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In This Issue
Managing Your Calendar
Job Postings
Online Contact Forms
Community News & Events
Need More Guides
Monthly Network Meetings
Marketing & Development
Nugget of Knowledge
Quick Links
Hot Tip For Managing Your Calendar
Having a hard time managing
all of the events and networking opportunities you attend?  Well, there may be an easier way to populate and update your calendar using the resources already posted on Retirement Connection's website - here's how:

Find the event you want to attend, and set "copy to my calendar". You can also set a reminder to be emailed to you with the new features. You can also RSVP, and register directly from the calendar page.

We are happy to assist you in setting this up - call Amy

Job Postings

 View or Post  



The following positions have been posted in the last month:  

(some positions are outside the Southern Oregon area)

- Branch Manager, Aging &    
  Disability Service Long Term  
  Care ( Portland)  
- Veterans' Services Office
- Assisted Living Director-Director  
  of Health Services 
- Branch Manager, Aging &  
  Disability Services Long Term 
  Care (Grants Pass) 
- RN 
- Executive Director 
- Executive Director 
- Regional Marketing Director 
- Community Relations Director 
- Seasonal Medicare Sales Rep -  
   Medford OR  
- RN 
- Life Enrichment Director 
- Business Office Manager 
- Director of Nursing 
- Front Desk Reception 
- Planning and Development
- Veterans' Services Officer 
- Operations Assistant  
  Retirement Connection has  a section of our website dedicated to Job Opportunities for the NW Region. Most postings are a professional or management level position.

Take advantage of this free exposure and post your open positions today. 
Online Contact Forms
We have customized the forms on our "Contact Us" page of Retirement Connection to make it easier for you to:
Please use these when possible to help us serve you more quickly. Feel free to contact us at any time. 
Community Events
Have an upcoming community/public event you'd like to share information on?  Click here  to submit your information.  Retirement Connection is happy to post this for you at no cost in the Events section of our website. 

Need More Guides?  
They are FREE

The guides are located at EVERY Senior Center, Hospital, Library and Meals-on-Wheels site. We are happy to send you as many as you need to serve the families in your community.

Feel free to add a label to the cover to highlight your business and use the guide as a giveaway.  

Retirement Connection
September Southern Oregon Marketing Update
(Roseburg, Medford, Grants Pass, & Klamath Falls areas) 

We are in full swing with the Resource Fairs at the hospitals. I hope you are able to take advantage of this opportunity to participate and connect with local discharge planners. (The links for registration are at the bottom of this newsletter.)

This month the SONAR meeting will host the case management panel in partnership with Oregon Medical Case Management Group. An extra opportunity for case managers to receive CEU credit.

"Like" our page and receive weekly community events, articles, announcements, and event photos. 

"Join our Group" to connect with other referral sources and stay up to date on upcoming professional and networking events, related news, and event photos.

"Follow Us" for short updates, photos and commentary. 

But enough about us, here's the Networking Info:

In this newsletter, you will find information about: networking, CEU training, Sponsorship, and more.
Remember, at any time, you may Unsubscribe, Update Your Preferences or Forward to a Friend.
September Networking Meetings
Meeting info available on the "Networking" page



September 18, 9-10:30am


Southern Oregon Networking Association & Resource  

    Location: Smullen Center
                  at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
    Address: 2825 E Barnett Rd - Medford, OR
    Topic: Case Management Panel
CEUs for Social Workers, Case Managers and Administrators


September 25, 9:30-10:30am
Douglas County Senior Resource Coalition  

  Location: Mercy Education Center
  Address: 2459 NW Stewart Pkwy - Roseburg, OR
  Meeting Room: Room 2

Coalition webpage 


We're working to compile our list of networking resources and invite you to share details with us. If you have a regularly scheduled networking group that we do not have not listed, please send us any meeting details.  We'd love to include that information on our website and in future Newsletters. Simply Email us with the details or contact person and we'll do the rest.
Marketing & Development  
The following is a sneak peek at some of the upcoming events, check the Networking page for complete details and information on other future eventsUPDATED DAILY. Visit the Contact Us page, to submit events for posting.

Red events coordinated by Retirement Connection

YOUR EVENT COULD BE POSTED HERE- please send us your community and professional events to post online. This is a  FREE service. Are you taking advantage of the event postings?

September 16, 11:30-1:30pm
Providence Medford Medical Center Resource Fair
   Location: Providence Medford Medical Center
   Address: 1111 Crater Lake Ave- Medford, 97504

September 17, 11:30am-1:30pm
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center Resource Fair
   Location: Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center- Rm 102-104
   Address: 2825 East Barnett Rd- Medford, 97504

September 19, 7:30am-4:30pm
Comprehensive Wound Care Conference
   Location: Smullin Health Education Center
   Address: 2825 East Barnett Rd- Medford

September 22- 23
OHCA Annual Convention and Trade Show
   Location: Oregon Convention Center
   Address: 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd- Portland, 97232

September 23, 11:30am-1:30pm
Providence Medical Center Resource Fair
   Location: Providence Medford Medical Center
   Address: 1111 Crater Lake Ave- Medford, 97504

September 30, 11:30am-1:30pm
Providence Medical Center Resource Fair
   Location: Providence Medford Medical Center
   Address: 1111 Crater Lake Ave- Medford, 97504

The links for hospital vendor fairs in the fall are available on our website if you would like to register in advance.
Community events that are open to the public: 

Southern Oregon Events 

More events and additional details are available online.
Save the dates for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer's:

Medford, September 20
Bear Creek Park Corner of Siskiyou Blvd. and Highland Dr.
1520 Siskiyou Boulevard, Medford, OR 97504

Roseburg, September 21Stewart Park
1003 West Stewart Park Dr, Roseburg, OR 97471

Walk to End Alzheimer's is the world's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research. Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide, this inspiring event calls on participants of all ages and abilities to reclaim the future for millions.
  1. Find a walk in your community.
  2. Register as a team captain, team member, or individual, or virtual walker.
  3. Start fundraising and raising awareness in your community.
Mission-To eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. 


Vision-A world without Alzheimer's disease.
Nugget of Knowledge

"The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time."  -Henry Ford

How much time do you spend fussing about competition? Any time is too much! That's time that could be spent focusing on your mission and your benefits and your growth. Know your competition, but don't obsess or distract yourself. They may actually be a great referral source. -Amy 
Please contact us if you need additional copies of the Guide. They are available at no cost, and are the perfect resource for health fairs, workshops and your marketing packets.
Thank you for your continued support, we are truly grateful. You are the reason we continue to grow with each edition. Let us know if you would like a media kit sent to you.

Build your network with Retirement Connection online!        

 amy signature
Amy Schmidt
Retirement Connection