left for their long trip south. 
  • Fall anemones are looking rather sad as they get ready to say good bye for the season.   
You are encouraged to take a self-guided tour through our wonderful landscape here at LCOC.  But be ready - you are going to experience God's peace and presence - so enjoy this special time with our Creator!  Next month, we'll be approaching the beginning of colder, crisper weather and although there will still be lots to enjoy, many of the gardens will be heading into quiescence. 
"Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn."   Elizabeth Lawrence

News & Notes

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Take a look at our web site
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Ministry Quick Links
Metro DC Synod
DC Young Adults
Metro DC Youth