Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - Oct. 29, 2023

Know Ourselves and Loving

God "in Moderation?"

The Greeks had two proverbs that they thought so much of they spelled them out in golden letters on the temple at the center of their world in Delphi (image right).  One was “Know thyself.”  The other was “Nothing in Excess.”

Thousands of years later, we still live in a world influenced by those golden letters.  They fit very well with our time’s search for self-awareness, and particularly our sense that the right answer is often the one found between two extremes.

Sometimes I need to be reminded that as helpful as these ideas can be, they aren’t how the Bible looks at things.  Instead of knowing ourselves, the Bible says we are made to know God.  Instead of seeking moderation between extremes, we are meant to love and obey God with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind (Matthew 22.37).

This coming Sunday, we will hear this message several different ways, but particularly from Psalm 1 and our Gospel reading from Matthew 22.   It’s worth taking seriously.  What would be different in our lives if we went from loving God “in moderation,” to extreme delight in Him every day?

God Bless,

P.S. Mark your calendars for Nov. 22 at 7pm when we will be gathering for "Pie and Turkey." Bring a pie to share for an informal night of photos and stories from Dave and Mtr. Pamela's two month stay in Turkey this past summer.

Jesus and the Plants at a Press Conference

Fall Gathering Chili Cook-Off

and Joke Contest Photos

Epiphany gathered to sample almost a dozen pots of chili and vote for the best (and worst) "Dad Joke." Winners of Chili Cook-Off were Gary Lawson (First Place), Joyce Schmalz (2nd Place) and Hanah Nam (3rd Place). According to our youth judges, Malu Torabi told the best "Dad Joke!" Photos of this fun event are here.

FACETS Hot Meals Program

Help Needed

FACETS Hot Meals Program needs your help. Every night of the year a different church, group or family shops, cooks, and delivers meals to those in need along Route 50 in Fairfax. Epiphany’s teams serve on the second and third Saturday of each month. One volunteer (or couple) shops for the food and delivers it to Christ Lutheran Church where a team of five or six volunteers prepare sandwiches, soup or tuna salad, and pack a bag lunch with cookies and fruit for each meal. Currently we are serving over 150 meals a night. With the increased demand and loss of volunteers, the ministry needs cooks and servers. Training is provided. If interested, please contact Beth or Charlie Monroe at 703-263-0324 or

THANKS - Please join me in thanking Chris and Denise Beckley for all their support for this ministry. Chris carried the load for many years and was ably supported by Denise for many more. They will be stepping down to concentrate on their family now that they have two beautiful girls to keep them busy. I cannot convey how grateful I am to them for their love and support for this ministry. I know they will continue to be a blessing to their family, church, and other ministries.

All Saints Remembrance List

One of our traditions at Epiphany is to remember and give thanks for those we love who have died in the past year as part of our worship on All Saints Sunday, November 5. If there is someone you would like to have us include, please write their name (along with a pronunciation tips) on the sheet in the Fellowship Hall or send it to Mtr. Pamela (

BellTree Duo Live in Concert Sunday

Join us for a concert by the “BellTree Duo“ this afternoon, at 3:00pm. With 50 Handbells, Erin & Ben Roundtree create an exciting and fascinating experience. They have been performing since 1999, giving concerts, churchservices, and workshops in Germany, Latvia, Ukraine, and Virginia. They currently live in the Black Forest in Germany. For more information: or

Coates Food Bags Donations

and Assembly

Please bring donations for weekend food bags by Sunday, November 5 for our next monthly delivery.That day we will assemble the bags after the 10:15 service and all are welcome to help. Questions? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Bea Long (

Thanksgiving Food Drive Beginning

WFCM's annual Thanksgiving food drive, in mid November, has a goal of 1200 boxes to feed families in our local community.  Epiphany has committed to help by completing 25 boxes!  

WFCM gives us a detailed list of what to include in each box.  Here is the signup for the Thanksgiving groceries we need.  

Cash donations will be used to purchase items needed to complete our boxes and any remaining funds will be donated to WFCM. Cash donations can be made payable to Epiphany with ‘Holiday Food’ specified in the memo line.

Food & cash should be dropped off at Epiphany by Sunday, November 12. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Hanger at or 202-436-1686. 

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Oct. 27 - Nov 5

Friday, October 27

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, October 28

9:00am Band of Brothers Men's Group

10:00 Prayer Ministry Gathering

Sunday, October 29

8:00am Worship

10:15am Worship (livestream)

11:30am Youth Confirmation in Library

3:00pm BellTree Duo Concert

Monday, October 30

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study in Library or via Zoom

Tuesday, October 31

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, November 1

12:00 noon Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, November 2

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, November 3

8:00am Men's Ministry in Library or via Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

10:00am Journaling at Melanie Miller's home

Saturday, November 4

9:00am Band of Brothers Men's Group

Sunday, November 5


8:00am Worship

10:15am Worship (livestream)

11:30 Coates food bag assembly

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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