Mission Impact
Dear Ones in Christ,

What a incredibly complex time of year.

Balancing the cultural practice of Christmas with all its splendor and the rough simplicity of the manger is a mashup of silver and gold... and straw. And yet, across this Presbytery churches are offering opportunities like alternative gift markets , or have taken the Christmas season and framed it as an opportunity for increased giving to mission partners across the globe. Some congregations have engaged with the Advent Conspiracy folks, in working towards simplifying the season. Others reach out in new ways, offering Blue Christmas services for those who grieve and mourn.

We know we have something more important to offer than deep discounts and free wrapping services, and I am grateful that we continue to seek new ways to invite people to discover the most incredible gift... Jesus Christ. As you move from this season to the next, I'd love to hear what worked for you and yours this year.

Speaking of gifts... The Presbytery offers several grants for congregations and individuals who are seeking funds to help congregations seeking to be missional, pastoral or prophetic. For more information on what grants are available, and how they can help your congregation with resources for your work click HERE !

Thankful for you and for your ministry of mission! - Karen

Be Inspired!

Mission In Action

Grants, Networks and Resource Staff are all funded by Churches who
give to Unified Mission Giving

11300 Rockville Pike  Ste 1009 Rockville, MD 20852   kchamis@thepresbytery.org