EE Roses Are Loving Our Spring Weather

Pic from Judy Hayes

Monday Morning Memo

April 24, 2023

Esperanza Estates

This Week in Esperanza Estates


8:00-10:00 am


Pickleball Courts

Water Aerobics

9:00-10:00 am

Mon, Wed & Fri

EE pool


8:30 am


Whigham Wash next to 201 Napa

Thirsty Thursday

4:00 pm



Future Activities in Esperanza Estates

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

May 5

Happy Hour 4:30

Dinner 5:00


Book Club

May 11

10 am


Messages From the EE HOA Board

Homeowners and Renters Information

From Kevin Welsh, EE HOA Board Vice President

The HOA requires homeowners to notify the Association when their home is being rented. You may do this by downloading the Owner Lease or Rental Form from the website ( under Forms and Documents, filling out the information, and then emailing the form to the Secretary ( 

There is also an Information Sheet for Owners and Renters on the website that each owner and renter should have. Too often Homeowners are not aware of their responsibilities under the HOA CC&R's. We want Homeowners to be happy and Renters to be good neighbors and part of the community. 

Community Directories

From Ken Lindeman, EE HOA Board Secretary

We have a delivery of the new, 2023 Green Valley Community Directories. They will be at the Ramada for pick-up for anyone that wants one. We have 75 copies, so when they are gone, they will be gone.

Neighborhood News


From Mary Harp

The Gardeners will meet on Tuesday, April 25 at 8:30 a.m at Whigham Wash next to 201 Napa.  Bring tools for clean up, pruning and weeding. New gardeners are always welcome.

Don't Miss Thirsty Thursday This Week!

Thursday, April 27, 4 pm

We're having Thirsty Thursday this weekso come on over to the Ramada and join in the fun! Thirsty Thursday is EE's informal, no-host happy hour we have very other Thursday at the Ramada at 4 pm. Everyone brings their own beverage, a snack to share (if you like), your own eating utensils, and gathers at the Ramada for a visit with neighbors and friends. Hope you can join in!

Cinco De Mayo Celebration, May 5th

From Robin Lockwood, Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee is hosting a Cinco de Mayo celebration on Friday, May 5th at the Ramada and we invite you to join us. This will be a Mexican Pot Luck dinner, so please bring your favorite dish to share (appetizer, main course or dessert). We will provide EVERYTHING else, including MARGARITAS, beer, wine, soda, water, plates, napkins, utensils, cups! There will be NO COST for this event.  

Happy Hour begins at 4:30 pm, and dinner will be served at 5:00 pm.  

As always, we encourage you to bring a donation for the local Food Shelf.

We look forward to a festive evening with you!

Green Valley Council Report

From Hugh Rhine, GVC Rep, 303-249-5745

I attended the GVC Meeting on April 20. Key takeaways and updates....

Pima County Supervisor Christv

  • April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. GVC is recognized as a volunteer driven organization. Its volunteers are key to making Green Valley a great place to live.
  • Planning is ongoing relative to the 2019 Pima County commitment to improving all of its roads. Going forward there will be a shift of focus from 80% on local streets (like ours in EE) to 80% on main streets (such as La Canada). There will be stress on funding for the next several years.
  • Reminded that Pima County has designed and makes available plastic garbage bags suitable for use in cars to avoid or reduce accumulation of waste in Pima County parks and public areas.

Green Valley Fire District

  • Work on the new fire station on de Sol is progressing ahead of schedule and may be opened between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The current building will continue in service but with altered use, one of which will be to store vehicles.
  • Snakes are out and active. There were 30 snake calls and removes on Tuesday April 16.
  • Tour de Tucson bike race on Nov 18 is expected to be noticeably bigger this year since it has received national recognition as a premier biking event.

Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers

  • Crime stats for the month are down slightly, however issuance of traffic tickets is up 20%.
  • Reminder regarding dogs being left in cars. While it is not illegal to leave animals in vehicles, law enforcement will break into closed vehicles and remove animals that are under “stress”. This can lead to felony charges for the owners.
  • Home checks are, as expected, on the increase.

Other notes

  • Starting next month, following the regular GVC Board of Rep's meeting, a representative of Congressman Juan Ciscomani will have office time at GVC offices to meet with those with items of interest or concern.
  • The vacant former bank building at the corner of Esperanza and La Canada is under contract to be converted into an Urgent Care facility of Northwest Health.
  • GVC Executive Committee has announced plans for a $2 increase in annual dues, thus increasing dues from $12 to $14 per unit.

Caring Connections

Food Donations

From Sandy LaVoi

Snow birds…..have any non perishables you don’t want to take back, or leave? How about dropping them off at the Ramada for our local food bank. As always, your donations are greatly appreciated.


Lost, a handmade wooden back scratcher at the Ramada/Pool. If you found it, please contact or return it to Joel Johannes, 758 W Regalo,

715-614-5257. Thanks in advance for your help.

Good to Know

Snake Removal

Source: Green Valley Fire District

The snakes are out. The Pickleball players were treated to a snake visit last week which shut down pickleball play while it was removed.

Snake removal is a free service provided by Green Valley Fire Department. If you would like a snake removed from your property in Green Valley simply call 520-625-9400, and the Green Valley Fire department will immediately dispatch a fireman to remove the snake. This is a no cost service of your Fire Department. If you have need of training your dog to avoid snakes you can call the Fire Department for a list of trainers.


Marie and

the Rock and Soul Express

Friday, April 28

6 - 9 pm

GV Elks

Members and Guests

Non-members $5

From William Olson, EE Webmaster


Featuring Chuck Moses

Friday April 28, 2023

Click here for more information about CPAC events

Community Events Calendar

Green Valley Sahuarita Chamber of Commerce publishes an Events Calendar on their website every month. Check it out for various events going on in our community.

Funny Bone

Source: Prentice

Thanks Neighbor, Vicki Prouhet

Source: Old Dad Jokes

Source: Sven's Fans Group


  • There was a Roman emperor who never aged after he turned 13. His name was Constant Teen.
  • I have a pet tree...It's like a pet dog, but the bark is quieter.
  • Why is a bra singular and panties plural?
  • Scottish Men without a tartan pleated skirt, are considered to be out of Kilter!

Source: Hugh Rhine/ Home Groan Puns

Please send your neighborhood pictures, jokes, suggestions, and comments to

Judy Hayes,, 720-201-9260 and

John Nesavich,, 303-880-3261

Visit our Website