Founders' Salute Celebration

We are pleased to announce!

Silver Tier Sponsor

Fostoria Bascom ProLife

Partner with Us

Be a Sponsor!

Reach Out to Linda Theis at 419-957-6632

How You Can Help

Donations for Silent Auction Items

Any "themed" donations like "The Movie Night Basket" with movie passes, movie theater gift cards, popcorn, etc. Or a "Spa Day Basket" of bath bombs, face masks, bath salts, etc. Do you have gift cards to donate? How about game tickets, the use of a vacation property, new appliances?

Reach Out with Your Items to Kate Makra at or 330-622-3501

Your Unique Raffle Basket Items

Raffle Basket Examples: An "Ohio Original" of organic Honey, Ohio Wines, Pure Maple Syrup, gourmet foods, and other unique Ohio items. "Working Man's Friend" with small hand tools, lunch gift cards, tool bucket organizer, hats, etc. "Adventure Basket" outdoor gear, zip lining, sunglasses, dinner boat ride, cooler. A "Chocolate Lovers" basket. "Backyard Barbecue"

Raffle Baskets Contact: Judy Harness

at or 740-649-5256

Tickets & Tables        Liz Kent  216-659-6604

Sponsorships             Linda Theis 419-957-6632

Other inquiries Secretary at 419-447-3872

Register for the Founders' Salute Celebration Today!

Seats are Limited! Register Here

Coalition Members encourage Your Local Candidates

for State, Federal & Judicial offices

to take our Pro-Life Endorsement Survey!

Visit here for surveys.

All submittals are due by Friday, September 27, 2024.

Worthy of Our Members Attention

Why Pro-Lifers Keep Losing & What To Do About It

Are pro-life advocates "preaching to the choir?" - Read an article by David Kincaid of the Christian Post on reaching the "mushy middle." article here.

Reviving America Summit

A free Online Summit starting today, July 29, Hosted by David Bereit with 25 Christ-Centered Leaders. Be inspired and learn actionable strategies over 5-weeks to renew Faith, Family, Life, Liberty and Leadership. Click here to watch or listen to Day 1 of Reviving America Summit.

From Our Pro-Life Member Group, Cincinnati Right to Life

Are Fetal Remains In Our Drinking Water?

Lisa Murtha has written a compelling article on the unethical disposal of aborted babies from chemical abortions, being flushed down toilets into our sewer systems. Read entire article here.

Being Politely Rude: A Conversation with Abby Johnson

Mark Harrington, President of Created Equal, interviewed Abby Johnson. Abby is a former Planned Parenthood Director who now supports using abortion victim photography and accountability for women. View part one of Mark's interview of Abby Johnson here.

You can host a screening of Abby's new movie entitled "Unthinkable" by going here:

Dates to Remember

August 1: Turning Point Action's Ohio SuperChase! This Thursday, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at 8155 Nebraska Avenue in Toledo. Ed Sitter, Executive Director of Foundation for Life will be featured. This event will help you learn how to lead your precinct and chase the vote. Register here!

August 12District 4-Education Session in Chillicothe, 6:00pm to 8:00 pm at

St. Peter School Building, 285 W. Water Street. RSVP to 740-649-5256 by August 9th. Educational Session Hosted by Ross-Pike Right to Life.

September 21: Prolife Boot Camp-Making the Case for Life in Perrysburg from 8:30am to 1:30pm. The presenter is Seth Drayer of Created Equal.

A small fee of $10 includes workbook, training, t-shirt and lunch! Spots Still Open for this Prolife Boot Camp! Register Today here

Members send Your Dates to Remember

to the Secretary.

Cleveland Right to Life is a founding member of Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio. 

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio's foundational principle is to safeguard the inalienable right to life - with the recognition of personhood, from conception until natural death, with no exceptions. Visit our website.

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