Volume XXXII | March 1, 2022
Monthly News and Updates
Upcoming Dates...
March 15, 2022 - S Corp and Partnership Due

March 23, 2022 - Due date to have all information to P+G to have individual returns completed by filing date.

April 18, 2022 - Individual and Corporate Due date; Extension Due date; 1st quarter estimate due date
Retirement Plans...
Have you started saving for retirement? As a business owner have you thought about starting a retirement plan for yourself and your employees?

There are many different types of retirement plans available, 401k, SEP, SIMPLE, IRA. Some are more beneficial to small business owners and individuals. While others come attached with large fees and few benefits.

If you are thinking about enrolling in a retirement plan please reach out so we can discuss the ways each will affect your business and personal tax situations.

It is never to early to start saving for retirement!
Thank you teachers...
Teachers are often left off the list of unsung heroes in our communities. At P+G we believe that teachers are true heroes and difference makers.

Teachers spend countless hours helping to shape the lives of our children. They do this with very little recognition and are routinely taken for granted.

P+G want to make sure the teachers in our community feel the love and appreciation they deserve.
New Forms and Delays...
For S Corporations and Partnerships additional forms have been added to the tax returns causing processing delays. The additional forms are needed for any pass through entity whose individual shareholders report foreign tax credits on their individual tax returns.

These forms K2 & K3 are not yet approved for e-filing by the IRS so it may cause a delay in filing the returns if your returns need them. We will contact you on case by case basis regarding these forms.

For any questions or further information please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Support the Leonard- Huber Family...
We are helping to sponsor a bull roast for a young family who recently received the terrible news that their son, Odin, had a brain tumor.

At his young age Odin has multiple surgeries. He has begun chemotherapy to treat and shrink the tumor, which will continue each week for the next year. He gets regular eye, hearing and growth checks to make sure the chemotherapy and the tumor are not affecting his growth and functions.

As we all know, the cost of such procedures and treatment is astronomical. In just over six months, the Leonard-Huber family has met their deductible twice. They have maxed out on their paid time off and vacation time to take their son to countless doctors appointments - not to mention all while maintaining a healthy household during a pandemic. 

If you would like to learn more or lend your support to this family please reach out to Laura I. or Danielle I.
Visit our Blog HERE!
Peace of Mind + Growth of Bottom Line