August 2020 | Volume 1
Early vaccine and treatment trial data related to COVID reveals two takeaways: the breadth and speed with which researchers are generating this vital data, and the importance of understanding the diversity of patient responses in addition to basic endpoints about safety and efficacy. We need to understand for whom these treatments and vaccines work optimally in order to guide our thinking about how to deploy these life-saving technologies efficiently and effectively. Just for the record, I’m personally willing to wait for a vaccine in order for health care workers, the elderly and other vulnerable individuals to be served first. But we’d better have data that mirrors those subgroups so that the prioritization works. The same goes for any emerging treatments, because regardless of how much the pill or the injection costs, if it isn’t effective for some people due to their unique characteristics, then we’ve wasted the investment. Having representative data is also important so that everyone trusts the science enough to seek treatment.

This emphasis should transcend COVID research, frankly. Clinical trials, outcomes research, understanding patient experience and considering how to value healthcare must all acknowledge, incorporate and demonstrate relevance to our diverse population. This is long overdue and perhaps one silver lining of this pandemic is accelerated change in the research enterprise.
Kaiser Permanente’s System Capabilities to Suppress Covid-19
Kaiser Permanente is developing eight capabilities aimed at suppressing the novel coronavirus that include robust testing, telehealth, contact tracing, partnerships with advocacy groups, planning for future surges, risk modeling to prioritize deferred care, and clinical research.
Covid-19 — Implications for the Health Care System
The novel coronavirus pandemic has spawned four intertwined health care crises that reveal and compound deep underlying problems in the health care system of the United States. In so doing, however, the pandemic points the way toward reforms that could improve our ability not only to cope with likely future epidemics but also to serve the basic health care needs of Americans.
The Color of COVID: Will Vaccine Trials Reflect America’s Diversity?
When U.S. scientists launch the first large-scale clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines this summer, Antonio Cisneros wants to make sure people like him are included. Cisneros, who is 34 and Hispanic, is part of the first wave of an expected 1.5 million volunteers willing to get the shots to help determine whether leading vaccine candidates can thwart the virus that sparked a deadly pandemic.
Research in the Context of a Pandemic
The current literature on the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is filled with anecdotal reports of therapeutic successes in clinical trials with small numbers of patients and observational cohort studies claiming efficacy with little regard to the effect of unrecognized confounders.
Outcome-Based Payment Schemes: What Outcomes Do Patients with Cancer Value?
Uncertainty about the benefits new cancer medicines will deliver in clinical practice risks delaying patient access to new treatment options in countries such as England, where the cost effectiveness of new medicines affects reimbursement decisions.

Passion + Quality = Change That Matters
I embrace the powerful opportunities in our evolving health care landscape. I founded Momentum Health Strategies to be a catalyst for change through continuous learning, diverse engagement and thoughtful policy and practice initiatives. I deliver innovative, strategic thinking and a passion for improving the patient experience. My personal drive and dedication to high-quality results will help you navigate the competitive terrain you face and convert your vision to action.

Momentum Health Strategies

Jennifer L Bright, MPA
(703) 628 - 0534