Mission Matters
News from the
Episcopal Diocese 
of Western Massachusetts  


February 14, 2023

Register for Online

Diocesan Confirmation Class

Mar 1 - May 21


This course is intended primarily for those looking to be Confirmed, Received into the Episcopal Church, or for those who wish to Reaffirm their baptismal vows.

This class is open to adults and younger people. Younger folks will meet together with a facilitator, and we will create small groups for adult participants. These groups will meet consistently across the program so people from around the diocese will have a chance to get to know each other a little better.

We will be meeting via Zoom from 6-7:15pm on Wednesdays. Each class will last about an hour and fifteen minutes. At each session, there will be a brief presentation followed by small group discussion.

Our time of reflection and study will prepare us for these celebrations with Bishop Fisher at a service on Sunday May 21 at 5pm (details to be determined later this spring). This is a wonderful opportunity to refresh our understanding of the faith and to learn with people with might not otherwise get to know. 

Learn more and register

Hispanic/Latino Ministries partners with AIC for 'Navigating College' event

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Feb 23, 6pm

Springfield, MA

American International College, in conjuction with The Latino/Hispanic Ministries, is sponsoring an event to outline the opportunities across all Colleges that are available for diverse populations including: first-generation, low-income, race, ethnicity, ages, and backgrounds. We will also discuss how Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) can provide a greater sense of belonging for Latino/Hispanic students.  

The event will be hosted in Spanish and English (please register ahead of time and pick your language of choice). The event is for families, individuals, and anyone who wants to support a student who desires to earn a college degree.  

Learn more and register

Province 1 Formation Conference

Mar 2-4

Greenfield, NH

The 2023 Conference of the Province 1 Christian Formation Network will take place on March 2, 3, and 4 at the Barbara C. Harris Camp and Conference Center.

This is a place for Christian educators on a family, parish, regional, and diocesan level to gather, share wisdom, connect with one another, and rest together. Two conversations with the Honorable Byron Rushing will frame the conference, with ample space for conversations, connections, and rejuvenation at the beautiful lakeside setting.

Registration deadline: February 16

Learn more and register

Safe Church Trainings

The Rev. Tanya Wallace, our Diocesan Safe Church Officer, will be leading Safe Church training on the following dates:

Please consider your commitment as the space is limited in each Zoom session. Your parish will be billed for your registration.

For full details please visit our webpage. You may register by clicking on the date of your choice above. Thank you for helping to keep our churches safe.

Karen Warren

Administrative Assistant to the Canons to the Ordinary


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Giving Strategies for Success: an ECF webinar

Feb 15, 2pm


Join the Episcopal Church Foundation for a free webinar to learn how to create a successful endowment campaign and develop strong donor relations from experienced ECF development professionals.

Learn more

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Conversation on 2023 Sustainable Investing Landscape and Strategies

Feb 16, 1pm


The Church Pension Group (CPG) announced that it will host a virtual conversation with industry experts to discuss the current sustainable investing landscape and strategies investors are using to align their values and their finances. 

Learn more

Province 1: The Episcopal Church in New England

Conversations with Noted Speakers

The Province 1 Christian Formation Network is hosting a series of online conversations. On the third Thursday of each month, participants will have the opportunity to hear from people at the forefront of Christian Formation. Registration required.

2023 Schedule

  • Feb 16 - "Supporting your College Students and Becoming a Supportive Congregation for College Students" - The Rev. Nancy Vogele
  • Mar 16 - "VBS on the go: How it worked in one church." - Sam Burton 
  • Apr 20 - "Interactive Family Church: an introduction to liturgy" - Dean Kristi Maulden and Becky Moseman
  • May 18 - "Confirmation: The Lost Sacrament Finds Fresh Purpose" - The Rev. Josh Hosler
  • Jun 15 - "Atrium for Everyone: Incorporating practices from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd or Godly Play into any program" - The Rev. Joyce Scherer-Hoock

Register here

WMA & MA Together

The Indigenous Peoples' Justice Network meets on the second Wednesday of the month at noon. Contact Martha Gardner for meeting access.

The Creation Care Justice Network in Massachusetts is a group of Episcopalians from across our state who are committed to faith-based environmental justice and climate action. They draw upon the strong environmental messages from our bishops and The Episcopal Church as well as our diocesan mission to protect creation and seek ways to work collaboratively to address the climate crisis in a just and equitable way. 

The attend the next meeting e-mail creationjusticeepisma@gmail.com to confirm and to get the Zoom link.

Learn more

Book Study - We Cry Justice: Reading the Bible With the Poor People's Campaign. If you would like to receive communications from the MA Episcopal Network for the PPC or to join the We Cry Justice study group that meets Wednesdays at 9 am, please email Amelia Slawsby at amelia.slawsby.mappc@gmail.com to be added to the list.

Join the MAPPC Email List. If you do not already receive invitations, news, and updates from our Massachusetts PPC chapter, please sign up here: MAPPC Sign Up. The campaign is in a season of action around the election - voter and candidate education, registering folks to vote, and encouraging voter participation. Hope you can join in events! 

Catch up with the latest news!

From The Episcopal Church

Founded by an Episcopal parish, the first shelter for LGBTQ+ youth in Indiana offers refuge to the rejected

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Executive Council wraps meeting where divided COO vote intensified ongoing dismantling racism discussion

Workshops & Resources

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Teach Us to Pray: A Close Reading of the Lord’s Prayer

Feb 27 - Apr 3


This Series reads the Lord’s Prayer closely and deliberately to unpack the ways in which it glorifies God and petitions for humanity’s spiritual and physical needs.

The Series will be offered on the Mondays of Lent at 2pm (EST) in six 30-minute webinars, each of which will be posted on YouTube and viewable at anytime thereafter.

Learn more

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Musicians’ Gathering at Kanuga

April 11-14

Hendersonville, NC

This gathering of innovative musicians creates a time and space for rest and renewal within the sanctuary of not only the peaceful mountain scenery, but also the mutual support of peers. Come for collaborative worship and meditation, sharing of ideas, resources and best practices, peer-led discussions, and jam-sessions. Return home with a clarified, hopeful vision of a community renewed through your soulful ministry.

Learn more

Ministerio Hispano | Latino Ministries

Para conectar con las actividades de la Catedral mande un email a tcallard@cccspfld.org.

Para conectar con las actividades del Ministerio Hispano en Worcester visite el sitio web ministeriohispanoworcester.org o mande un email a jreyes@diocesewma.org.

Misa Dominical

Ministerio Hispano en Worcester:

  • 12:00pm en la Iglesia de San Marcos en persona

Ministerio Hispano en Holyoke:

  • 5:00pm en la Iglesia San Pablo

La Catedral:

  • 12:15pm en persona

Durante la semana

Ministerio Hispano en Worcester: 

  • Estudio Bíblico todos los martes a las 6:30pm por Zoom
  • Grupo de Oración todos los viernes a las 6:30pm por WhatsApp

Ministerio Hispano en Holyoke:

  • Sábado, Holy Eucharist, The Rev. Joel Martinez, @ 6pm en la Iglesia San Pablo

La Catedral: 

  • Estudio Bíblico (en persona) Miércoles 6:00pm
  • Sabatina (Segundo, tercer y cuarto sábado del mes) de 10am a 12pm

From Our Congregations

Open Positions

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