July 9, 2024

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Pray for missionaries Hendrik and Kaylene Smidderks as they begin three weeks of intensive training at the Missionary Training Institute in Colorado. Pray for good retention, integration and development as they focus on skills like language acquisition, cultural awareness, and their own spiritual and emotional wellness.

This past week, Area Director Mike Reynen and country leader Rev. Wilson Esambe have been teaching a class in Christian doctrine to 17 ministerial candidates in Cameroon. These students will be in training for the next two years, and upon completion of their training, they will be expected to plant a church. Ask the Lord to help them integrate and apply all they learn.


The Philippine General Conference will gather in Butuan City on Sunday July 14, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Free Methodist Church in the Philippines. Several guests from the U.S. will join in the celebration. Give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness to the FMC Philippines over the past 75 years, and pray for kingdom expansion in new areas of the country in the years ahead.

During July and August, the churches in Creative Access-HK will host Chinese adaptation classes for immigrants. Pray the volunteers will demonstrate God’s love as they interact with children and parents, and they will sense a warm acceptance into their new culture.


Several members of our European missionary team are in the U.S. this month. Ask the Lord to help them effectively share what God is doing across Europe as they invite individuals and churches to engage in partnership.

The church in Győr, Hungary, recently celebrated three baptisms. Pray the Holy Spirit will continue transforming these lives as they grow in faith.


From February through April of this year, the Latin America Area reported 444 new believers. Praise the Lord! Pray for the continued effective gospel witness of the 169 established churches and 1036 house churches across the area.


Leaders in the Middle East stand firmly on the solid foundation of the Word of God. They lead Bible studies, distribute materials, and train new leaders in the Word. While there is unprecedented access to the Bible and Christian materials, both print and digital, please pray many will continue to discover the Word of God and understand the truth it holds for their lives.


In one Creative Access country, inflation is at nearly 70%, and food and other commodities have skyrocketed, but daily wages are less than $5 a day. The education system in this country is broken, making it extremely difficult for students. Thank the Lord for small blessings like solar lights helping ICCM students. Pray they will be encouraged in their studies as the Lord provides in small ways.

Learn more about ICCM


Praise the Lord for a young boy recently rescued and reunited with his family in Creative Access-IN. Pray for the Set Free Team in this country as they continue this vital ministry of rescuing vulnerable children.

Learn more about the Set Free Movement


Pray for these who are serving:

  • Kay Frank is leading a team from Ogemaw Hill Free Methodist Church to serve in Honduras from July 10 to 18
  • Bishop Emeritus Matt and Marlene Thomas will be in the Philippines until July 16, participating in pastoral training and attending the 75th-anniversary celebration of the FMC of the Philippines.
  • Dr. Tim and Connie Kratzer are working in the Democratic Republic of Congo through August 29.

Learn more about VISA Ministries


Please read these current newsletters to inform you of prayer needs from our missionary team:

Trevor Foley (Affiliate Missionary)

Jordan & Audrey Kaufmann

Camilo & Magaly Mora


PDF versions of the July 2024 Heartbeat and Prayer Guide are available here:

July Heartbeat (PDF)

July Prayer Guide (PDF)

2024-2025 FMWM Ministry Prayer Directory

The new ministry prayer directories are in the mail. If you, your church, small group, prayer group or missions committee would like additional copies, please email janet.coates@fmcusa.org.


Affiliate Partners

In Better Hands (newsletter)

Men's Ministries International

The Free Methodist Church has ministry in more than 100 world areas.

Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.
Free Methodist World Missions, P.O. Box 51710, Indianapolis, IN 46251
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