Compassion, Help and Hope

Est. 1985

Moms In Prayer

Inspiration for Praying Moms

May 5, 2023 -Moms In Prayer International article:

 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time

we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

You are doing a mighty work in Christ through prayer, impacting countless lives for all eternity. We are seeing many amazing answers to prayer! Four school shootings were stopped in one state, students by the hundreds are coming to know Christ, harmful curriculum is being removed, teachers are beginning their own prayer groups, students are moving from depression to incredible joy, and much more. Oh sisters, what a mighty work of God you are a part of!

As this school year comes to a close for many, pray about who you will invite to your group's year-end meeting to thank God for answered prayers. Let them see God at work and give them an opportunity to be part of this prayer movement. And leaders, if this is your last year at your child’s school, pass the gift of leading this group to another mom. God already knows who she is; you just need to ask. May our schools have Moms in Prayer groups until Jesus' returns. 

Thank you for transforming lives through prayer. I am forever grateful to God for you! — Sally Burke, President Moms in Prayer International


The many prayers, the care and concern you show them, the hard work, the countless meals you’ve made and the laundry you’ve done… Watch this video made by MIP kids and be reminded of how much you’re loved.

Columbia Pregnancy Clinic & Family Resouces - Prayer Chain

If you would like to join the CPC prayer chain, please send us your text number and we would be happy to add you to our list. Prayer for today:

CPC needs to add one more part-time RN nurse and medical receptionist for our clinic to allow us to open our doors. Nurses with a heart for our ministry can make a difference in women's lives and the choices they make when considering abortion.

CPC provides training for nurse position, Oregon license is required. Position is 4 hours a week. Salary is limited to non-profit wage scale.

Please pray for God to provide a nurse for our clinic.

CPC Email

~ Mother's Day is the first day of the CPC Baby Bottle Campaign ~

CPC invites churches to participate in this heartfelt fundraiser. Each day drop your change in the bottle until it is full. Return bottles to your church on Father's Day. CPC will pick them up. This annual fundraiser provides many needed services for our clients throughout their pregnancy and into the first years of their child's life.

A Little Change - Changes Lives

Recognize Moms

who Chose Life this

Mother's Day

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Quick & Easy Ways to Give: 

Text giving number (646)832-4848 use code CPC

Make your pledge using our QR code.

Columbia Pregnancy Clinic & Fmaily Resources

P.O. Box 344 - 970 Columbia Blvd

St Helens, OR 97051

(503) 397-6047

Hours M 1-5, Wed 10-2, Th 1-5

P.O. Box 221 - 305 W. Street, Ste. C

Rainier, OR 97048

(503) 556-4590

Hours Tu 1-5, Wed 3-7

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“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.

His love endures forever.”

(Psalm 136:1)

Columbia Pregnancy Center is a public charity, exempt from federal income tax as an organization, described in Section 501c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the organization are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.