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What could cause you to Fall Away??

Have you ever been angry at God?
When huge disappointments come?

When we feel God has "let us down"?

When you have been faithful and true and serving others as hard as you can and then something awful happens in your life?

Chapter 1 of Job
Job suffers devastating LOSS OF ALL his children and ALL his wealth

What was Job's response? :
1.) Rent his mantle-  (it's ok to feel devastated)
2.) Shaved his head - (it's ok to express grief)
3.) Fell down upon the ground
- ( it's ok to let others know how horribly this loss is affecting you)  
4.) Worshipped-
( Make yourself remember ALL the attributes of  God Most High)

But look what Job said in his heart:
Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

What happens if we charge God Foolishly?

1.) We are judging God
2.) We are saying that how we think it should have gone is more right and important than what God knows is best 
3.) We are not agreeing with God
4.) We are not saying THY Kingdom Come, THY will be done- what we are really saying is , "give me what I want, now" whether is works into your Kingdom plans or not

Sound familiar? - Kind of like the prodigal son asking his Father for his inheritance now so he can go spend it on his immediate desires

My fellow brethren, this current state you find yourselves in does not compare with how bad it is going to get as described in Matthew 24, and the books of Revelation and Daniel.

Be forewarned- Be ready - 

Matthew 13:21
Matthew 24: 10

Jesus spoke to us THESE THINGS so that we would not be offended

And what did Job answer his wife when she suggested he curse God:
Job 2:10 -shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?

Be warned- if you charge God foolishly you will fall away

But if you endure in faith and patience you will inherit salvation

And you will find strong consolation, and hope as an anchor for your soul 

Jesus taught us to pray: 
THY KINGDOM come, THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven

Let our hearts be for HIM, HIS plans and HIS KINGDOM
more than for ourselves

Oh Lord, grant us repentance unto salvation  


Prayer Suggestions for June:  

    Establish the Kingdom of your Son with judgment and with justice from henceforth 
even for ever
Is 9:7

That you Lord, who hath called us unto your eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after we have suffered a while, make us perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle us.1 Peter 5:10

We stand in faith in accordance with your word in Is. 53:4 that you CARRY our Sickness and that you carry them outside the camp Lev. 16:21-22

Bind, stop and arrest the SPREAD of any virus or evil

That we would all take heed to the ministry that we have received from the Lord and fulfill it. Col 4:17

That you Lord, may make known to us all things and comfort our hearts.
 Ephesians 6:21&22

That Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth

That our God shall supply all our need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus Php 4:19

Pray for all leaders to be guided by God's Holy Spirit only


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