December 20, 2021

Mission Earth First News
At Mission Earth First we are fascinated by Earth and Space. We acknowledge that the Earth is our only home and that humankind faces enormous challenges.
To overcome these challenges we need to focus on how spaces above ground and underground can contribute to more sustainable and resilient cities. At the same time, we need to break out of our existing paradigms and transition to new ways of habitation.

We feel that part of the answer to this transition lies in new technologies that are required for exploring outer space and surviving on other planets. As such, outer space exploration leads us to new paradigms and technologies. Mission Earth First: Where Earth meets Space.
New updates from our founding partners and team
Introducing MEF Public Policy Officer Mahak Agrawal
Mahak Agrawal is a proven leader in the sustainability space. An alumna of the Master of Public Administration program of Columbia University in the City of New York. Mahak currently works as the Public Policy Officer and Lead of Activity Group on Urban Sustainability with ITACUS to encourage sustainable subsurface development. She also supports Mission Earth First as Public Policy Officer. Prior to attending Columbia, Mahak earned her first master's degree specializing in urban affairs from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi. Passionate about building sustainable and healthier cities, Mahak has worked across India, Indonesia, China, Norway, Netherlands and the United States.
ITACUS partners with UNEP for Green Growth Knowledge Platform & Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership
ITACUS, one of the founders of Mission Earth First, has joined the UN Environment Programme as an official partner to the UNEP-led Green Growth Knowledge Platform and Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership. In an effort led by ITACUS - the ITA Committee on Underground Space co-chairs Han Admiraal and Antonia Cornaro, and coordinated by public policy officer Mahak Agrawal, ITACUS joins the United Nations Environment Programme and its global community of policy, business, and finance professionals and organisations committed to collaboratively generating, managing and sharing knowledge on the transition to an inclusive green economy - while exploring the subsurface!

Developments around the world
We keep you posted on developments from around the world. As Mission Earth First is where Earth meets Space, we will highlight news from both the "Earth" camp and the "Space" camp. We do this because we are fascinated by both.

Repair the planet, not escape it. As billionaires build up space businesses, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, spoke about the current drive towards space tourism and said "we need some of the world's greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live."

The world's first space hotel, the Voyager Space Station, is scheduled to open in 2027. With space tourism being viewed as travel's next frontier, Gateway Foundation is set to construct over 11'600 m2 of a habitable space station. This station will create artificial gravity as the hotel will keep spinning to simulate gravity in its pods. The hotel will be located 500-550 km away from Earth and will be synchronised to always be in a fixed location relative to the Sun.
Opportunities to engage
January 14, 2022, World Systemic Forum at Hagerbach Test Gallery (CH)

"Penumbra - the half-shadow" is the name of the World Systemic Forum led by THE on January 14, 2022. We are currently at a point of shift and change, globally. We are in the half-shadow with the potential to step out into the light. Will we make it as a global community? What do we need from each other to achieve this? Constant shifts lead to stability - how do we continue shifting and adapting to create a stable present and future for ourselves?

With our global THE, changemakers and transformers, people who are not afraid to think big and who share our values and our spirit, people who approach new problems with new solutions.

We see the following synergies with Mission Earth First: How can we use the current global momentum of instability and change to go forward and create a future that is sustainable for all?
Interested in participating? Contact us and tell us why you want to take part in the World Systemic Forum so that we can secure a place for you.
Seasons Greetings

It's that time of the year when your inbox is filled with discount codes and offers from newsletter subscriptions and brands. This is not one of them. Instead, we want to wish you some well deserved time off, to enjoy the festive spirit. Whether it's the egg nog or hot chocolate, spending quality time with family and friends, having outdoor walks, playing board games or simply curling up on the couch - have a peaceful and relaxing holiday!

See you in the New Year!

Santa may have been an avid explorer of chimneys, but we are here to explore the world beneath our feet. Join us in the exploration. Be part of Mission Earth First.
Best regards,

The Mission Earth First Launch Team
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