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Employee Wellness Newsletter
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March 2022: Food is Medicine
March is National Nutrition Month! We hope you’re still crushing your wellness-related New Year's resolutions, but for this month, let’s reflect on the importance of diet. Read on to learn how you and your family can use food as the foundation to build a healthy lifestyle.  
Eat Well:
Eating a well-balanced diet is the key to a healthy body and mind.   
If you are ready to start eating better, there are a few things to consider: 

1) Start small. Changing your whole diet at once may make you feel overwhelmed. In fact, experts recommend starting with small changes, such as the following:  

  • Eat breakfast every day. Studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast can lead to better strength and endurance, sharper concentration and better problem-solving abilities. 
  • Plan as many home-cooked meals as you can. They usually have fewer calories, more reasonable portions and cost less than typical meals eaten at restaurants. 
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Beware of sweetened drinks. Sodas and sports drinks are high in calories, and calories in juice can also quickly add up. Swap one sugary drink a day for a glass of water. 
  • Choose food sensibly when eating out. Restaurants are often required to make nutrition information readily available. If you do not see brochures sitting out, or nutrition information listed on the menu, ask. 

2) Don’t get discouraged. Replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones can be difficult. Stick with it and focus on how improving your diet will benefit your health in the long term. 

3) Talk to your doctor. What’s considered a healthy diet change for your friend might not be considered healthy for you, too. The best way to determine how to go about changing your diet is by talking with your doctor first. 

Remember, eating a healthy diet can help you keep costly chronic conditions at bay and can help you lead a healthier life. If you want more healthy eating materials, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re here to help. 
Live Well:
Grocery prices rise sharply as inflation hits a new 40-year high, leaving many concerned about their grocery bills going up. Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank. If your grocery bill is busting your budget, check out these tips from the American Heart Association on smart shopping: 

Be Well:
Most of us know that good nutrition is important for good health. However, when we hear claims such as "immune booster" or learn that a new supplement just hit the shelves, it can make us question whether we are getting the right number of vitamins and minerals. 

Taking a daily dose of any of the minerals, vitamins or multivitamin supplements that line the shelves of supermarkets and drug stores may be tempting. However, according to the 2020 - 2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, "Nutritional needs should be met primarily from foods and beverages — specifically nutrient-dense foods and beverages."   

For various reasons, some people cannot reach the recommended amounts of important nutrients without using supplements. The good news is experts share which ones you should use daily: 

  1. Vitamin D. Helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is important for bone health. Not getting enough of this vitamin can increase sickness. 
  2. Magnesium. An essential nutrient, which means that we must get it from food or supplements. Magnesium is best known for being important to our bone health and energy production. 
  3. Calcium. Over 40% of the U.S. population doesn’t get enough calcium in their diet. This is an important mineral for strong bones and teeth.  
  4. Zinc. Zinc tends to be low in older people and anyone under a lot of stress. Zinc supports our immune system and helps our body use carbohydrates, protein, and fat for energy.  
  5. Iron. Iron should be in your multivitamin, but not everyone needs the same amount of iron. Some of the benefits of iron include increased energy, better brain function and healthy red blood cells. 
  6. Folate (or folic acid). Best known for aiding in fetus development and preventing birth defects. But if you’re growing out your nails, fighting depression, or looking to combat inflammation, this ingredient is important, too. 
  7. Vitamin B. The B-vitamin complex is like a factory made up of eight diligent workers who band together to create and sustain our body’s energy supply by breaking down the micronutrients we consume (fats, proteins, carbs). 

Before taking any supplement, be sure to check with your doctor, as they can order tests to help determine which ones would benefit you. 
In Good Health,
About the Monthly Wellness Newsletter
The CGO Employee Wellness Newsletter provides monthly resources and education on a variety of topics like nutrition, exercise, emotional health and resilience, prevention and more. Our hope is that this information empowers you to incorporate sustainable healthy habits for a lifetime of good health and well-being. 

For additional resources, check out our wellness page which features wellness seminars, mindful moments, and much more! 

Always consult with your physician before beginning any wellness program. This general information is not intended to replace your healthcare professional.  

Sources: Zywave, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Heart Association 
Meet Amy, Wellness Manager at CGO
Amy recently joined the CGO family as the new Wellness Manager. Amy is an accomplished well-being leader with a passion for helping individuals, HR professionals and employers achieve integration of more wellness into work and life. 

Amy is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and has several years’ experience in consulting, marketing, and facilitating customer inquiries for corporations in various industries.  
Amy Zucchero 

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