Hot Tip For Managing Your Calendar
Having a hard time managing
all of the events and networking opportunities you attend? Well, there may be an easier way to populate and update your calendar using the resources already posted on Retirement Connection's website - here's how:
Find the event you want to attend, and set "copy to my calendar". You can also set a reminder to be emailed to you with the new features. You can also RSVP, and register directly from the calendar page.
We are happy to assist you in setting this up - call Amy |
Job Postings
View or Post
The following positions have been posted in the last month:
(some positions are outside the PDX/Vancouver area) Client Services Representative
- Resident Care Manager, RN - LPN/RN - LPN - Life Enrichment Coordinator - Marketing Director and - Community Relations - Registered Nurse
Retirement Connection has a section of our website dedicated to Job Opportunities for the NW Region? Most postings are a professional or management level position.
Take advantage of this free exposure and post your open positions today.
Online Contact Forms
We have customized the forms on our "Contact Us" page of Retirement Connection to make it easier for you to:
Please use these when possible to help us serve you more quickly. Don't hesitate to contact us directly at any time.
Community Events |
Have an upcoming community/public event you'd like to share information on? Click here to submit your information. Retirement Connection is happy to post this for you at no cost in the Events section of our website.
Need More Guides? They are FREE
The guides are located at EVERY Senior Center, Hospital, Library and Meals-on-Wheels site. We are happy to send you as many as you need to serve the families in your community.
Feel free to add a label to the cover to highlight your business and use the guide as a giveaway.
Retirement Connection
Mid-Willamette Valley October Marketing Update
The "Mid-Willamette Valley Edition" of Retirement Connection is hot of the press and Lyman start delivering guides tomorrow. All of the sponsors will one receiving a full box of the new guides. All hospitals, libraries, area agencies on aging,senior centers, and meals on wheels sites will have their guides by the end of next week. We also mail a few copies to every physician office and every listing address. We have also added Albany/Corvallis, to our website, which includes: Linn, Benton and Lincoln counties.
We hope to see you at our upcoming events- Save the date for the upcoming Salem Health CEU EventOctober 8, 10:30am-1:30pm Register Location: Salem Hospital Address: 890 Oak St SE-Basement, Bldg B, Salem, OR 97301You may also bring your "treats" for case management week. Corvallis- October 16, 4pm RSVPOregon State University Tailgater Release Party Location: Oregon State University, In front of Bloss Hall Address: 2001 Southwest Western Blvd, - Corvallis, OR Salem- October 23, 4-7pm RSVP Retirement Connection Salem Retirement Party Location: Willamette Heritage Center - Dye House Address: 1313 Mill Street SE - Salem, OR
"Like" our page and receive weekly community events, articles, announcements, and event photos. "Join our Group" to connect with other referral sources and stay up to date on upcoming professional and networking events, Long Term Care related news, and pictures from events.  "Follow Us" for short updates, photos and commentary. But enough about us, here's the Networking Info:In this newsletter, you will find information about: networking, CEU training, Sponsorship, and more. Remember, at any time, you may Unsubscribe, Update Your Preferences or Forward to a Friend.
October Networking Meetings
Click here to for a printable schedule of all meetings.
October 1, 9am (Note the Date Change)
Senior Lifestyles Network Location: First Call Home Health Address: 2608 Cascadia Industrial St SE- Salem, OR
October 16, 9am Yamhill County Network Location: Chehalem Springs Address: 3802 Hayes St- Newberg, OR
Topic: Memory Care- Caring for the Caregiver
October 22, 9am Senior Service Network of Salem (SSN-Salem) Location: Salem Hospital, Building D. Creekside Overflow Address: 890 Oak St. SE - Salem, OR Meeting Room: Creekside Dining Overflow- first floor Topic: Facebook Advertising: An Insider's View
October 23, 3pm Linn Benton Senior Resource Network (LBSRN) Location: Phoenix Inn Suites Address: 3410 Spicer Dr SE- Albany, OR
Save The Date For Bi Monthly Meetings- November 19, 9:30am Senior Network |
Marketing & Development
The following is a sneak peek at the events coming up this month, check the Networking page for complete details and information on other future events. UPDATED DAILY. Visit the Contact Us page, to submit events for posting.
Red events are coordinated by Retirement Connection
October 8, 10:30am-1pm
Salem Health Vendor Fair
Location: Salem Hospital
Address: 890 Oak St SE-Basement, Bldg B- Salem, OR
Register October 16, 4-7pm Retirement Connection OSU Tailgate/Networking Location: In front of Bloss Hall Address: 2001 Southwest Western Blvd, Oregon State University- Corvallis, OR October 23, 4-7pm Retirement Connection Release Party - Salem Location: Willamette Heritage Museum, Dye House Address: 1313 Mill St SE, Salem, 97301
Community events that are open to the public:
Salem Events Portland Events Vancouver Events Southern Oregon Events
More events and additional details are available online
Case Management Week is coming!!!
Case Management Treat cart at Salem Health---
The Case managers at Salem Health will be distributing gift bags to all case management staff with "treats" during CM week (October 13-18). If any of the vendors would like to donate any "treats" for the care managers at that time that would be allowed as this would be for all of the department to share. The hospital recommends- if vendors choose donate their items, they should be shared by all, rather than to bring a single gift basket to the floor. When things are brought to the individual floors, not all staff can appreciate your gift, and it may be disruptive to their jobs at the time you visit.
Retirement Connection has donated the bags for case management staff, and these will be filled with any goodies then delivered to EVERY case management staff member.
There are 80 staff members in the department. We understand that not everyone can contribute a huge item to 80 people, so do what is best for your company- or simply send 80 hand written thank you cards.
Here are some suggestions from me: (just to give you ideas)
- A donation to Salem Hospital Foundation- Care Management Fund and a card
- 80 hand written notes of appreciation
- 20 x $5 starbucks gift cards
- 40 granola bars with your sticker on the back
- 20 travel coffee mugs filled with jolly ranchers
- Ideas may be: chocolate, granola bars, smoothy packets, etc.. Feel free to add a sticker or business card to your "treats". The treats may be individually wrapped or in a bag that can be divided up later.
Try to include at least 20 of an item please!
Drop off items- October 8th, at the Salem Health Vendor Fair or Case Management office if you wish to participate.
Nugget of Knowledge
"Understand that you will be like those with whom you surround yourself. Your environment is stronger than you are."- Chinese Proverb
What do you want? Do your choices support your wants and goals? If not- make a change today. Call a good influence and schedule time to meet. Be around those that are kinder, smarter, more patient, more flexible. Surround yourself with examples that you want to emulate. -Amy
OESF Scholarships Available- Deadline Oct 31
Now is the time to apply for Oregon Eldercare Support Foundation's (formerly Oregon Health Care Foundation) Fall Cycle Scholarship awards. OESF awards scholarships each year to individuals from a variety of disciplines related to the long term care profession, senior housing, gerontology and older adult services. There are just under 5 weeks until the October 31 submission deadline.Learn More- Application available at
Please contact us if you need additional copies of the Guide. They are available at no cost, and are the perfect resource for health fairs, workshops and your marketing packets. Thank you for your continued support, we are truly grateful. You are the reason we continue to grow with each edition. Let us know if you would like a media kit sent to you.
Build your network with Retirement Connection online!
Amy Schmidt Retirement Connection 503-505-5865 |