Lutheran Church of the Covenant
OCTOBER 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the October monthly news highlighting what God is up to at LCOC! You are invited to share this news with new neighbors and others who may be interested in hearing what God is doing through the people and ministry of LCOC. Also invite others to come and be a part of these various ministry opportunities!

GATHER          GROW         GIVE         GO
Pastor Darcy 
"They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future,  so that they may take hold of the life that really is life." 
                                                               - 1 Timothy 6:18-19
What is the life that really is life?  How do we live that life when our schedules, our relationships, our debts, and our responsibilities can be busy, complicated and messy?  How do we keep centered in Christ, be good stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, and live simply with the cultural expectations?
On October 22, we will begin a four-week stewardship emphasis for our congregation called Live Simply. We will learn how to become more generous givers and faithful stewards as we explore what it means to:
 * live simply as we follow Jesus;
 * live simply as we explore the truth about our consumer culture;
 * live simply with the support of our church family; and
 * live simply and generously by living with and sharing enough.
Each week we will focus on one of these themes during worship and education in creative and inviting ways.  You are invited and encouraged to be present each week as we explore these topics.
Paul shares his simple secret of contentment in Philippians 4 when he says that he can do all things through Christ. During our Live Simply emphasis, may we learn to more fully follow and rely on Jesus while loving and serving in community, and experience more deeply the joy of a simple yet generous and abundant life and faith-life that really is life.



  Oct 22nd - Concert in the evening at the Basilica (National Lutheran Choir) singing a piece commissioned for the anniversary of the reformation by 
a Grammy nominated Norwegian composer. 

Oct 29th -  Reformation Worship Service at 4pm at the National Cathedral.
. Bishop Eaton Preaching

Oct 31st  - Looking Back & Called Forward: ELCA 500
You can attend in person or watch via Live streaming from Reformation DC

Council President
Sharing in God's Mission 
at Lutheran Church of the Covenant
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ,
                 Each morning I start my day by reading a variety of devotions.  Along with other books, I read Christ In Our Home (available quarterly from LCOC, published by Augsburg).  These devotions usually follow the Lectionary Series that we use as our scripture readings for Sunday services.  Recently, in Matthew where Jesus provides us guidelines for dealing with others who have hurt our feelings, upset us, sinned against us, etc., the author of this particular entry shared that she remembers how her pastor explained the verse "Point out the fault when the two of you are alone" (verse 15 of Matthew 18) in this way:  "He explained that communicating in a straight line - direct and person-to-person - is more effective than communicating in a triangle.  In a triangle, Person A has a gripe about Person B but tells Person C about it, thus setting the stage for confusion, hurt feelings, and even manipulations.  After all, Person C may not convey the message to Person B or may get it wrong without Person A there to explain it.  In practical terms, what Jesus teaches is this: If you've been wronged by someone, tell him or her directly, alone. You'll have made a friend".  May God help us to communicate directly and caringly when we disagree with someone and forgive us when we fail to do so. 
Please know that I will continue to pray for all of you, and I ask that you pray daily for all your brothers and sisters here at LCOC and that we are carrying out God's will for us in this place, in the community, and in the world.  I ask that if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc. that you feel free to talk to me (in person, by phone (703-670-8365), or through email  But more than anything, I ask that we all remember never to limit what God can do through us in carrying out our mutual missions!  
May God bless you all as you are a blessing to me and many others.

JoAnn Rudy

to worship God and fellowship with the community
Come and worship with us on Reformation Sunday, October 29th and celebrate the 500 anniversary of the Reformation. Remember t o wear RED.

Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord
If God has blessed you with a musical gift or talent, whether instrumental or vocal, we invite you to share them with us as Special Music during our worship services. All are welcome.  We particularly would like our youth and young adults to participate.  Currently, opportunities are available during the second service on October 22, November 19, December 3, and 17.  If you are interested or have a friend who may be interested, please contact Kurt Hoffman at  or René Milam at

Bus Trip to the Reformation Service at National Cathedral:
Join LCOC for Reformation Sunday Worship on October 29, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Washington National Cathedral. The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, ELCA presiding bishop, to preach, the Roanoke College Choir to sing and Holy Communion to be shared. 

We are working on bus transportation with an estimated departure from LCOC at 2 pm , returning about 7 pm. Price for the bus ride $18 each. Please sign up on the Entrance Hall bulletin board or you may contact the office at 703-670-4242 / email and Tricia will sign you up.
" God's Work, Our Hands" Day
Hot Dog Bar Luncheon

The Fellowship Committee along with the Mustard Seed Community Church members were very happy to provide a wonderful lunch for all the people who helped on "God's Work, Our Hands" Day Cloverdale Road cleanup and the indoor service project for ACTS. The stations for hot dog toppings included Hawaiian, South Western, BBQ,  Traditional.  Chips, sodas , ice cream treats and some delicious Korean salad and dumplings completed the meal.  Fun and fellowship was had by all!

Coming this month: 
Join us on  Sunday, October 22nd between services for a seasonal
Harvest Brunch. Look for the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Entrance Hall.

Prayer Breakfast
Men's Prayer Breakfast   

Our next meeting is October 14th
at 7:30 am  in the DFH. 

LCOC Prayer Garden
Community Prayer Group
The LCOC community prayer group meets the second Saturday of each month from 7:30 am to 9 am in the Work Room. We share prayers of concern and numerous praises along with a strong cup of coffee. We offer this time to the community and congregation to join us for prayer, openly or privately. We will meet again on October 14th at 7:30 am.

Matt. 21:13 - my house will be called a house of prayer,.....

in our relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study, and service

Adult Education

Join us, the coffee is ready!

Oct 1
What Christians Believe and Why?
Creed:  The Church at the Communion of Saints
Oct 8
What Christians Believe and Why?
Creed:  The Forgiveness of Sins
Oct 15
What Christians Believe and Why?
Creed:  The Resurrection of the Body
Oct 22
Live Simply  as we follow Jesus
Oct 29
Live Simply as we explore the truth about our consumer culture
Nov 5
Live Simply with the support of our church family
Nov 12
Live Simply and generously by living with and sharing enough


Wednesday Bible Study :

Not able to attend in person?  
You can now "dial in" and join the conversation.  
641.715.3580 code 333-631

Story Time VBS 2017


LCOC Child and Youth Education
October 2017

Youth Education  continues from 9:45AM to 10:45AM (between 8:30AM and 11:00AM worship): 

High School (9th-12th grades) is being taught by Kristi S & Mike R. 

Confirmation (6th to 8th grades with Pastor's approval) is being taught by Diane D & Wilbur S. 

Younger Children (Pre-school to 5th/6th grades) are being taught by Stacey R. 

* Curriculum :
  • "Apostles' Creed- What Christians Believe and Why" continues for all levels thru Oct 15th
  • Oct 22d and 29th will focus on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
  • After Oct, Confirmation continues with 'Colaborate Lutheran'- 2 year program
  • Currently reviewing High School Cirriculum after Oct
* Special Youth Events:

  • October 29th (4PM): attend Reformation service at National Cathedral
  • November 12th: attend LCOC Annual Congregtional meeting after late service.
  • December 1-3: Shekinah for High School youth; Stacey R and Ray S will chaperone.
* Congregational Support Needed For LCOC Child/Youth Education Program:

  • Additional adult volunteers who can fill class levels 2-4 times a year- thanks to Jon S; Patti B; and Ray S whose hats are in the ring !
  • Other adult members who can share a passion or skill on a one-time basis
  • Your continued prayers and interest in LCOC youth education
* Draft LCOC Child and Youth Protection Policy was provided for review.

Wilbur S.

Prayer Opportunities

              Prayer List Ministry                 

Prayer Chain Ministry: 
Please send an email to 
or call the Prayer Chain Lead at 571-210-1979      
Free Ceaseless Prayer App:   

 Youth Group

As we prepare for the Youth Gathering in Houston next summer, we look 
for your participation in our fundraising efforts. We would like all the 
youth to be able to come and experience this amazing event.

Proceeds to support the Youth Group to the Youth Gathering:
  • Opportunity Baskets October, November, December
  • Annual Cloverdale Closet Thrift Sale on September 30th for Chrysalis
  • Oktoberfest on October 21st, 1/2 proceeds to Youth Gathering
  • Annual Congregational Meeting on November 12th to Youth Gathering


Our "God's Work, Our Hands" Clean up day was another great success. Thank you to all the folks who came out to help beautify Cloverdale Rd and in so doing our church community. 

of our resources, time, and talents in response to God's extravagant generosity towards us

Stop Hunger Now 2017
The generosity continues and the blessings keep flowing.......with help from all of you LCOC delivered almost 155 pounds of toiletries to ACTS for distribution this month.  We also painted over 50 rocks with inspirational sayings and designs to be picked up by individuals they speak to along the way. All this was part of a very successful God's Work/Our Hands Day. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in these projects. Your generosity will carry God's love to many in the community.

We are ramping up now for more critical community service ministries including Operation Turkey and the LCOC Community Fall Festival. The list of items needed by ACTS to provide holiday meals to those in need is included below and we know our folks will be generous as always. Items need to be delivered to ACTS by October 13th so please consider adding these to your shopping lists now. Also, feel free to share the ministry need with friends, neighbors, and work colleagues, allowing them to be part of the blessing.

Our Fall Festival is being held the evening of October 28th from 4:00 till about 8:00 p.m. We need lots of volunteers to help set up, bring and distribute candy, assist with craft and game booths, and clean up after the fun. Neabsco Elementary and Nikki's Daycare students and their families as well as people from all around the neighborhood and community are being invited to enjoy the fall weather and good fellowship. We may even have some of Ronald McDonald's friends stop by! Keep future activities in your plans as well as we know that if fall and Thanksgiving are close at hand then Breakfast with Santa and Untrim-A-Tree gift giving is not far behind. Please contact me at 703-200-3077 or via email at for more details on any or all of these exciting efforts.

Thank you also for your generosity in your financial commitment and consider using the Vanco option which can be accessed online at:

  VANCO Giving Link     

Please consider becoming a Thrivent member as well and if you already are a member and use Thrivent products, make use of the Action Team funds that are available to help fund LCOC's ministry projects. This seed money really makes a difference and helps us increase the scope of our service projects. 

Enjoy the beautiful fall changes and consider this message from Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
In love and peace,
Patti Beattie   

 "Oktoberfest at LCOC" is back!! 
   On Saturday, October 21, 2017, we will be hosting a fundraiser through a German-inspired meal of bratwurst, potato salad, sauerkraut, drinks and desserts. The Oktoberfest will run from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.  We are charging $15.00 for Adults (13 years old and up) and $5.00 for children (12 and under).  We will be offering hot dogs for the younger folks.  Tickets will be sold on Sundays, October 1, 8, and 15. *** We will not be selling tickets for the meals at the door as we need to know how many people to expect so that we know how much food to purchase. *** There is an old-fashioned Cake-Walk being planned, as well as, Door Prizes. 

This project is made possible through an Action Team grant provided by Thrivent Financial and the generosity of our LCOC church family.  Half of the funds raised from this event will be used to help sponsor our young people who are going to the National Youth Gathering next summer.  The other half of the proceeds will go to offset the costs associated with packaging 30,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger. 


Looking forward to seeing you at the Oktoberfest!
In His Service,
Roger Rudy
Amazon Smile:
Amazon members can help support LCOC while you shop! Click on the link below and pick Lutheran Church of the Covenant as your favorite organization and start shopping! We will receive a percentage of the sale.

Good shop:
Support Lutheran Church of the Covenant when you search the Web at or shop online with 

forth to serve others and share the story of God's love for all
IWALK for ACTS 2016

October Events:

A charity 5K walk event helping our neighbors in crisis. Check-in 8:00 am, walk 9:00 am on  Saturday, October 7th at Stonebridge at Potomac Town Center (Wegmans).  Free family festival follows at 10 am to 2 pm.
Our stretch goal is $1500 between walkers and donations.  With the generous love offering of $465.39 at the Bull Run Troubadours concert we are over halfway there - with $910 given so far.  Way to go LCOC -- You are making a difference!!!
Invite a friend to walk or make a donation to the LCOC team today!

We will be having our annual Fall Festival (Trunk or Treat) and Pet Blessing the evening of October 28th from 4:00 till about 8:00 p.m. We will need lots of volunteers to help set up, bring and distribute candy, assist with craft and game booths, and clean up after the fun. Watch for a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Entrance Hall.

We would love to have a great turnout for all of these events. 

Treasurers Report
This month at a glance
Happy Birthday to you!
                2    Colette L.
                   Blake J.
                8    Bailey Z.
                9    Pam M.
              14   Michael E.
              15    Kaley P.
               18    Troy S.
              19     Joseph H.
              22    Ruth J.
              29    Joan H.
              29    Jean Z.
              31    Gudrun A.
              31    Les B.
Happy Anniversary

Diane & Mark D..
October 5, 1991

Brian & Amy M.
October 12, 1999

Brian & Wendy Ward
October 26, 2002

Steve & Cyndi Wichelt
October 22, 1988
Baptism Anniversaries
Natalea C.
Heather H.
Cody K.
Addison L.
James M.
Arianna R.
Sarah S.
Seth S.
Brady V.
Homebound Members
Ruth J.
Jean J.
Mary S.
Virginia S.
Members in the Military
Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.

Please remember to keep our service members and their families in your prayers as they serve our country. If you have someone to add to this list, please contact the office.

ACTS Service Project
ACTS Service Project

Flower Calendar
The altar flowers for this month are given to the glory of God and contributed by:

October 1
Diane & Mark D. in celebration 
of their anniversary

October 8
Jim G. in celebration of Dale's birthday

October 15
Wilbur S. in memory of M.G. Richard S.

October 22
Darla F. in memory of her father, Carl N.

Tilli S. in memory of her dd's birthday

October 29
Roger & JoAnn R. in memory of her sister Linda D.

Coy A. in celebration of Gudrun's birthday

Kids Page
We are fortunate to be able to use our gifts that God has provided us through a variety of ways.   When we choose to give our time, energy and talents to serve others, we are taking part in God's work to share the love of Christ and give God glory.  With God working in us and through us, we can make a difference!

OTLWB Book Club

The Book Club selection for our  meeting on October 16th 

A Piece of the World  
by Christina Baker Kline

If you would like more information, 
please see Sandy S. or Diane D.
Project Mend-A-House  

Click to read:

Would you like to participate in the next project? 
contact Ralph M.

In Nature at LCOC

Dear LCOC Family Member ~
If you've never spent time in any of the outside sanctuaries surrounding our church, you are missing an opportunity to feel God's awesome peace and His presence.  Allow me to take you on a walk through some of the gardens as we explore what is happening as fall is in the air:
  • The bloom of the Crepe Myrtles are quickly becoming a recent memory as are the pretty petals of our roses. 
  • We enjoy the beauty of the anemones as they and the liriope are now in full bloom. 
  • It is so exciting to see the Monarchs continuing to visit the butterfly bush as do other species preparing for migration.
  • As we walk just a short distance further, we see a Praying Mantis that is camouflaged to look like the dried leaves he is hiding in.
  • The maples, gum, honey locusts, and other trees are starting to really show off their beautiful colors.
  • We stopped to take in the golden splendor of the autumn crocuses; and the little buds of the mums which are about to burst open.
  • Many of the dogwoods have their berries and they and their leaves are beginning to turn red.
  • The sturdy zinnias are hanging in, but the blossoms of the Joe Pye Weed, coneflowers, and black-eyed Susans have finished blooming and providing sustenance to the Gold Finches and other birds and insects.  However, three Black-eyed Susans peek out as if to say, "look at us, we are still very pretty".
  • Our LCOC eager beavers have been sloshing around in the pond and doing what they do best, "God's Work, Our Hands".  They can be seen pruning and enjoying being in the outer sanctuary as well.
  • What a blessing to be able to see all the beauty that surrounds us.  As we pause for a few moments, we hear a cardinal calling for his mate; we see a squirrel scampering across the lawn; and we hear a flock of crows squawking as they fly overhead.
You are encouraged to take a self-guided tour through our wonderful landscape here at LCOC.  But be ready - you are going to experience God's peace and presence - so enjoy this special time with our Creator!  Next month, we'll be well into the fall season with its shorter days and longer nights.
"Autumn shows us how beautiful
it is to let things go".

News & Notes

Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your continued support to our outreach program at the Hilda Barg Homeless Shelter. Because of that support we had the funds to purchase all the food for the meals for August.  LCOC served meals on August 20, 21, and 22. We serve again in February 2018.

Blessings in Christ
Sandy Strychowski.

ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response
We continue to pray for all of those impacted by the 
recent hurricanes and earthquakes. The relief efforts 
will be ongoing and long-term. 100% of any donations
to Lutheran Disaster Response will support some 
of these needs.


You can make a personal donation on 
to provide assistance to Texas hurricane victims.
When you do, Thrivent will double the impact - up
 to $3 million. This opportunity will run until the $3
 million match is met or until December 31, 2017, 
whichever comes first.

Contact Us
Take a look at our web site
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Ministry Quick Links
Metro DC Synod
DC Young Adults
Metro DC Youth