April 14, 2023

Ron Hamilton _letter from the director_.jpg


Middle School Division Director

Mr. Ron Hamilton

Greetings, Middle School Kodiaks!

Middle School students practiced taking over the world on Service Day yesterday. They built trails, hauled wood, dug rows, and generally made our environment better for everyone. Skating in the afternoon was a great way to end their day of service. Mr. White showed Mr. Frugè how to limbo lower!

Fall 2023 Middle School Co-Curricular Request Form Due Next Week

It's time to think ahead to next school year for co-curricular classes. Please have your child request their co-curricular classes for the 2023-2024 school year here. All requests are due by Friday, April 21. At that time, I will be creating student schedules for the coming academic year.


April 20

Middle & Upper School Band Concert

CSS's final Band Concert of the academic year will take place on Thursday, April 20, at 6 p.m. in the Tutt Field House. Students will need to be in the Band Room by 5:30 p.m. for attendance purposes and to allow time for warm-up and tuning as well as to ensure a punctual start to the concert. This is a mandatory performance, as all students will be receiving a letter grade for the Concert similar to the semester final given in their other classes. Students who do not live near campus may want to talk with friends who do to see whether they can hang out after school before coming back for the Concert. Mr. Mo will be on campus after school so if a student really needs a place to be they can come to the Band Room in the Field House. 

Spring Concert Dress Code

Rather than the formal "black-and-white" dress code used for CSS's Winter Concert in December, students should arrive at the Concert next week in their nicest spring-colored dress attire. The CSS dress code does apply to this event. As you look to choose an appropriate outfit, imagine going to a wedding, a fancy restaurant, 8th-grade Continuation, or Commencement. If you like to plan ahead, the outfit chosen for the Concert could also be worn again at some of the ceremonies that will follow in May.


Appropriate choices may include:

  • A skirt or a dress that extends below the knee when seated. 
  • A collared shirt (this can be either a long sleeve or a short sleeve dress shirt).
  • Dress pants, or a pantsuit, suit, or sports coat.
  • Dress shoes and socks.
  • Ties are optional, but always look nice.

Please, no athletic shoes, athletic pants, shorts, or jeans!

April 21

STEAM Day & Fun Run 

Students in Grades 3-8 will participate in a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math (STEAM) activity day, including a Super-Sized Science demonstration presented by Cool Science and spelunking with CaveSim next Friday, April 21. Students and teachers will rotate through cool cave simulations and teacher-led stations using light, color, magnets, air, electricity, and water – and focusing on physics and chemistry – to explore our world through the eyes of amazing phenomena. Following STEAM Day, all students are invited to join the Parents Association's annual Fun Run. Participants in STEAM Day, the Fun Run, or both, are asked to wear gently-worn layers (including their Fun Run t-shirts from the fall) and sturdy shoes, as we will spend much of the day outside. Sunscreen and water bottles are a MUST!

Game Night

The Middle School Student Council is hosting Game Night on Friday, April 21, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Our previous Game Night in October was so popular that we decided to repeat the same events: dodgeball, manhunt, and ghosts in the graveyard. Each activity will last approximately 45 minutes, beginning at 6 p.m. Snacks and pizza will be available for purchase from 5:30 to 6 p.m., so arrive on time if you're hungry! Both pick-up and drop-off for this event will take place at the back of Maytag Dining Hall. Dress for chilly weather and for being active.

April 25

8th Grade Authors' Afternoon

Eighth graders and their parents are invited to attend our annual Authors' Afternoon. Students will read from their personal work that they’ve been revising throughout the school year. A formal invitation from Ms. Dougherty will follow.

May 1

Choral Arts Concert

The spring Choral Arts Concert is scheduled for Monday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the Louisa Performing Arts Center Theatre. Students should report to the Green Room in the Theatre by no later than 6 p.m. to warm up before heading on stage. This is a mandatory performance, as all students will be receiving a letter grade for the Concert similar to the semester final given in their other classes. Students who do not live near campus may want to talk with friends who do to see if they can hang out after school before coming back for the concert. If a student really needs a place to stay after school, they can come to the Performing Arts Room in the Tutt Field House.

Choral Arts Concert Dress Code

For this Concert, the dress code will be formal spring attire. As you choose an appropriate outfit, please keep in mind that the CSS dress code does apply to this event. It might help if you imagine that you are selecting clothes for a wedding, a fancy restaurant, 8th-Grade Continuation, year-end award ceremonies, or Commencement! We are less than a month away from the concert, so it may be a good idea to try on clothes and make sure things still fit or to start looking for an outfit. 

Appropriate choices may include: 

  • Pastels or spring colors. Floral or other patterns/prints are OK. (Please no neon.) 
  • A skirt or dress, as long as they go below the knee when seated. 
  • Black, grey, blue, or tan dress pants or a pantsuit, black suit, or sports coat.
  • Dark or neutral-colored dress shoes and socks.
  • Tie (you may wear a spring/floral pattern tie if you’d like).

Please, no athletic shoes, high heels taller than an inch, shorts, or jeans!


Please keep in mind that all 6th-grade students will be participating in two musical concerts: the Middle & Upper School Band Concert on Thursday, April 20, and the Choral Arts Concert on Monday, May 1.

May 8-10

Middle School Final Exams

The period schedule for finals on these days will be shared in a separate email.

May 11

No Middle School Classes (Faculty Professional Planning Day)

The Middle School division will not have school on Thursday, May 11, to enable faculty and staff to properly prepare for Walkabout and Seminar III. Both the Lower and Upper School divisions will be in session. Grades six and seven will participate in a Service Learning Day on Friday, May 12, and should dress appropriately.

May 11-20

Eighth-Grade Walkabout

If your child is traveling and sleeping overnight on Walkabout, please make sure that all medicines and medical needs have been updated with Ms. Hannum.

May 15-23

Seminar III

If your child is traveling or sleeping overnight on Seminar III, please make sure that all medicines and medical needs have been updated with Ms. Hannum. Seminar III offerings include:

  • Outdoor Education: Adventure is Outside! Canon City and Colorado Springs
  • Arts: Southwestern Photography
  • Social & Current Issues: Colorado Springs – The Olympic City
  • STEM: Up-cycling Thrift Store Finds – Large Scale


Ron Hamilton, M.A.Ed. Leadership

Middle School Division Director


Faculty Meeting Dosey Doe

Each week, our Middle School faculty come together to plan and learn from one another. There is no better group of teachers, anywhere!

I didn’t get a picture of it, but on the cold March morning that this selfie was taken, we did some square dancing moves to get our blood pumping and our smile muscles warmed up.

The Colorado Springs School

21 Broadmoor Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Work: (719)434-3537, ext.550

rhamilton@css.org | www.css.org